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Do you support the President on the issue involving the mosque near Ground Zero?

Total Votes: 20,650

  • woarb - 14 years ago

    Listen and make up your own mind as to whether or not this could be true.

  • REEN - 14 years ago

    Q: I agree BUT for the fact that this so called religion is based on the killing of Americans. Sort of caught between a rock and a hard place.
    I truly think our founders were not thinking of THIS so "called" religion when drafting the Declaration.

    Their "faith" believes in honor killings, putting up a mosque to celebrate the killing of US Citizens, stoning woman, etc. Can this really be called a "religion". Than they want THEIR laws enforced here???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I say "GO BACK TO YOUR OWN COUNTRY"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Q - 14 years ago

    "Love your neighbor as yourself"

    Ah, but that is too difficult for some so many of you who want to restrict the freedoms that our constitution allows isn't it?

    "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..."

    Pretty straight forward I think.

    And frankly, it isn't a question of "supporting the President". It is supporting the ideals this country was founded upon, no matter who is the President. Change the poll to read "Do you support the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution" and you might get a different result altogether.

  • ann - 14 years ago

    Obama's arraogance and ego are such that he believes he can espouse any remark he chooses without consequences. Ater 20 months in office, this Prentender to the Presidency is letting his true feelings be known. He speaks without thinking and then back peddles. To wit: The Cambridge Chaos. He didn't know the facts but that didn't stop him from shooting his mouth off with his famous "Racist Card" remark. Arizona. Just another shot at any state getting in the way of his pushing anmnesty by back door antics, down the throat of Americans who have made their feeling known - LOUD and CLEAR, that we don't want anmnesty for anyone here illegally. He has overstepped the boundaries of the office of President. And as a Constitutional Lawyer, ignores the Constitution until it serves his purpose. This gutless clown needs to be impeached, pronto. Isn't it ironic, We the People are being accused of intoleance if we dare not go along with this insensitive move of building the mosque near hallowed ground of the 9-11 atrocity. Fredom of Religon is the "Wild Card" being played by Obama, and every liberal trying to intimidate the American people. However, no one stated that the Burlington Coat factory which is the buidling the Muslims are trying to secure for their mosque has a chunk of the fuselage from one of the planes that demolished a tower, still embedded in the roof. Plus, a Greek Orthodox church which has stood near the site of the Muslim attack on the Twin Towers was damaged on that day of infamy, and they can't get a permit to fix the damage. Does there seem to be a double-standard when it comes to Freedom of Religion when it comes to Muslims and any Christian based religion, which is what this country is founded on?

  • ann - 14 years ago

    Obama's arraogance and ego are such that he believes he can espouse any remark he chooses without consequences. Ater 20 months in office, this Prentender to the Presidency is letting his true feelings be known. He speaks without thinking and then back peddles. To wit: The Cambridge Chaos. He didn't know the facts but that didn't stop him from shooting his mouth off with his famous "Racist Card" remark. Arizona. Just another shot at any state getting in the way of his pushing anmnesty by back door antics, down the throat of Americans who have made their feeling known - LOUD and CLEAR, that we don't want anmnesty for anyone here illegally. He has overstepped the boundaries of the office of President. And as a Constitutional Lawyer, ignores the Constitution until it serves his purpose. This gutless clown needs to be impeached, pronto. Isn't it ironic, We the People are being accused of intoleance if we dare not go along with this insensitive move of building the mosque near hallowed ground of the 9-11 atrocity. Fredom of Religon is the "Wild Card" being played by Obama, and every liberal trying to intimidate the American people. However, no one stated that the Burlington Coat factory which is the buidling the Muslims are trying to secure for their mosque has a chunk of the fuselage from one of the planes that demolished a tower, still embedded in the roof. Plus, a Greek Orthodox church which has stood near the site of the Muslim attack on the Twin Towers was damaged on that day of infamy, and they can't get a permit to fix the damage. Does there seem to be a double-standard when it comes to Freedom of Religion when it comes to Muslims and any Christian based religion, which is what this country is founded on?

  • Randy - 14 years ago

    America is distress. GO Army. SOS

  • Randy - 14 years ago

    Barry Soetoro is the enemy. Barry is a liar and a thief.

  • jbcheesehead - 14 years ago

    The Governor could end this entire controversy with 2 words that have already been ruled on by the Supreme Court: Eminent Domain! This is the heart of an already too crowded city that needs more green space. How about the State of New York needing that space for "breathing space" for the City and plant a nice garden there with nice benches?

  • Joe - 14 years ago

    The muslims are not running from a country that does not allow them to practice their religion. Therefore the argument for religious freedom is a moot point. We all know that obama is a muslim and he is for this as he is for the muslims, whether radical or not, taking over all countries and killing all infidels.

  • Vivian - 14 years ago

    If this is all true about Barack Obama then I am amazed! We put petty criminals in prison for years, we put people in prison that are falsly accused, for years, but Obama goes free? Whats up? Why didn't they vet him "before" he was deemed eligible to run for President? I just don't get it. As Greta would say, "We've been had!" So what can we do, just wait, and wait, and wait for a judge or someone to say "guilty?"

  • VINCENT ST.ANGELO - 14 years ago


  • S. Poland - 14 years ago

    President Obama needs to open his ears and listen when the American people speak. He opened his mouth and inserted his foot! Then we must remember this man has not managed any company nor has he governed anything so what can we say he acts stupidly when he should be a little smarter when it comes to the feelings of Americans. Does he not know how 9/11 affected Americans. Does he think we have forgotten? We have not! It remains a fresh wound for the families of those who lost loved ones in this terrorist attack and to build this mousqe there would be a slap in the face for them! I know it is still fresh in my mind even though it was nine years ago. I can remember watching it happen. I at first thought I was watching a movie but then it hit me Fox News does not have movies, I had just woke up. All I could do when I realized what was going on all I could do in sit there in shock and my heart broke for American . Still today when I think about the tears fall, I fought for my country to keep her safe from harm like this. God bless all those who lost loved ones and I am sorry we have a leader who seems to have forgotten the pain brought upon our country on that day. Why should we let them build this memorial which is all it is to them, a sign of victory. I pray no company will supply the material they need to build and no construction comapny will do the job for them, that is one way to shut the door on them. By the way has the president questioned where the money to build it is coming from?
    We must make President Obama a one term president, or if we can take both houses from him, impeach him out of office on a lack of confidence vote! He does not know how to lead our country, I think he took the job for all the vacation time he gets! They talk about President Bush's vacations but at least he stayed right here in the country and had his home in Texas set up so he was still able to govern our country.

  • alice blue gown - 14 years ago

    How can Obama understand the anguish of the American people when he is a Muslim by faith? Americans, please don't make anymore mistake this November. It is too big a price to pay for a big mistake. Remember the downfall of America depends on you.

  • Emily Grace - 14 years ago

    My suggestion would be to also build a Christian church near ground zero.
    And hopefully many people would attend the services.

  • Emily Grace - 14 years ago

    It is actually quite simple.
    We Americans either believe in the Constitution
    and the 14th amendment,
    or we don't.

  • doggydan - 14 years ago

    Someone at the very beginning of this blog suggested putting a strip joint next to the proposed mosque. Nah, why subject pretty girls to that abuse.

    My perfect neighbor for the mosque is a Jimmy Dean Plant ... where they force samples on you as you pass.

    Oh yeah, don't forget the garbage cans out front (after all, it is New York City) full of the rendering of dead porkers. Nothing like a 90 degree day in Manhattan with dozens of garbage cans smelling like rotting porkbellies to make a Muslim happy.

    One more thing. Someone has to stream the scene 24/7 on the Internet. Not only so we can watch and laugh; but think of the Muslims who get curious ... They will all have heart attacks and pass. UHHH, got any more trash cans, we got some more garbage to stick in there.

    I think you believe I am agqinst their Mosque. YUPPERS, I AM!

  • Grassie - 14 years ago

    When Peace Loving Muslims stand up and fight against
    radical muslims then and only then should they have
    the right to build a mosque beside ground zero.
    Barack Hussein Obama is one

  • denise - 14 years ago

    I couldn't answer the poll question because Obama is straddling the fence, he hasn't taken a position. Once again our president has voted PRESENT.

  • JRCarlisle - 14 years ago

    This is not about right of religious freedom. This is not even about respect. We are at war with a secular sect disquised as a part of this religious group. This sect believes in the death of non-believers, has no respect for women (or remains deathly afraid their women will like other men much better) and they have killed thousands upon thousands in the name of their so called religion. Therefore the burden of proof of a legitimate religious mosque is not only VERY HEAVY, IT LIES ON THE ENTIRE MOSLIM COMMNITY, UNFORTUNITELY. How dare we be asked to TRUST, within the shadow of the graves of over 3,000 slain by this group.

  • Matt - 14 years ago

    If they do build a mosque, someone should fly a plane into it! Wasn't it because of this religion that the twin towers were destroyed in the first place? If they fly a plane into the Capital building or White House, are we going to let them build a mosque there too?
    I guess their plan worked after-all. In what other country can you destroy hundreds of millions of dollars of private property, kill thousands of innocent people in the name of a religion, and be rewarded with a place for your religous to pray, on the very ground where you just murdered the innocents?
    What better place to plan further destruction of your enemy then on their own soil? Figure on it taking about 20 years for the Muslims to have enough people in our government to take over. They've got a good start with Obama!
    Ever notice the United States flags that have been promenently placed behind the last 4 presidents when they have made speaches, are conspicuously missing from this presidents speaches, and have been replaced with a gold rug looking thing with vaguely middle Eastern patterns? Pay attention next time he speaks to his surroundings...

  • ERichardson - 14 years ago

    How would citizens from many other states know NY Citys Landmark's Preservation Committee voted early Aug to deny historical status protection to the bulilding lot where the Mosque is set to be built. Clearing the way for the project to move forward. In Comparison to the 4 story St Nicholas Greek Orthodox church that was didtroyed when One of the World Trade Twin Towers fell on it. Deal between Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America & Port Authority NY & New Jersey have not advanced since 2001 only propaganda from the NY Port Authority, the red tape for building the mosque was cleared by a vote to clear the red tape early Aug. Leaving the only church that was destroyed on 911 to Ask, What About US? Would it be fair to ask, who is behind building the Mosque & where is the funding coming from? Ny Historical (Landmarks Preservation ) Committee cleared Red Tape while showing a disconnect in handling other proposals, especially the only church that was distroyed by 1 twin tower falling on top of it. No one was in the church at the time, would it have made a difference if citizens had been killed in the church that horrible day? Cudo's to Mayor Michael Bloomberg " I think mosque will add to the diversity of the area" as for Obama's comments, he said: He Understands the Constitution & the Bill of Rights as well as anyone. Barry aka Barack studied Constitutional Law at Harvard, & then lectured how to circumvent-violate -side step- everything The Founding Fathers with Devine Authorty wrote in Our Living Document to be used as The Rule of Law. With this knowledge from Foreign Aid Grant paid for by our Tax dollars & Freedom of Information Act Disciplinary Action Taken By Harvard Law Under Full Former Name(s) Obama signed none! Harvard Law States Facts: Obama signed Ill State Gov Form Under Penalty of Perjury 2nd Fact: Barry Soetoro has used Barry Durham & Barry Obama 3rd Fact: Both Barry & Michelle Soetoro Relinquished to Harvard 2004 Use & Privilage of Law License issued in the state of Ill. 2007 Barry Soetoro Ill State Senate Penalty of Perjury US Senate; Barry Soetoro Penalty of Perjury 2008 campaign Nancy Pelosi Handpicked Dems Nominee over Citizen's majority Vote's for Hillary Clinton, 3 states that voted before date set by National Committee, votes that were for Hillary went to Barry aka Barack at National Convention 2008. My question- is Barry Soetoro's ego so big, & hates Americans Country & Citizens so much, that another Shrine called NY Mosque in his honor as Muslim Foreigner with Dual Citizenship at Birth. Barry Boy (7) Statue in Indonesia, Barry aka Barack Statue Birth Marker in Mombosa Kenya National Holiday for Kenya's Native son, should we get ready for Islam & Sharia Law to replace our Founding Fathers Documents. Speed Lightning in Transforming our Country & bankrupting her also for years to come. How many more Big Hoaxes can our countrys foundation withstand, & for how many more years will our Country be under Domestic Attack, Give thought to our Military who have to remain silent while serving & protecting we the citizens from domestic violence, can't even vote 2008 or 2010. Is NY Mosque another Big Hoax against our Country. Remember Only A USA Naturalborn Citizen with parents eligiblty the same as Nominee can occupy the Presidency, Null & Void everything from 2008- 2009- 2010 Define Tryanny/Treason Against our USA! The Day of Reconning is the day all records & history of Barry Soetoro be presented to the public may create the fall of Socialism in USA. Time to UN-COVER the COVER UP'S Nov 2, 2010. Remove the # 1 Illegal in USA Documents NADA Proof of Eligibilty NADA Hidden Secrets, Lie's & Deceite From Kenya to Indonesia to Ill Senate, to USA Senate to WDC & Oval Office Nov 2008. Birther movement, Raciest Comments, Bigot's, Party of No, Astro Turf, Tea Baggers ect, ect. Alinsky/Barry Speaking to USA Citizens who most are color blind in politic's. Our Actions will Speak Louder than Words Nov 2010 Election Do Over

  • jose luis rebolleda - 14 years ago

    If US brags about giving and defending freedom and respect, there is no obstcale for this mosque.

  • Bonnie - 14 years ago

    I remember 911!! I was so scared... sick.. horrified and heart broken.... Our America was under attack,
    The pictures of the planes flying into our Twin Towers, our heroes had given their lives!!! Now B.O
    wants to give these murdering basturds the right to build on GROUND ZERO?!!! Absolutly NOT!
    We the people need to impeach him now and bring him up for HIGH TREASON !!
    IS it just me or can anyone else see that president B.O. is spitting in the face of the American
    People! Remember.... all of you, how you felt when 911 hit...let them build in there own country and
    take O.B with them.
    I was so impressed with the info that E. Richardson wrote..Thanks Mr Richardson you'r as good as
    Glen Beck and I send my prayers to Beck, he's wonderfull!

  • Lynda G. Waters - 14 years ago

    A mosque at ground zero, absolutely not. Yet does anyone ask these people, "WHY IS IT SO IMPORTANT THAT THEY BUILD THEIR MOSQUE ON THIS PARTICULAR SITE?
    Answer: Because it is a monument of what they ahve destroyed.
    Is the President part of this, I believe yes. He is out to destroy us from within and if he stays another two (2) years God is the only one that can hold him back. Otherwise, we've not seen him at his worst.
    I too am sick and tired, and I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of political correctness.
    You want a change, Elect Sarah Palin and Jan Brewer as President and Vice President. They will kick some ass and take names later.

  • scottw - 14 years ago

    Need to separate the 2 issues: 1) A President can't fail to uphold the 1st Amendment rights of any religion compared to the others, and 2) Whether it would be better to build the community center/mosque/memorial a little further away is not a federal issue. I think Obama learned his lesson about getting further into a "local" issue with the "beer summit" matter.

  • ERichardson - 14 years ago

    post by CICO, My research on Barack Hussein Obama, Birth to Adoption Barry Soetoro 1964. My records of Stanly Ann Durham & her Parents are completely oppisite of your comments. #1. No way did grandmother Durham accomplish anything you wrote about. Both Durhams were communists-Marxists ect. When Hawaii Politicians were doing a story about Barry aka Barack after election 2008, Grandmother Durham was living in a run down cold water flat, Soc Sec or retirement from husband for income. Hawaii Dems wanted to use this property as a land marker for Barack, after they found Kenya named a National Holiday with Birth marker placed in Mombosa Park, Kenya with National prayer song in honor of their Native son. Grandmother Durham might have had the responsibility of Barack from Kenya Birth 61 to 1963 Stanly Ann Durham Married Lolo Soetoro Honolulu Hawaii they met at Univ of Hawaii & Barack Hussein Obama Sr. just happened to get Stanly Ann Pregnant, she flew to Kenya to make sure Sr Obama signed the Birth Cert, he was not in attendance for Livebirth according to paternal grandmother Sarah Hussein Obama. She named Kenya maternal halfbrother Roy & Kenya Halfsister Alma as witnesses in the room for birth of Barack Hussein Obama II. Lolo Soetoro was on a Foreign student Visa & needed to return to Indonesia, the Family went to Indonesia late 1963. Early 1964 Stanly Ann Durham Indonesia Naturalized herself & Barack -No Dual Citizenship in Indonesia. 1964 Barack was age 4 & could not go to school with British Citizenship. Read British Citizenship Act 1948 it states; Fathers Citizenship Automaticaly Follows Children No Matter Boundry of Country. Barack was born with Dual Citizenship British & USA Mombosa Kenya or Honolulu Hawaii Kapa'aloni Med-Queens Med- Mombosa-Kenya with witnesses. Fact remains Original Long Form Birth Cert is vaulted, Couldn't be used to verify parents eligiblity=USA Naturalborn Citizens Nor Baracks Country of Birth & Citizenship! Hawaii does not have Kenya livebirth original long form birth cert. Nor do they have a Hawaii Original long Form Birth Cert. Why? Must be country of Livebirth of Barack, why lie when the truth would be better, the truth is vaulted Stamped Barrys NATIONAL SECURITY Barry & Barack's TOP SECRET & TO HELL WITH CONSTITUTIONAL ELIGIBILTY REQUIREMENT! After all Barry is above the Rule of Law! Anyone that wants the facts, take a look at Court filings from Jerome or Phillip J. Kenya Parlimen 03-26-2008 World Daily BARRY'S ARROGANCE as displayed Holywood fundraiser Mon night. Barry & Congressional Dems have passed the most Progressive Legislation in decades, one that helps working familys not just one generation, maybe two, maybe three. Raised 1 million $$$ campainging for Dems then vacation Martha's Vineyard for 2 wks. Barrys Words: This is why I was picked to be president, why I ran, because I have an opprotunity to re-shape history for the better. Barry's High Handed policys with public is playing with a losing Hand. President Lincoln; With Public Sentiment Nothing can Fail, Without it Nothing Can Succeed! Barry used Lincoln as His Hero another LIE, Saul Alinsky is & was Barry's Mentor. "deal Making" in Congress ie vote buying to pass legislation ie written by Czars. Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae # 1 problem for Housing collapse 2004 2005 -2006-2007- 2008 -2009- 2010 are now Wards of State. Terrorist Trial Ground Zero, anybody remember the Airforce One Fly Over Ground Zero, cost 1,000's for photo opt & scard the hell out of Citizens on the ground. Hit the News & went away no explaination, were pictures use for Imam to see new location for Muslim Mosque Ground Zero NY? Where's the story on this use of Air Force One? One man took the fall for this scandel. Have you noticed how fast Barry is working on his agenda to Take Down USA? Incredible Sinking Anti American Dual Citizenship Commander in Chief working on stopping our military from voting again 2008 to 2010, while we watch.

  • Toms Bt - 14 years ago

    Dear President, you have an example of Jerusalem infront of you.Peace is now only a dream for them, after the dome structure came up there!!There are lot more other examples arround the world,of this sort. Let the martyrs of 9/11 rest in peace. Don't play dirty politics with ground zero and don't hurt the sentiments of the families,who lost their loved once there.

  • ron - 14 years ago

    What is crystal clear to me is, that a little over 9% of you are idiots! But, that is expected when it's clear you are missing the common sense and reasoning brain cells.

  • A Daughter of the American Revolution - 14 years ago

    why is it that anyone, of any faith, can enter a synagogue or a church and be greeted with open arms. if a jew or a christian were to enter a mosque -- would this apply? i doubt it.
    Posted by Carol on August 14th 2010, 4:05am

    Why don't you try it and see? You are wrong! You would be welcome- I know this. try testing your assumptions instead of swallowing whole someones propaganda

    “He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.” –Thomas Paine

    I thought you "So called" Conservatives cared about the Constitution- "Perception is reality" is a bullshit line TRUTH better not get in the way of yellow journalism! Thanks Grata Van Sceintoligist!!

  • m - 14 years ago

    It would seem the big push for building a large mosque at ground zero is to "honor" the terrorists that so-called sacrificed themselves for islam. it will be their memorial. the social chaos caused is a plus in addition to be a call to all of islam to complete the jihad and the mosque as a mark of the success to this point

  • PA_John - 14 years ago

    @David, agreed.

    Such an uproar over a community center. What about the strip clubs that are also operating on the "hallowed ground" in the Financial District? What about the proposed shopping center being built in the basement of the footprint of the twin towers? What about the off-track betting parlors? Shouldn't these all be removed, since they are disgracing the memory of the 3000 people who died on 9/11 ? What about the Mosque that is 2 blocks closer? Are you going to say "those darn Muslims built that Mosque to mark the site of a FUTURE conquest?" Give me a break.

    Thank God for the First Amendment. It gives you the freedom to spout ridiculous nonsense, and it gives me the freedom to call you a bunch of xenophobic racists.

    Constitutional rights can not be taken away by popular opinion.

  • Joseph - 14 years ago

    The heck with the tea break out the Tar & Feathers

  • forrest - 14 years ago

    He chose to finally open his mouth at the wrong place and wrong time. If he felt the need to comment he should also comment on the wisdom and sensibilities of the whole mess.

  • kim - 14 years ago

    we in America have seperation of church and state. The founders lived and left the corruption of an empire led by religion in England. this is all history so its nothing new. Sharia for the most part is a governing system based on religion. a mosque might as well be an embassy. how can we as Americans allow the construction of a temple that not only represents muslim believes but also muslim government. Americans can not allow a forign government in the form of religion such as the muslims sharia law to take advantage of Americas constitution.

  • Amy - 14 years ago

    This is just another example of the insuferable, immoral, superiority complex that has infected this administration.
    It is time to get things right, stop apologizing for America....she is great and does not need to apologize for anything. Afterall, what would people in trouble all over the world do without America. It is time they start realizing that wheneve there is a crisis, Americans are there for them. Well, where are they when she needs their support?

  • jeanna - 14 years ago

    I believe almost all religion inherently divides cultures. The core purpose of these religious sects are to maintain and increase a certain societal culture or ruling class. All 3 of the main religions are all about cementing a particular group of people and ostracizing all others.

  • jeanna - 14 years ago

    To David, you are my hero.

  • Randy - 14 years ago

    Mmoooooooli m is what this president is. Spiting in the Americans faces. Impeach his b u tt. Barry Soetoroe is a liar and a thief.

  • Susan - 14 years ago

    I am so weary of political correctness. What happened to basic human decency? No, absolutely not... the mosque should not be built any where near ground zero.

  • David - 14 years ago

    Never mind all the paranoid hate-mongering anti-Islam comments (this is to be expected on such a site).

    The fact of the matter is that the builders have the legal right to construct the mosque. This point is outta the question.
    What's stupid is the paranoia and demagoguery eating up the airwaves that suggests this mosque would inherently be a magnet for hate-inspired anti-Americanism. Give me a break and research the people who are gonna build it. There's no reason to suggest this in their characters or history. This is a chance for Americans to say haha stupid intolerant radical Islamists, we Americans are more tolerant and diverse than you could ever be. It would send a good message to the rest of the world and by the way act at the same time as a BRIDGE of understanding between the US and the Muslim world with such a high-profile location (albeit, it is TWO FULL CITY BLOCKS AWAY from the Twin Towers; w/in this vicinity there are tons of other immoral or lude places).

    Americans are proud but still have a learning curve when it comes to understanding what's beyond its borders. Really it's annoyingly unique in the industrialized world.

    What's more interesting than all of this though, is something else. Until tonight I had no idea that Greta VS is a practicing SCIENTOLOGIST. WHOA! are the braindead fundies sitting at home aware of this un-christian development?

  • E.M. - 14 years ago

    The President held a Holly dinner at The White House and told the entire Islamic world that he supports Muslims, their rights and the Mosque near Ground Zero. Within hours the news of the President's endorsment spread around the world, as did disgust from Americans and others over seas.

    Please note that while America is tollerant it is not stupid. We can certainly enact legislation making it a serious crime to practice, enact or enforce laws which were not enacted by our elected officials. We can shut down the radical mosques as organized crime syndicates and put an end "their patch work legal system" which, like currency, can be dictated by those of us who dont like what theyre doing.

    Please comment. Thank you. This can be done thru the Initiative Process and doesnt need support from slow moving politicians. I'm willing to raise and contribute $1,000,000.00 to initiate the petition process and get the legislation enacted by the power of the people.

  • NELL WHIRRELL - 14 years ago


  • GZ - 14 years ago

    I hope the Imam isn't offended by the liquor store and the BBQ pork sandwich stands that I'll be opening on every piece of private property that I can find around that area.

    I mean I'd just be trying to build bridges. Aaah...if I only

  • GZ - 14 years ago

    I hope the Imam isn't offended by the liquor store and the BBQ pork sandwich stands that I'll be opening on every piece of private property that I can find around that are.

    I mean I'd just be trying to build bridges. Aaah...if I only had the money.

  • GZ - 14 years ago

    At least we know that Obama and Hamas are on the same page!

  • GZ - 14 years ago

    I wonder what Obama would say about someone like the KKK building a center anywhere near where MLK is buried?
    We all know that as Americans we couldn't let that happen.

    It's the same thing!

  • PHILLIP LETTERMAN - 14 years ago

    i think obama is so full of it his eyes are brown. empeach the idiot GoD SAVE AMERICA.

  • Ed Olsan - 14 years ago

    To B.Kelly August 16, 2010 7:35
    You are part of this countries problem and your "like thinkers" are waking up to this Muslim president mistake, when are you going to. Your so brain dead you can rationalize why the muslims attacked? like, "it's Bush's fault?. Grow a brain or ask for help. Have you ever heard of their hate for Americans? They do not want to conquer us, they want to annihilate us. They are taught that we are evil. Of course there are American Muslims in New York you fool, they are not the ones that want this trophy mosque built...... you even embarrass them.

  • CICO - 14 years ago

    Bush 41 would send in the FBI to Hawaii for all this Democratic coruption, but being replaced by Bill Clinton, it would be Webster Hubbell number 3 at Justice under Janet Reno would shut down the investigation.
    In order to cover up the failure of half of Hawaii's industrial banks in this nation rape, Bill Clinton appointed Donna Tanuoe who had absolutely no banking experience as head of the FDIC.
    She would hold that position until 2001 and is currently now part of the executive committee of, the Bank of Hawaii, our old escrow account operative Madelyn Dunham's place of vocation.

    This massive money laundering scheme was set up off the mainland and collapsed ruining Hawaiians was not even covered by the press no more than if it was in another nation. Some in the press probably think Hawaii is another nation.
    Donna Tanuoe emerged in covering up the massive collapse of Hawaiian banking in the 1983 to 1985 period of the last years of Madelyn Dunham employment. She set the stage in the FDIC for what America is currently imploding in now.

    John McCain and Republican banking committee members tried in Senate Bill 190 to reign this in in 2005, but were stopped by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

    If people want to know a really small world, behold Bank of Hawaii is now run by a flunky who covered up the original nation rape where Mrs. Dunham worked and the other bank in Hawaii just happened to be purchased by BNP Paribas SA, currently owned by Nadhmi Auchi of Saddam Hussein oil for food bribery to the Clintons and the world socialists, with money laundering, who just happened to be in Chicago buying up Tony Rezko's real estate and shaking hands with Barack Hussein Obama.
    Toss in Marc Rich who was the genius behind BCCI funding and Bill Clinton's pardon, and one has the entire banking fraud scheme of the past 30 years now engulfing the world.

    Now do you perhaps understand why one planted story on Madelyn Dunham as wonder woman is being circulated and why Barack Obama is running from this woman and not featuring her as she should be a campaign asset for the female vote in America?

    If not let us enter the future of an Obama age, when the term "risky microfinance" starts cropping up. I ask you to think about 1 billion Indonesian, Indian, Bangladeshi, African, ok if we go the full route, number it 2 billion women all in microfinance.
    Suppose they have on average 1000 dollar loans which would talley 2 trillion dollars, plus the sewing machines, materials, grains etc... all these poor people were sold like the Indian farmers.
    That would make a 4 trillion dollar profit already from Stanley Ann Dunham's microfinance "helping the poor".
    Now crash that debt system just like the Obama backers crashed the United States derivative markets to assist him. Imagine forclosing on 2 billion people's 40 acre farms just like the Rothschilds are accomplishing in India.

    Does that not sound like a pretty good scheme where you sold poor people goods you made, put them into debt, crash the system and then take their collateral which you as a cartel can now exploit in farming making the slaves buy food from their own land.

    Now do you understand why Barack Obama and his syndicate have targetted specific stories leading everyone away from Grandmama Obama and Mama Obama? In these women's actions was the genisis of financial diaster which is the ghost of Christmas past, Christmas present and Christmas future.
    The last things Barack Obama wants is anyone sniffing around his family's Hawaiian banking past or his family's Indonesian banking past as it leads right into Chicago banking and New York finance collapse that Barack Obama has a part in.

    Nobody has put this scheme together and is this blog's exclusive again. The Congress isn't going to mention this. The pundits will not touch this, so maybe the remainder 299 million Americans and those speaking Spanish had better start chatting about this so the Congress and pundits will have to.

  • Diana - 14 years ago

    This man is Not our president, Not an American, Not working for the good of our country . He is egotistical, arrogant and self-serving. May God help us all. Even when he was running for president, he let his views come to light (some of them), but did the voters really listen. NO!!!!!! Many just wanted to believe. I remember saying to so many people that this is the ANTI-CHRIST and that he has come to destroy our lives and our way of life. His time in office is to make a goverment that is solely for Obama, by Obama, and of Obama. He must be stopped now- vote his Obama butt kissers out in Nov. and work to get him out ASAP, make him a one time pres and VOTE, VOTE ,VOTE him OUT IN 2012. Let us ALL come together to DO what is RIGHT for OUR country and make it the GREAT NATION that our founding fathers envisioned for us. MAY OUR GOD GUIDE US, BLESS US & HELP US. THIS IS OUR COUNTRY, LAND OF OUR BIRTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • CICO - 14 years ago

    Mrs. Dunham would retire in 1986 from the escrow fund of Bankoh. Her daughter who was an anthropoligist would then go into, banking.
    Huh? You might question. Yes she went into banking in Indonesia setting up microfinance for poor women there.

    What on earth is microfinance?

    Ever heard of a progressive changing their name to a liberal? That is exactly what microfinance is. Microfinance is in the late 1980's, a savings and loan for destitute 3rd world types.
    If people remember history in BCCI and other savings and loans raping American small investors in the Bank of Coccaine and Crime International, then you know what Stanley Ann Dunham has now set up as the largest loan system to a billion people in Indonesia.
    Microfinance is the term no one has yet figured out which is the next derivative as the globalist cartels have set this monster up in every impoverished nation in the world.

    Getting ahead of the story, the Rothschilds are currently in India providing microfinance for poor Indian farmers with the money being crop seed which fails and they can not repay. The end result is the Rothschild cartel owning Indian farmland while Indian farmers commit suicide.
    The cartel though is enjoying record exports of tainted grain grown on poisonous ground being sold around the world, including to Americans.

    So Gram Dunham leaves the bank running the new world escrow service forming and Stanley Ann is setting up savings and loans in the 3rd world as she happens to find her way to New York too running the World Women's Banking created the United Nations in 29 poverty nations around the world.

    Follow this now please, World Women's Banking was brainchild of Stichting INGKA Foundation of the Netherlands. INGKA owns an international furniture outlet chain, but holds it's assets in a $36 billion dollar account making it the richest on earth.
    For a modern tax rape in the United States, this is exactly what Bill Gates and Warren Buffet are doing as they keep their assests out of tax coffers while preying on consumers. I ask you to remember that Buffet has billion dollar foundations for each child and raped over 31 billion dollars out of the markets which people lost in the last months.

    This is what the Dunham women were setting up for the 3rd world and is about to be sprung.

    Now we come to Bank of Hawaii dumping huge amounts of money into Asian markets in a money transfer in the 1990's. Of course that money loaned did not stay in Asia in the least, it instead was part of the Bill Clinton Indonesian, yes Indonesia again, Riaydi and Lippo Group money funneling campaign funds into the Clinton reelection bid with Al Gore.
    What people missed in this was the money from the Chinese was not just about bribes to the Clintons. The Indonesians, Chinese and Clinton globalists were after the real prize of the New York Stock Exchange offering up the communist Chinese Xiamen International Bank to both the Hang Seng and New York.

    It would be Hawaii's Democratic machine which would use billions of dollars in Kamaehameha School funds with Bishop Estate to underwrite the public offering of Xiamen.

    This should be sounding familiar in the same corruption engulfing Illinois in funds being embezzled there and Barack Obama and Joe Biden's names popping up in funds allotted to them.
    Do you remember what William Ayers was after in his Chicago school initiatives was federal funds and Tony Rezko was playing with Chicago real estate making slums for blacks.

    Are you seeing a Marxist pattern here in moving money around in public funds, real estate, poor people in housing and massive market collapse?

    So the money went out of Hawaii while the Chinagate money came into the mainland. Soon enough the Asians who dumped their excess in the American markets had their economies tanked.
    Hawaiian investors lost record sums, but that means the cartels gained billions.

    Bush 41 would send in the FBI to Hawaii for all this Democratic coruption, but bei

  • Bill Jones - 14 years ago

    obama is the sorriest excuse for a President , I have ever seen, not to mention,also acting as a caring human being. He talks about freedom of religion , but only in the context of his beloved teaching of Islam, which has been concocted by manmade laws and rules to enslave a nation of people, for the benefit of perpetrating horror and fear upon the rest of society. Their main goal is to destroy America from within and to introduce sharia law as the law of the land. When that happens, every person who will not except islam as their religion, will be done away with,( killed ), The President of our God ordained nation, The United States of America, is helping the islamic revolution to succeed. How's that for freedom of religion? This may not be the kind of change we were hoping for.

  • CICO - 14 years ago

    Tucked away on the 10th floor of South Beretania apartments in Honolulu, Hawaii is quite a woman, the one engineered profile online suggests for Madelyn Lee Payne Dunham, the grandmother who raised Barack Hussein Obama when he was abandoned by his mother, but for the wonder woman profile which was created online, the one question jumps out that no one has noticed:

    If Madelyn Dunham was thee woman as her profile states who paved the way for all women in banking, thee woman who raised Barack Obama, then why is Barack Obama running away from this woman, why is she hiding in an apartment in Hawaii, when her presence would have gotten her the entire Hillary Clinton feminist vote as we are told in her profile that Grandma Dunham was better than the invention of the wheel for women?

    I have stumbled across the answer in this as it is so old that even the internet servers are being scrubbed of the stories which lead to Madelyn Dunham.

    The first red light which went off for Grandma Dunham was when I was attempting a profile search which all living people have. "Someone" has scrubbed Madelyn Dunham's profile in spots and is listing her as 40 years younger.
    Mr. Obama's sister, Mya, is listed as a relative, but not one Barack Obama is listed.

    As an example if one uses as a control, Henry Kissinger, who is oft times blamed for all things globalist and who should be one person who could have his profile information scrubbed, one can find Dr. Kissinger listed with family and associates.

    So if Doc Kissinger is in the system, why is Madelyn Dunham, the paver of banking ways for women and raiser of messiah not listed?

    I believe the key starts out with Mrs. Dunham's choice of employment at Bankho, or the Bank of Hawaii starting in 1960 where she was elevated after 10 years in 1970 as Vice President.
    That is quite a meteoric rise from bank teller to executive in that short of period of time.
    Mrs. Dunham's expertise was in Escrow Accounts which are used as 3rd party money transfer accounts between two people who basically do not trust each other and still need a deal to be done.

    It was during this period that the Democratic machine in Hawaii was killing bank examiner bills, because at the same time the two largest banks in Hawaii were making a huge push into the Pacific Rim from 1963 to 1970.
    You thought opening doors to China began with Kissinger and Nixon? Nope someone was paving that way a decade before and 30 years before Bush 41 set upon what is termed his policy to modernize China.

    Bank of Hawaii is listed as the largest bank in Hawaii of that period and expanded into the Pacific Rim buying up assets during the Vietnam War.

    It is into this which Madelyn Dunham was being promoted as an expert in money transfers for her entire career and this is why she is being hidden away and planted stories are abounding about old Gram banking leader and Stanley Ann, anthropologist, and no one is mentioning what these two women were setting up in an international Marxist or globalist scheme which has yet to come to fruition, until their Barack hits the stage.

    On March 31, 1980, Jimmy Carter enacted the Depository Instituions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 which would phase out all savings rate ceilings on consumer accounts and deregulated the banking industry.
    People have heard nonstop it was Reagan or Bush who started all of this deregulation when the fact is comrade Carter initiated what was to become the biggest economic rape of the world. Rush Limbaugh has invested a great deal of time noting Jimmy Carter and his housing act started this housing mess, but it was the banking rape which Carter set into place which America is being rocked by now.

    I ask people to keep with this for the punchline as the situation is laid out, because you will not believe what the Obama women were setting up for the globalists.

    Mrs. Dunham would retire in 1986 from the escrow fund of Bankoh. Her daughter who was an anth

  • ERichardson - 14 years ago

    Did you know 400,000 questionaires sent to Service members re; Don't Ask-Don't Tell which undermines National Security. Just over 1 in 4 returned surveys. Army- Lesbians accounted for 48 percent of 195 discharges under don't ask don't tell policy. Women make up 14 % of the force, thats up from 2008 when women represented 36% of Army discharges under the policy. Air Force-More than half 51% of those discharged under the policy were women who make up 20% of the service. Marines- Nearly 1 in 4 or 23% of discharges under the policy were women who made up 6% of the Marines, thats up 18% the year before. Navy- 22 women or 27% of total ousted for being gay, women comprise 14% Navel personel. More than 13,500 gays & lesbians have been discharged since policy began. In 2001 the peak year for discharges 1,273 were removed from military for being gay. In past years the policy affected women in greater numbers than men. AOL NEWS Don't Ask Don't Tell hits Lesbians Hardest. In mist of 2 wars sleeping quarters are bunkers, showers are rare, on guard for terrorists in war zones, is our military on guard for anything else? Even in the mist of 2 wars, military continues to discharge highly trained service members in missions critical areas. Ousted Being Gay 7 combat engineers 8 linqiusts 20 infantrymen. Miller soph Ohio 9th in class of more than 1,000, when she heard about law against gays openly serving, led her to resign. Another of Barry's Political Correct Policy's. Clinton's Law Don't Ask Don't Tell allowed gays & lesbians to serve in the military, if they served well they stayed, if they didn't they were relieved of duty, policy was working just fine. New Law called Rachel's Law 2008 NY & 6 other states. Battle against Lawfare, subjects: religion, culture war, able to klave opinions to defend ourselve's, Free Speach against Islam & Jihad Press. How to keep USA from becomming the United States of Arabia. Aug 9, the Speech Act became law of land. Protects American Authors from having foreign libel judgements against them inforced in America, espeially when they have criticized Islam or document funding sources Jehadic Terrorism. If Muslims criticize leaders they & family jsiled, tortured, possibly murdered. The Barbaric value system is heading our way. Both Muslim Civil Rts & their Political Correct anti racist Western speach CODE's & Commission's routinely launch or threaten to launch (BIGOT) costly law suits Fed Law suit against Az Immigration Law or Fed Gov VS Virgina HC Law. West own doctrines of religios tolerance & anti racism, they do not hesitate to persicute subordinate, murder & exile infidels, & destro their shrines & houses of worship, as Orwell said, all not pigs are equal. 2004 Dutch Artist murdered (film about Muslim Women) 2005 Dr Ehrenfeld names specific terrorists financier's including Saudi Billionair Shiekh, left England for USA 2005 Lars Vilks penned infamious Danish Cartoon 2006 Muslim Riots ensued, people died, News paper boycotted cartoons. 2007 Vilks has police protection. 2006 Polgrave-Mac Million reneged on promise to Publish "Quran: A Reformist Translation" 2008 Random House The Jewel of Medina about Mohammeds wife Aisha, a single prof said book might lead to violence. Geert Wilders made documentary (Fitna) translation strife Wilders won electorial victory currently facing charges as a raciest & purveyor of hate speach Islam & anti West terrorism. 2010 Amer Auth Bruce Bawer & his Norweigian Colleagues were acused of racism & Islam ophobia by Norwegion Leftist. Copenhagen June 2010 Public prosecutor charged the Internation Free Press Society & its President Lars Hedgegaard with racism (he) dared to critique certain Muslim practices. Phyllis Chesler wrote 13 books Woman Inhumanity to Women & The New Anti Semitism Barbaric Value System is Heading our Way, or is it already here? www phyllis -Rachel's Law 2008 NY & 6 other states Anti West hosting Muslim Mosque, its Political Correct

  • Harry Hoopster - 14 years ago

    FUck you Obama you piece of dogshit

  • IMPEACH - 14 years ago

    *******HEY WASHINGTON.............. We are MAD as hell!!!!!!!!!!! We don't want barry soetoro and we don't want you AND WE DON'T WANT BARRY's MOSQUE EITHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • REEN - 14 years ago

    NO ONE ON FOX will go to the issue of barry soetoro, aka, obama being a MUSLIM!

    WHY FOX????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

    THAN you wonder why he was so angry at first defending the legality of the mosque and celebrating muslim religion!

    BECK today played again his quoting of the BIBLE (I think it was in 2006) and it was nasty and degrading!

  • Debra Bolthouse - 14 years ago

    The small town of Walkersville, MD had numerous public meetings debating the building of a mosque in their town on a privately owned farm. This community is located by Fort Detrick in Frederick, between Camp David and Washington, DC. The townspeople stood up against the Imam who actually came into the area churches to plead for the building of the mosque stating that they mean no harm to us! Disturbing, to say the least! I believe the owner of the land sued because he felt he had a right to sell the land to whomever he chose. The community actually purchased the land! A story worth looking into!

  • Barbara McDaniel - 14 years ago

    Greta, please remind your viewers that Barack Obama celebrated Ramadan in the White House with his Muslim friends and completelyi ignored our National Day of Prayer. What does that tell you?

  • Sonia - 14 years ago

    I challenge Mr. Obama's comments and position on religious freedom. He is being narrow minded and not at all truthful about his real position. Yes, there should be equality FOR AMERICANS so why is the Orthodox Church, which was the only Church totally destroyed on 9/11, not being allowed (for NINE YEARS!!!) to rebuild on their own property? He is perfectly comfortable with this Mosque but never mentioned the Church in question not being given any consideration. Mr. Obama is not acting in the best interest of the United States of America; he is certainly not my president (I respect the office but not him) and does not seem to care about the welfare of the majority of Americans. I hope he digs himself deep enough to finally reach the point of being impeached.

  • CICO - 14 years ago

    Month after month Obama tells the Muslim world and the USA in one form or another that he is Muslim. This is just another message. The sick bastard just as well wear his turbin and robe.

  • Jc - 14 years ago

    We American's are being pushed too far too fast by all this bullshit !!! this Government has been craming down our throats .
    Sooner!! then later we'r gonna start pushing back !!!
    Obama is not one of us !!!
    We were all warned just how radical The ANTICHRIST / ANTIAMERICAN was.
    Why is everyone just sitting around complaining??? Iimpeach the ( S O B ) !!!!
    His comment proves he's against Americans.

  • wade - 14 years ago

    Sure Obama is an idiot. Harvard law grad my _ _ _ . It was handed to him. Including the rest of his administration.

    And then . . . What about all the idiots that put this guy in this job?

    And you "think" this guy is a Muslim?

  • natalie - 14 years ago

    Don't try to understand Obama. There is nothing to understand. He doesn't have any vision. Thanks to the foolishness of some voters and the fear of being called "racist" , Obama got elected, and he really believes that he is an annointed one that he can achieve anything in the world. Just imagine yourself in his shoes: if nobody asked you any serious questions, if some famous elderly TV hosts experienced orgasm by merely looking at you,if you had no clue in international politics, if you got away with all the s--t you said or did .... Wouldn't you also believe that you are a genious?.
    So, it's time to act.
    Forget ideology. Remember the main issue:get rid off the idiot. I am a social liberal myself, but I'll be OK with even Palin ( of course not as a president but say Energy Secretary or smth. like this). Palin at least has guts and will never sell America.
    Help Republicans take over the Congress and Senate. GOP has historically been for strong America more than DEMS.
    Think about empeachment process. It won't work but will scare DEMS, and they might start focusing on someone else who might be as populist and phony as Obama but won't be financed by Muslims, stupid movie stars, lunatics or Communist idiots.
    Only strong economy and defense will save America and the modern world. Europe has known from the very beginning that Obama was a disaster, but nobody said anything out of respect.

  • Lotsafun - 14 years ago

    1. Why can the Muslims pray at one of the other 100 mosques in NY? Why can't they pray at home -- a real God would hear them anywhere they are. They wouldn't have to put on a show at the mosque to get His attention.
    2.How about we make a deal with the Muslims -- when they have allowed just 3 good size Christian churches and 3 good size synagogues in Mecca or Medina AND have allowed their citizens to freely and safely pray and worship in them, then we'll talk about being able to build a mosque somewhere else in NY -- but definitely NOT near ground zero. It's not their call, it's OURS!
    We'd encourage them to allow the citizens of the Arab countries to even HEAR and consider the Gospel or Judaism .. the people's right to decide their own faith and life .. what a concept!

  • wade - 14 years ago

    Sure Obama is an idiot. Harvard law grad my _ _ _ . It was handed to him. Including the rest of his administration.

    And then . . . What about all the idiots that put this guy in this job?

  • Boomer Sooner - 14 years ago

    I hate to say it, but maybe what I have been hearing from many, many people lately is many say and have said all along, "The President is Muslim pretending to be otherwise!

  • Nancy - 14 years ago

    It is not a matter of it being a constitutional right. It is a matter of it being a hurtful thing to do... I believe the constitution says freedom of religon. It does not specify where you can or can't do it. But, the president of the united states, and this is lower case because of my distain for this man, to support it? WTF? All he had to say is: I support the decision to build the community center bases on freesom of religon, however due to past violence at this site, done by muslims, I do not agree with the location. PERIOD! But, no, he has to once again support the muslims and not support the will of the American People. Your day is coming, just not fast enough! If the muslims truely wanted to bring peace between cultures, they would not even thing about doing this. Because they know the hurt they are instilling in the American People only fuels their resolve to get it built. I don't hate anyone, but my patience is raw and my disgust is taking over....... I fear for the American People because we have the "ANTICRIST" in the White House, and I am not even the least bit religous. People VOTE in the Mid-terms and 2012 to take back AMERICA! And to all those that voted this ANTICHRIST into the Whitehouse, how is that change working for you? Carry water, I hear it is hot in Hell!

  • Dumb/Dumber - 14 years ago

    Can you say "one Term" and out. The Democrats will not be getting my vote come this November nor in 2012, so long Obama. He picked fun of Bush, downgraded him, insulted him and now he is picking fun at the American People as a whole. After the Mosque, what is next, a Muslim Army? This is a true sign we are no longer the United States but quickly becoming the United Nations....what Constitution?

  • Common Sense - 14 years ago

    I have a "right" to stand on a crowded elevator and fart. But it certainly isn't the "right" thing to do.

  • Megyn - 14 years ago

    I live in a city full of dumb NIGS. But Barack Obama has worse judgment then all of these aholes put together.
    And the scary thing is, he is POTUS. He's a dunce. And Dic*weed Harpootlian, Alan Colmes, Mark Levine and all of the other brain dead DEMs stink to high heaven

  • red lipstick - 14 years ago

    why does everyone say it'a local issue. the muslim terrorists attacked america. i was in ny during 9/11 and mourned deeply. now i live in pa and still get very emotional and teary whenever i see pictures of the attacks on tv.
    i still don't trust muslims. remember the major, a mderate muslim became radicalised in the mosque and killed so many american soldiers. and then there were so many failed attempts since 9/11. i am sure there many good muslims. but i feel it's too soon and too close to build the mosque near ground zero.

  • linda lovely - 14 years ago

    The president comes across as an insensitive boor, someone who neither notices nor cares about the feelings of those who lost their loved ones at Ground Zero. To base his statement on the legality of freedom of religion is to speak out about the obvious as if no one knew about it. Everyone knows Americans have the guarantee of freedom of religion - that is a given. He is belaboring the obvious as there is nobody in America who doesn't know this already. He shows himself to be an insensitive person to the feelings of most Americans by addressing only the legal aspects of such a building. If one of his own daughters were one of those to die at Ground Zero, he would never consent to a monument to the murderer being built where they propose to build this mosque , especially since Muslims build such buildings on sites of their victories. If he had asked himself the question, if one of my family was a victim of this massive national tragedy, how would I feel about building this mosque in the neighborhood of Ground Zero?

  • chad - 14 years ago

    The Imam driving the ground zero mosque was selected for a state department post by the Obama administration.Is there any doubt that he could give a rats ass as to what the American people think? The appointed apples do not fall far from tree! Just remember you are to stupid to know what is right or good for you!

  • judy - 14 years ago

    Mr. Obama while you are enjoying Ramadan with your family on the tax payer money. While you celebrate with Muslims all over the world. WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ARE WARNING YOU!!

  • polly payne - 14 years ago

    When are we going to wake up and realize that this President is a disgrace to this country and he is not
    for the people but for the enemy. It makes me so sad to think how much damage he has and will do before
    he is out of office.

  • ray hunt - 14 years ago

    Barack Obama is an insult to real Americans.

  • B. Kelly - 14 years ago

    Did the American Muslims in New York have ANYTHING WHATSOEVER to do with the attacks on 9/11? Are we ascribing to literally MILLIONS of people the actions of a RELATIVE FEW (about 19 INDIVIDUALS)?!?? Well, that's fair, isn't it? We should remember that 9/11 did not happen until about 4 years AFTER the CIA began its "Rendition" program overseas in which torture was apparently used. This, of course, could potentially provoke anyone to action whether they belong to a religion or not.

  • ERichardson - 14 years ago

    Barry Soetoro Legal Name 1964 to 2010 aka Barack Hussein Obama Legal Name1961 to 1964 then became an aka Ref; Speach on Mosque in NY said; Let me be clear, as a citizen & president now insert this: I did not comply with Constitution Eligibility Requirement Article II Section I. Let me be clear because I was born in Kenya & held British Citizenship, My Original Long Form Birth Certificate is sealed in every court of law at tax payer expence. Let me be clear, my name Change through Adoption after I was Indonesia Naturalized by & with my mother 1964 Jakarta, Indonesia all school records are in my new name Barry Soetoro 1964 to 2010. All school records are vaulted, all my history is vaulted. Freedom of Information Act Occidental 1979 Passport 1981 Harvard Law License to practice revoked Barry Soetoro I Lied on Ill State Gov Form. Harvard went public with action taken Freedom of Information Act. Saul Alinsky supplied code words=Raciest, I can use this word to discredit anyone-anytime & Raciest will stop any person from vetting my background. I ran the most corrupt campaign in USA history, The Election Commission= the vote counters & Foreign Campaign Finance, Acorn was well trained in Chicago to get the votes for me, even headstones from cemetarys, Micky mouse, Homeless peoples names more than once, ect. I made promises to big Corporations, Congress & Senate kept their mouth's shut which was hepful, their greed was as great as mine, Pelosi forged the Hawaii Livebirth Reg, & Linda Dingle helped to cover it up. My letter to Kapa'aloni Hospital with WH letterhead, was used for collecting money for Kapa'aloni hospital & A thank you for keeping quiet on my Birth place. John McCain was an exceptional scape-goat, he contained Sarah Palin from vetting me. Alinsky code word= Birther movement Original Long Form Birth Certificate. Barry Bus= throw anyone under who gets in way! Let me Clear, I hate Whities, Capitolism, USA, Free Market will be distroyed. Barry Soetoro age 5 to 9 Stature downtown Jarkarta Indonesia, Obama Birth marker, National Prayer song, National Holiday every year Aug 4th, Mombosa, Kenya. NY Muslim Shrine (Mosque) another Marker for Barry Soetoro 1964 to 2010. Muslim Imam is a conduet for Barry, traveling Foreign Country's to raise money for the New soon to be Muslim Mosque for Sahria Islam Law not Constitutional Rule of Law. Nassa Chief promoting Muslims for space program. Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama is committing Tryanny every day in office, no money shall be drawn from the Treasury , but by appropriations made by Law & a regular statement & account of the Receits & Expendures 0f all public money shall be published from time to time ????? Read the Declaration of Independance to find more Barry Corruption. Arrogance as a Citizen (of which country) & President Not one vote was Barry Soetoro (Legal Name) Every member of Senate-Congress violated their Oath of Office, they did not check qualifications or Vet Barry Soetoro, Parents of Barack Hussein Obama No Red Flags, Everything was swept under the floor in our Justice System Nominee-Illegal-Canidate-Illegal Presidential Office-Illegal all in Gov helped create the Biggest Hoax ever committed in America's history, Pelosi & Reid got the power through Greed at the expence of selling out our Country & her Citizens, Everyone else went along to keep their seats, not an honest politician in either House, just sat silent & let a Foreigner with Dual Citizenship walk into our Presidency. Everyone of them need to be charged for Treason/Tryanny 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012, None deserve to be re-elected, all guilty, no retirement, no HC, Prision & pay back all money from 2008 election todate of removal, then audit them for past yrs of Corruption! They created the debt, they can pay back the debt. SEIU , ACORN, CZARS, Included! What Say You the Tax Payer? Lets be Clear, Lets Vet, Lets take Back USA! Top to Bottom Clean Up the Cover Up! Lets be CLEAR ABOUT WHO IS IN OVAL!

  • Dem No More - 14 years ago

    I don't even agree with the people who say they have a "right to build" there. If they have a right to build, we have a right to see the money trail.

  • maria - 14 years ago

    Obama thinks he is Islam.Just look at the expretion on his face every time he talks,I can not stand him,and he is a muslim,and now he just looks at us as fools.That is why you never see his children in anyking of a church.They robably pray to Alah behind closed door in the White House.And I do not minde it but lie about it

  • PA_John - 14 years ago

    Wow ... as expected, nearly all of the comments are negative. No surprises.

    To those who are astonished that the President is hosting a dinner for Ramadan ... Please thank the former President for that precedent ...

    To those who are angered by the building of a commercial facility with a religious worship area in a NYC commercial district. Please review the US Constitution, Bill of Rights, Amendment 1.

    To those who are absolutely convinced that the President is a secret Muslim, and was not born in the USA. Please review the latest SCOTUS news ...

    And to those that are just angry? nothing to say.

  • joni - 14 years ago

    The president has a Ramadon dinner and skipped The National Prayer Breakfast. Would anyone think Muslim?
    Would they be able to put a Gay bar next door to the Mosque?

  • Randy - 14 years ago

    I like this:

    Michael Goodwin

    Obama thinks You're a bigot if You Objest to Ground Zero Mosque.

    I spy a trend: if you're opposed to something the president and the mayor want, you are a bigot.

    So say yes, or shut up. Welcome to the new democracy, where being in the majority automatically means you are wrong.

  • Bunny - 14 years ago

    where is the sensitivity from the current poor judgement administration? This administration continues to paint all of us as stupid and unable to make our decisions. PLEASE NO MOSQUE @ THE TWIN TOWER SITE.

  • ttmich - 14 years ago

    Obama appears more and more an arrogant president. He is also appears favoring the Muslim instead of the Americans. What a president that Americans have !

  • EAST COAST - 14 years ago

    Friday it was--"let me be clear"...

    The next day --What I meant was....

    All the fip-flopping, spin, walking back, talking out of both sides of his mouth, dithering, voting present.

    Perhaps he should form a commission, or gather a panel of experts to help him make a decision about the mosque.

    Everyday Obama becomes more irrelevant.

  • REEN - 14 years ago

    DIANE: Awesome post. You are so right! Bill O'Reilly has really turned and become more left. He is sooooooooo changed from when he started. Others on FOX also....

    As a Christian Conservative one has to NOW WATCH who we listen and watch on FOX also because of their views!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Tim Daugherty - 14 years ago

    I am completely against allowing a mosque to built so near the attack site in NYC. It will not only serve as a mosque, but will also serve as a monument to the attack on America! If this indeed does come to pass, which I don't believe tha American people will allow it, then Americe should tear down the buildings on either side of the mosque, once it is built. Then fence off both lots and start raising pigs!! Turn both lots into feeding lots for the cloven hoofed little boggers! Once the hogs reach market weight, slaughter them right on the spot!! Lot of pigs blood on the ground, see how the assholes like that!!

  • Diane - 14 years ago

    As a Christian I have for decades had to endure the media and the Left, and even Bill O'Reilly, mock, criticize, deride, accuse, oppress, and suppress my faith, calling us the dangerous Religious Right. Most recently our own president called people of faith bitter clingers. Those of us who choose to follow the US Constitution, theTen Commandments and the Golden Rule are called racist, bigots, homophobes by the secular humanists, accused of trying to Christianize the government. We have systematically been pushed out of the public square by judges and educators. Legislators continually undermine our families, challenge our parental authority, threaten us with the loss of tax free status and deny us land to build churches.

    Now can someone please explain to me why these very same people are embracing Islam, which is at it's heart a religious system of government? Isn't that the very thing Progressives have been trying to prevent for 100 years? Islam requires adherence to a moral code and laws that make the Moral Majority look like hippies. Islamic culture and Sharia law are the antithesis of American society, western culture, Judeo-Christian values, and the Rule of Law. They are also the antithesis of Progressive values, secular humanism, libertarianism, and liberalism. Sharia law is the same in America as it is in Afghanistan, it means Allah's way or no way at all, and it is practiced in Muslim households and communities all over America. Explain it, you liberals. Explain your support for the very lifestyle you purport to despise. You are like lion trainers. You think you've tamed the Muslim beast with "tolerance" and political correctness, but he despises you. He is about to turn on you and eat you alive.

    The only explanation I can come up with is that their hatred and rejection of Christianity, American history, Judeo-Christian values, and tradition leads them to support anything and anyone that isn't traditional white anglo-saxon British or American born, regardless of the value or wisdom of such support. We regular Americans, meaning people of character, values, and common sense, had better stand up for ourselves before our extremely hostile and misguided president and the small but loud minority let the lions destroy the country just because they can.

  • Lori Gibson - 14 years ago

    Just because we have freedom of religion, does NOT INCLUDE DEMANDING WHERE A HOUSE OF WORSHIP MIGHT BE ERECTED ???? Its BRAZEN DISRESPECT TO ALL 9/11 VICTIMS/FAMILIES to suggest building a Muslim mosque RIGHT AT GROUND ZERO , AND REFUSE TO CONSIDER ANY OTHER LOCATION !!!!!! Should we ALSO BOW DOWN TO DEMANDS (if there were any) to build a Japanese Shrine or Temple in Pearl Harbor where 3,000 other Americans were killed by Japanese Dec. 7, 1941 ???????????? SHAME ON ANY AMERICANS AND A TRAITOR PRESIDENT WHO WOULD SUPPORT SUCH DEMANDS !!!!! WHO WILL STAND UP AND PUT FORTH CHARGES OF IMPEACHMENT AGAINST ALMOST 2 YRS OF NONSTOP TREASON & BETRAYAL BY BARACK OBAMA ?????????????

  • Jimmy J - 14 years ago

    Obama didn't say if it was NICE to build the mosque; He said they had the RIGHT to build it, which they do. He has to uphold The Constitution, even if people are saddened by it.

  • LEE - 14 years ago


  • LEE - 14 years ago


  • REEN - 14 years ago

    Yes, more than Barry Soetoro should be thrown out of Washington. People must be careful not to vote for those democrats who are more right leaning. REMEMBER they vote party! They stick with their own. DON'T believe them folks.

  • ERichardson - 14 years ago

    Reen; Nice to see you step up to the plate, You are doing your home work finding facts re; Barry Soetoro Legal Name Age 4 Jakarta Indonesia Legal Adoption-Legal Name Change AFTER Mother Stanly Ann Durham Soetoro Indonesia Naturalized hersef & Barack her age 21, form for Indonesia Citizenship Marriage to an Indonesia National. Stanly Ann Freely Relinquished her USA CITIZENSHIP & BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA'S BRITISH CITIZENSHIP at Age (4) Illegal Name on 2008 Dems (PELOSI'S)Handpicked Nominee, Illegal NO USA Naturalborn Citizen, Mother USA Naturalborn 1964 Indonesia Naturalized, This Act made her an Illegal Parent, Obama Sr was Illegal Livebirth Nairobe Capitol of Kenya Citizenship British Were the Hell were the RED FLAGS Congress/Senate ??? 2008? John McCain WOULD NOT LET SARAH PALIN VET BARRY aka BARACK 2008! WHY? William Ayers, Barry's Resko's Deal on House, Barry Stated Bill (william ) Ayers lived in his neighborhood. In Hindsight Bill Ayers 1. Wrote Dreams of My Father For Barry 2. Wrote the 1st Job Stimulas for Barry to Give to Pelosi REMEMBER FAMIOUS WORDS OF PELOSI QUOTE; YOU HAVE TO VOTE ON THE BILL BEFORE YOU WILL KNOW WHATS IN THE BILL! Mean time adding & deleting-changing the HC Bill & no One Knows What is in it, We Do Know it is Illegal as Hell & Does Not Fall Under the Commerce Clause. Back to Barry Soetoro 1964 Name Change/ Citizenship Change/ Adoption Jakarta THEN; (OBAMA) was icluded child on mothers passport untill Aug 13, 1968 When Dunham Legal name (SOETORO) applied to St Department to have Him (Barry) Excluded, IDENTIFYING HIM (BARRY) as with INDONESIAN NAME BHO II (SOEBARKAH) Stanly Ann Durham USED this name on USA Passport after Marriage to Lolo Soetoro Honolulu Hawaii 1963 as stated Aug 13,1968 ! To Return Barry Soetoro (age 10) to Hawaii Oct 21 1971 Indonesian Passport. Stanly Ann entered UNighted States & filed State Depart to obtain exception, allowing her to enter U States on her then expired 1965 issued US Passport # 777788 OCT 21,1971. Lies & deceite Passport Trail for Mother & Son. Aug 13,1968 is when barry was excluded from his mothers passport as with Indonesian Name BHOII (Soetoro Barry) (age 6) Indonesian Citizenship No Longer British Citizenship- Never USA Naturalborn Citizen. Barry Believes he is half USA Citizenship, the half white part! British Citizenship Act 1948 States; Fathers Citizenship autimaticaly follows children no matter Boundy or Country. Go Figure ! Barry=Dula Citizenship at Birth USA/British 1964 Indonesia Citizenship No Dual Citizenship in Indonesia! Read & Follow the Money trail, The Lies, The Deceite, The Arrogance, the Above the Law-Rule of Law. Sheria Law after the Mosque is completed, Marshal Law, Completely at the Mercy of Muslim Run USA Dictator, make sure you all wait untill 2012, not 2010, because it just might be to late for all of us. Barry=Bend & Bow as a little boy, sat at the feet of radicals, then Annointed as The ONE. The One to Take Us On a ONE WAY RIDE to Hell, Barry Couldn't Socialize our country if we didn't let him. Illegal-No Authority-No Eligibilty (Constitution) Birth ert Missing in Action AOL . Barry Soetoro's Records UN Sealed 2010 Barack Hussein Obama Kenya Livebirth cert Unvaulted 2010, then Clean House WH- Congress-Senate Members All of Them Who Forsake Their Oath Of Office. All are as quilty as Barry & Michelle Soetoro, don't let Rev Wrights chickens come home to roost=G-- Dam America! 2010 Shout God Bless America when (all) gov officials are headed to prison for Tryanny/Treason Against OUR United States of America! Name One Name in Gov that defended our Constitution 2008 Illegal Muslim Dual Citizenship walked right into our Presidential office laughing all the way at whities USA Citizens, then turned our country upside down & her people bare foot & broke even worse no home, no job, no rights, freedom going, going GONE! Choice 2010 or 2012? Get a Grip USA Has No President Barack age 4 then aka 1961 to 1964 Barry Not on Ballot 08!

  • REEN - 14 years ago

    Roger Thrasherrt43: I do so hope you are right. That many people unite and start voting all of those that serve now out in November. Even the good dems have to be removed because they vote party and NOT what is right for the country.

  • meinde - 14 years ago

    It may be legally right but it is definitely unjust.

  • Roger Thrasherrt43 - 14 years ago

    Hello fellow Americans. Many of you don't remember seeing on the news where many muslems were dancing in the streets over the bombing of the twin towers in a few American cities, but I do. Obama is doing nothing more than following the muslem rule for overtaking an infidel nation through sabversion. I have known his plan since before the election that put him into office, and tried to warn people about it, since I am from the same area of the country he is from. He is going to work as fast as he can to do as much damage to this country as he can before he is taken out of office. God has established this country for His service, and I don't think He will allow anybody to destroy what he has established, unless we turn our backs completely against Him for judgement. Take heart, we still have hope and a true God to trust, and not a politician who is corrupt. His Christianity is the form that wright preached to him, and doesn't have any resemblance to the Biblical form that is taught in the churches that teach the truth.

  • REEN - 14 years ago


    Q: What passport did he travel under?
    A: There are only three possibilities.
    1) He traveled with a U.S. .. Passport,
    2) He traveled with a British passport, or
    3) He traveled with an Indonesia passport.

    Q: Is it possible that Obama traveled with a U.S. Passport in 1981?
    A: No. It is not possible. Pakistan was on the U.S. .. State Department's "no travel" list in 1981.

    Conclusion: When Obama went to Pakistan in 1981 he was traveling either with a British passport or an Indonesian passport.

    If he were traveling with a British passport that would provide proof that he was born in Kenya on August 4, 1961, not in Hawaii as he claims. And if he were traveling with an Indonesian passport that would tend to prove that he relinquished whatever previous citizenship he held, British or American, prior to being adopted by his Indonesian step-father in 1967.

    Whatever the truth of the matter, the American people need to know how he managed to become a "natural born" American citizen between 1981 and 2008..

    Given the destructive nature of his plans for America, as illustrated by his speech before Congress and the disastrous spending plan he has presented to Congress, the sooner we learn the truth of all this, the better.

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