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If there were an America's Vote for a Coup D'Etat Power, which HG would you give it to?

Total Votes: 7,163

  • aries - 14 years ago

    What a disappointment of final five. Brandon should have gone all the way for the fact that he has really competing tremendously since week one. To have made it this far is more power to him. To have been an underdog and defended himself when everybody was against him proves and I believe this is the kind of strong players bb should audition. I wished that the game could have gone the way Rachel and Brandon use to say-to take the strong ones to the end. But, No! everybody was so afraid of them. In that case let Meow,Meow win. Expect the rest of the season to be boring. Hate Britney and Reagan when they start talking. OOOH the girls!

  • jessica - 14 years ago

    Funny how everyone calls matt a rat! Yes he is playing BB, and if u ask me he is leaving because of the fact that there are a select few left in the house that "floated through" excluding britney and brendon. Brendon now is proving himself because he has no other choice. And dont get me wrong, I love seeing the fight, he deserves to be there more now then a few others. But does everyone forget how easily he was willing to give up??? For that alone I think he deserves to not make it to the final 2 what a waist of money. The brigade (which i was all for up until paranoid enzo screwed it up) has a lot to learn about the bb game and I hope brit & ragean give them a run for their money. I do love lane as well, but he also needs to step it up!! I would of never imagined me rooting for britany, i hated her in the begining, and have been iritated with her catty ways but as far as the gane goes she is a strong player and deserves a seat in the final 4. My ideal 4 is brit,lane,matt,and brendon with matt and brit as the final 2 if they fight and make it happen....

  • melissa - 14 years ago

    If I had to stay up for two days straight and vote I would just so Bratney would not win!

  • Michelle Lang - 14 years ago

    I don't care that Britney has lied, that's part of the game. It is the constant talking bad about people behind there back. She and Ragan are just plan ugly people. If she were my daughter I would not be proud of the way she has talked about people. Rachel may have been annoying, but at least she told you how she felt to your face and didn't talk about people behind their backs and make fun of them in front of people and laugh. Ugh those two are just plain disgusting. I hope Hayden or Lane win!

  • MrSly - 14 years ago

    I think Brit got these votes, because recently she mentioned several web sites when she was talking to herself in the bathroom. It may have skewed the results this week. Past polls and blog sites show that people hate team Ragan, Matt, Brit. I feel after this weeks CBS show, Lane will move up in the polls. The votes can be skewed by CBS editing. If you watch the feeds one can tell the anger toward Team Ragan's spew of hatred. They lie, talk evil, and try to make this an emotional game. I love the lie, cheating, and backstabbing. But don't make it personal and vindictive. The hatred is so UGLY! Ragan feels his emotions and game is the only acceptable way to play. Others are wrong and should be removed so he way is the right way. Even Rachal understood game play and once removed accepted the consequences.

  • Trick - 14 years ago

    Without Brit and Ragen who would be our entertainment people. Yeah she lied to Brendouche but you gotta do what you gotta do to stay in the game. GO TEAM Brit, Ragen, Lane, and Matt.

  • aries - 14 years ago

    Oh! that Britney makes me sooo irritated. Reagan has cheated also, every time it doesnt go his way. Evict Matt he has been a rat. Hope they stick to the plan to get Mat out.

  • BitchyP - 14 years ago

    Oh pleeeeze... You somehow think Brendouche has played by any rules other than those of his skanky hoe friend (and I use the term friend loosely here) ?? No, he is certainly anything but smart where game play is concerned!

    As for Enzo and Hayden... they threw their supposed "friend" Matt under the bus totally! So, as I see it -- the only ones who have not lied or cheated anyones are Lane and Ragan! Ragan only stuck up for himself where Rachel was concerned... Lane has been pretty much a man of his word -- and a good game player. I felt the worst for Monet and Kristen neither of them were evicted due to anything they'd really done.

    I am not a fan of Britnay either - but - the girl at least pays attention to what is going on in that house - and to what others are saying and doing.. hence - she won HOH this week.

  • mitzif - 14 years ago

    I am in agreement with you. I do not like Brit and can not see what would make people want to give her anything. She is so mean spirited and hateful. She is not playing a smart game. But she could have if she had kept her word with some of the people. You do not have to lie to people's face in order to win. I do not like the game play of Brit, Matt, or Ragan. They are so mean and they are the bullies. Matt was playing smart and good, but he made it personal. Give any power you can to Brendon. I am not a Brendon or Rach fan, but they are the best players this season.

  • Claire Katzur - 14 years ago

    I cannot believe that so many voted for Britney. To me, she has just been a spoiled brat, catty and maybe pretty on the outside but very ugly on the inside. She has no reasonable reason for needing the money due to her life style outside the house.Seems her family afforded to get her in all those pageants and to me she has been just a decorative tool in the house. I wouldn't give her the time of day, much less a coup d'etat......

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