Do you think we should send the Tamil refugees home?


  • PCK - 14 years ago

    I think the Canadian government should send all the Tamil refugees to Sri Lanka. There is a legal way to migrate. The war is over now. They have a better life over there. What they want to do is, migrate to another country saying that they are not having good life over there. which is not true. If the government is planning to show their sympathy on them, why don't they show sympathy on all the Tamils in Sri Lanka. And if they allow them, there will be more ships on the way to Canada. I think the government should take a strict decision right now. Otherwise Canada will be a bad country to live...

  • Adam - 14 years ago

    I agree with John & Rays comments. Canada should send the ships back to where they departed and close the doors stiffly shut to 99% of immigrants.

  • Rob - 14 years ago

    John's comments, in my opinion, are right. How are they going to pay for the fees in Canada. Then they will want money from the government, and guess from where the government acquire that money, from our taxes of course. The more taxes, more problems, and then boom, we hit the bottom.

  • ray clement - 14 years ago

    The Canadian borders signs should " NO VACANCY " . Canada is already over-populated with foreign trash. It's time to DEPORT the leeches that slithered into this passive country !

  • Devon - 14 years ago

    John's comments above highlights his inherent prejudice and racism.... what is to say these people are not genuine refugees fleeing persecution from their homeland.

    Let the Canadian system take it's due course to determine if they are genuine refugees once they are in Canada.

  • John - 14 years ago

    This ship is just the start of an invasion of people seeking a soft country, who they know will not turn them away,where will it end Canada will become a third world country.

    It makes a mockery of the system that was ceated to protect genuine people who feared for the lives ,if these people are so poor and desperate how can they afford the the fees these smugglers charge them for passage on one of these ships, they do not run on fresh air who is paying for the heavy oil that powers the ship.

    And what skills do these people bring into the country or are they just here for the welfare hand outs, I am sure that the immigration lawyers are all ready rubbing their grubby hands together at the thought of all the fees they are going to suck out of the system.

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