Who are you rooting for to win the HoH Comp on the Double Elimination Live Show


  • BigGuy - 14 years ago

    I want to see the Meow Meow win everything no matter what. HOH, then in two weeks... HOH again for the big Meow Meow!

  • My1smthop - 14 years ago

    I'd like to see Ragan win just to keep the spice in the game. He is great entertainment and though I love them dearly, the brogade needs to be broken up. I'd like to see Ragan, Britney, Lane and Hayden in the final four. That would be great!

  • Jennifer - 14 years ago

    I only want Brendon to win so that he will do the 3D BG's dirty work and put up Ragan and Britney and then the BG can turn around and win the second HoH and send him to the jury house (hopefully!)

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