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I support the release of Hari Prasad and rectification of Indian EVMs

Total Votes: 101

  • Chandana - 14 years ago

    Its a daring initiative taken by a responsible technologist. It needs to be appreciated by every common man towards the goal of achieving true democracy. Its high time that the government should come out of its political shell and address the loopholes proved through such an extensive, selfless research. Mr. Hari Krishna Prasad deserves an ovation for his attempt.

    "Had he been a 'thief', this would have been kept a secret, serving anti-social elements; But, this was openly declared to make the citizens aware that its not just EVMs which are prone to tampering, but apparently the future of this nation, its citizens." .............And I hope this is enough to judge his fair attempt.

  • zaheer - 14 years ago

    According to Indian constitutions Every Indian has got right to express his or her feelings towards any Anti Indian or Anti Democratic activities, Mr. Hari Prasad just try to bring the fact in common public which i personally see on Air on a national channel, What makes the Judiciary to arrest him I belive the Govt should directly get involve with the help of relevent departments to understand the cause rather then arresting a Citizen who is hard core IT professional and given lot of technologies to Indian and Intl socity, Rather then offering him appreciation this kind of negative attitude from the concern departments will give a very wrong impact to normal citizen of our great country, I humbly request the concerns to take immediate action befor the common public come on streets in favor of Mr. Hari Prasad, Because already with arrest of Mr. Hari Prasad many citizens are having various concerns and they are deeply shocked,Being a Indian I am warning the concerns to take immediate action other wise govt will be soley responsible for every citizen.. In case of any depression heart attack. etc.I wish immediate release of Mr. Hari Prasad.. Common Indian Citizen ( Zaheer Ahmed

  • N.Kalyan Chakravarthy - 14 years ago

    Arresting the saviors of democracy of this country is an undemocratic act by the so called largest democratic government of the world, the act of arresting Mr Hari Prasad is evidence in itself about the shallow beliefs we as a nation have on democracy and its process. It is undemocratic in this country to educate people about their rights and is a bigger crime to educate the people about the shortcomings on the very existence and basis of democracy (by the People) that is the election process.
    I hope that many more people condemn this undemocratic act by the government and save the crusaders of democracy or we might risk the very existence of democracy to these power hungry politicians and dumb governments.
    I demand that Mr. Hari Prasad is released immediately and all fabricated charges against him are dropped and pray to god to prevail some sense into the ECI and save our democracy & our Country. Jai Hind.

    Kalyan Chakravarthy .N

  • udaykiran - 14 years ago

    He is responsible common man who cares for the nation, did so much of extensive research with the pioneers of the field and brought this fact to the light. In India an ordinary citizen has no rights to raise their voice, who did that will be behind bars. We celebrate independence day every year, but i we never felt or had the real independence. It is when a common man's voice is been heard loud to another common man ,who really care for the nation.
    The people who are ruling the nation themselves are rapists,criminals, smugglers ----they might be having many more rocket science kind of criminal qualification. A common man who raises his voice against irregularities,corruption and nations security, will always be a victim of injustice. I am a common man, like the responsible citizen who is been arrested ( Hari prasad) ,i raise my hand for his support and success.I do whatever it takes to support Mr.Hari prasad, we are with you .

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