Will Rooney Mara make a good Lisbeth Salander?


  • dd - 14 years ago

    In the hands of Fincher and Craig,I am a little more optimistic. If i had a say,I would say 'STOP' . Leave it alone. I believe Rooney knows what she is up against,and will work that much harder. Fincher has a history of developing and mentoring his actors...it will be ok.

  • Kairi Saan - 15 years ago

    I totally agree with the previous comment. The Swedish version of the movie was wonderful, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed in hope that Hollywood won't ruin a great story...

    I am glad thought that a relative newcomer was chosen for the part. Rooney was also in Tanner Hall (not out in theatres yet but it participated in several film festivals and was very well received) and did an excellent job there. In my opinion, there's a very good chance that The Girl with The Dragon will make her the next big star.

  • Lynn Casella - 15 years ago

    In general, I'm afraid the American version...depending on the screenplay... will probably ruin what was so wonderful about the Swedish version. What's wrong with an American audience that can't enjoy a foreign film? I'm not holding my breath for this because, in general, I expect to be disappointed having read all three books and know what I'm looking for.

    Mara looks the part, but she has to be gritty and gutsy. I don't know if she can pull it off. An older actress that of course is not the age needed who could definitely do the part is Holly Hunter...that's the kind of grit we need. If Mara can act like Holly, then she'll do a good job.

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