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Vote On Sophie's Challenge August 17, 2010 (Poll Closed)


  • Jamie - 14 years ago

    Jim, if it was fixed and negative comments on Alex and positive comments on Soundgarden won't go through, then why am I reading yours? Don't hate on Alex cuz his fans care to vote and Soundgardens don't. Alex's song is very radio friendly and pleasant to hear and very catchy to the GENERAL PUBLIC whilst Soundgardens song and all their music is for a certain audience. It's completely probable that Alex would remain ahead on all these facts.

  • Rebecca - 14 years ago

    Alex Band Rocks!!!
    For that one who said stupid things about him: Picate La Cola!!!! Naketes Pendejos!!!
    I Love You ALex Band!!!!

  • Lee Annette - 14 years ago

    WOW! It's not a presidential election here! The Soundgarden song stinks and the Alex Band song rocks. It's that simple! :)

  • jim - 14 years ago

    you are wrong my friend... I tried it. IT WORKS!!!

  • Gino - 14 years ago

    Jake is wrong about that clearing the cookies bit. Sure, you can vote a zillion times if you choose to but the fact is this: only one vote from the ISP address will count!

  • jim - 14 years ago

    Just saying.. There is no point in anyone voting for anyone else other than alex band. Because he has spammed all his fans to come vote for him. The poll is very biased and pointless until alex band wins his 10. Thats all i'm sayin. If he did somehow start to lose. someone like that Jake guy would vote 1 million times until he was winning again. Thats exactly what happened on this one.

  • Gino - 14 years ago

    Jim, perhaps maybe you are the one that's missing the point? The Sophie radio contest is not a "For San Diegio Only" contest; if that were the case, the station would have made that very clear! This is the year 2010, and because the contest is on the internet, anyone from anywhere on the planet can partisipate in it and vote. Again, it's not about the artist~ it's about the 2 songs that are going up against each other for that particular evening, and everyone has the right to vote for the song that they like best. We should all enjoy whatever music we like best and not try to shove it down one another's throats. Some like apples, some like pears~ That's it~ plain & simple!

  • Julien - 14 years ago

    What the goal of the contest ? Having the song played on the radio. We've won , Alex's song has been played, it helps to have more exposure. As a fan of Alex i'm happy. Now the radio is available on the Internet we can listen to it anywhere in the world , so why can't we vote too ?! ...

  • jim - 14 years ago

    my point exactly............ bee there were alot of people voting. It looks like they where all people that weren't from san diego too. Some from france even! I don't see the point in these polls if this is the case. Some people are even voting 1 million times!

    I'm done

  • Jake - 14 years ago

    Actually you can vote 1 million times if you want... just delete your cookies and vote again!

    Thats what I did! Go alex band!

  • Julien - 14 years ago

    Hey ,
    I'm from France and I voted for Alex Band because I'm a big fan. And now that he's independant, my main goal is to help him to spread his music all over the world. So Yes I voted for him and maybe he'll have new fans after they listen to the song on the radio. Seriously it's not a battle of fanbases , it's just to help him.

  • Bee - 14 years ago

    I think there are actually NOT a lot of people voting (since it's a local station), which is probably why the percentages fluctuate so easily. And I agree with Gino, Alex Band does have a great fanbase in California so obviously they will vote for him. Everyone has different taste in music so just respect that and each other instead of bashing the competition by saying their music is bad, that's just stupid.

  • Gino De Lucia - 14 years ago

    Some more facts: Alex Band is not a band; he's a solo artist whose last name just so happens to be Band. To his credit, he's the writer and singer of "Wherever You Will Go," which according to Billboard Magazine is "The #1 Song of the past Decade!" In addition, he also is the singer of that same magazine's #5 Song of the Decade: "Why Don't You & I" (Carlos Santana with Alex Band). Also, another reason as to why Alex is scoring so many votes in San Diego is because he himself is a southern California resident who has a huge fan-base there ;he only lives a hundred miles away, near Los Angeles.

  • Gino De Lucia - 14 years ago

    Jim, first of all, I'm not some immature little teeny-bopper voting over & over for my "Fave" artist~ In fact, I'm 62, well-educated, (a published photojournalist by trade), and during the recent past, I lived in San Diego for many years! Second, I actually happen to like Soundgarden along with many of the other Seattle-based bands. Third, Fact: yes, voters can vote more then once, but only twice! They can once via the Sophie site, and once from a cell phone. Finally, this contest is not about voting for your favorite artist~ it's about voting for the songs that are up against each other, and that my friend depends upon ones own personal taste in music. The bottom line is this; it's a big world with enough music to go around for everyone, so enjoy it! No hard feelings towards you Jim, and I wish you well!

  • jim - 14 years ago

    do you think it would be fair if soundgarden asked their fans to come here and vote, even if they dont live in san diego? LMAO the servers would be so overloaded with votes for soundgarden that they would have to shut the website down.

    Does that seem fair?

  • jim - 14 years ago

    Yeah... and I'm sure he posted on a forum or website or emailed everyone on his email list to come here and vote.. I'm sure of it. Its ridiculous, everyone from "around the world" are voting on what gets played in 1 city. This is not what this poll is for. Its pointless to even vote if thats the case.

    And yes Alex Band IS whats wrong with music today. Watered down, very unoriginal, heard it all before teeny bopper music.

    While I wont hold you sticking up for alex band against you. I'm sure you're a relative or friend of some sort, I will say this is a sham, I wonder how many other posts that said they liked soundgarden where blocked from the main page as well.

    I think I figured it out. Gino is the one falsifying the contest. voting over and over until his "fave" wins the contest in a city he doesnt even live in. And don't say you can't vote more than once. I know you found the way around that.

  • rhen1220 - 14 years ago

    I voted for almost a hundred times.. i think i made enough for him to reach this far..:(

  • Gino De Lucia - 14 years ago

    Alex Band is horrible? Are you nuts? You probably like hemmoroids too! Alex Band writes music; not noise! The reason why he got so many votes so quick and is winning now is because HE HAS MILLIONS OF LOYAL & APPRECITIVE FANS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD!

  • jim - 14 years ago

    It is now my mission to make sure alex band does not make it to 10 wins. I have to post on here because a simple comment like "SOUNDGARDEN RULES!" wont even get approved on the radio sophie page. I bet if i said "alex band is too cool for school!" it would've posted. LAME!

  • jim - 14 years ago

    So something is eerily wrong here. I kept trying to post comments on how I like soundgarden but none of them had been posted. yet somehow during this all of the alex band comments where being posted. LMAO! does alex band work for radio sophie? NOt only that but soundgarden was winning 72% to 28 percent and within 30 minutes alex band was winning somehow. with a percentage of 70 to 30 percent. Something is not right here. This is either a fixed contest or they somehow got 1000 people to vote on alex band in less than a half hour. I do these polls all the time and no one usually votes. So something is amiss. ALEX BAND IS HORRIBLE! They can't really be winning.

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