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Vote On Sophie's Challenge August 12, 2010 (Poll Closed)


  • Michelle - 14 years ago

    No contest!!! ALEX BAND is amazing, and "Without You" is completely freaking awesome!

  • Kiara - 14 years ago

    Alex Band the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • ScarlettDeLune - 14 years ago

    Go Alex! We're behind you 100% :) I so love his new album, and "Without You" is by far one of the best songs I've heard :) Let's keep on voting for it :)

  • Alex - 14 years ago

    Alex Band is a very talented and nice human being and he definitely deserves to win! :)

  • Gino DeLucia - 14 years ago

    Alex Band interview with Sophie is great~ Check it out!

  • Twin Power - 14 years ago

    All of the songs on Alex's WABT release are inspiringly epic. I wholeheartedly respect the passion he breathes into his music--sheer musical genius. I got to see Alex perform an acoustic show this year. He's even better live! 

  • chayito - 14 years ago

    go alex!! You winner...and the best!! "without you" is amazing like all your music *u*

  • Gino DeLucia - 14 years ago

    Encore, encore, encore.... Alex Band's "Without You" ROCKS! I don't think that's it's even possible for anyone to not like this song; it sounds freakin incredible!

  • Pinky - 14 years ago

    GO ALEX BAND!!!!!!!!!

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