I agree with Mr. Ford, i"m an immigrated to this country in 1974, i'm all for hard working immigrants who are willing to work hard and contribute to this society, however at this time we are not able to accommodate these people by the boat load,as Mr Ford said we cannot take care of the people who are hard working taxpaying canadians,kids who have graduated for university with debts up to their eyeballs, senior's who have paid taxes all their lives and can barely make ends meet, how are we to take care of these people when the taxpayers of this country is already taxed up to their eyeballs, not to mention the unemployment rate is up and is still going up..i feel even though i have had a pay raise it all goes to taxes, how about our politians feel a little sympathy towards the tax payers of this country and give us a break after all we voted them in their current position..why don't the people of this country have a say in wheather or not the tamil's get to stay in this country.. i'm fedup with all the tree huggers..why can't the families of these people help them through the proper channels....
Marilou - 15 years ago
Just last week, an article figured prominently in another discussion of services - the potential 10 year waiting list for social housing - http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/article/846923--scarce-housing-goes-mainly-to-abuse-victim
There are serious problems serving the existing population of Toronto - problems all of the mayoral candidates have previously admitted. Clearly, if there is not enough money, and depleted services at present - just doing the math tells us that, unless we only allow tax-paying philanthropists to settle in the GTA, things are going to get worse, if all else stays the same. The desire of the candidates to pounce on the statements with the intent of, not discussing and solving, but simply to score points, indicates to me that the chances of having any enlightened leadership has pretty much vanished. If the only way to get 'good press' is to make up the news, then our city is doomed for another term. This isn't a 'support Rob Ford' letter. He has nothing more to offer than the others. This is a 'support Toronto' letter. Voters need to demand more from the candidates, because is if this is the best they have to offer, how bad will any of them be when mayor?
Marilou - 15 years ago
Just last week, an article figured prominently in another discussion of services - the potential 10 year waiting list for social housing - http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/article/846923--scarce-housing-goes-mainly-to-abuse-victim
There are serious problems serving the existing population of Toronto - problems all of the mayoral candidates have previously admitted. Clearly, if there is not enough money and not depleted services at present - just doing the math tells us that, unless we only allow tax-paying philanthropists to settle in the GTA, things are going to get worse, if all else stays the same. The desire of the candidates to pounce on the statements with the intent of, not discussing and solving, but simply to score points, indicates to me that the chances of having any enlightened leadership has pretty much vanished. If the only way to get 'good press' is to make up the news, then our city is doomed for another term. This isn't a 'support Rob Ford' letter. He has nothing more to offer than the others. This is a 'support Toronto' letter. Voters need to demand more from the candidates, because is if this is the best they have to offer, how bad will any of them be when mayor?
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I agree with Mr. Ford, i"m an immigrated to this country in 1974, i'm all for hard working immigrants who are willing to work hard and contribute to this society, however at this time we are not able to accommodate these people by the boat load,as Mr Ford said we cannot take care of the people who are hard working taxpaying canadians,kids who have graduated for university with debts up to their eyeballs, senior's who have paid taxes all their lives and can barely make ends meet, how are we to take care of these people when the taxpayers of this country is already taxed up to their eyeballs, not to mention the unemployment rate is up and is still going up..i feel even though i have had a pay raise it all goes to taxes, how about our politians feel a little sympathy towards the tax payers of this country and give us a break after all we voted them in their current position..why don't the people of this country have a say in wheather or not the tamil's get to stay in this country.. i'm fedup with all the tree huggers..why can't the families of these people help them through the proper channels....
Just last week, an article figured prominently in another discussion of services - the potential 10 year waiting list for social housing - http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/article/846923--scarce-housing-goes-mainly-to-abuse-victim
There are serious problems serving the existing population of Toronto - problems all of the mayoral candidates have previously admitted. Clearly, if there is not enough money, and depleted services at present - just doing the math tells us that, unless we only allow tax-paying philanthropists to settle in the GTA, things are going to get worse, if all else stays the same. The desire of the candidates to pounce on the statements with the intent of, not discussing and solving, but simply to score points, indicates to me that the chances of having any enlightened leadership has pretty much vanished. If the only way to get 'good press' is to make up the news, then our city is doomed for another term. This isn't a 'support Rob Ford' letter. He has nothing more to offer than the others. This is a 'support Toronto' letter. Voters need to demand more from the candidates, because is if this is the best they have to offer, how bad will any of them be when mayor?
Just last week, an article figured prominently in another discussion of services - the potential 10 year waiting list for social housing - http://www.thestar.com/news/gta/article/846923--scarce-housing-goes-mainly-to-abuse-victim
There are serious problems serving the existing population of Toronto - problems all of the mayoral candidates have previously admitted. Clearly, if there is not enough money and not depleted services at present - just doing the math tells us that, unless we only allow tax-paying philanthropists to settle in the GTA, things are going to get worse, if all else stays the same. The desire of the candidates to pounce on the statements with the intent of, not discussing and solving, but simply to score points, indicates to me that the chances of having any enlightened leadership has pretty much vanished. If the only way to get 'good press' is to make up the news, then our city is doomed for another term. This isn't a 'support Rob Ford' letter. He has nothing more to offer than the others. This is a 'support Toronto' letter. Voters need to demand more from the candidates, because is if this is the best they have to offer, how bad will any of them be when mayor?