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What's on your mind after reading this chapter (and review)?

Total Votes: 54
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  • Wilborn - 14 years ago

    I never commented before, but in memory of The Underscore I will comment on this review.

    First off, Is it just me or does anyone think that Kubo is reading these damn reviews because every time the Underscore mocked or tried to critique the writer, something happened that seemed as if Kubo almost did it to bitchslap Underscore. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that the Underscore is as awesome as Kubo although the Underscore is awesome (I admit, I don't like all the nicknames he gave to ichigo's hollow/evil forms because they seem flaky, but I love the reviews too much to complain)

    Anyway, this chapter of Decide supports my theory that Kubo reads this because although we all assumed this was the end of Decide and ergo Underscore wouldn't write another one, but LOOK HERE! Decide XXX is out!!! So now I have to deal with The Underscore MAsk for a while (Which means Decide wil never end) although I do enjoy his sarcasm, I never here anything about Keigo vs Aizen from The UM. Becuase in the next five chapters, Keigo and Ichigo will fuse into an Omega Vizard, Zangetsu, humanm Hybrid!! Okay, maybe not...

    Everything about this chapter was righteous, Ichigo put Aizen's ego in it's place. Aizen's such a smug sh!!tface, and apparently we've all seen Ichigo's TRUE POWER: He can shut Aizen UP!!! That's all I needed to see. Gin should just die already (I dont care fangirls and boys, Gin has had his glory, its time for Ichigo to end this game) And they really need to explain to us what's going on with Ichigo AND Aizen right now because Aizen's new forms are still lost to me. I MEAN WTF THIS BASTARDS TRANSFORMED ALMOST AS MUCH AS ICHIGO'S TRANSFORMED OVER THE COURSE OF THE SERIES!!!! ITS AS IF AIZEN WANTS TO BE LIKE ICHIGO!!! FOR EVERY TRANSFORMATION ICHIGO'S DONE OVER THE COURSE OF THE SERIES, THIS BUTTERFAIZEN'S COVERED THEM ALL IN LIKE A DAMN HOUR OR TWO!!!!

    Sigh...sorry about the caps lock.

    I mean..I love to learn about how the powers and forms of Bleach characters work just as much as I love reading the manga (its part of the reason I enjoy reading these reviews) so the whole "Transforming every two seconds without fleshing out the reasons) thing is gay.

    NOW:: Here is a topic that I'd like to find out about: With this new badass form of Ichigo, does this mean that he cannot activate his hollow powers in this form? I ask because....

    First off, Ichigo's hollow powers were shunned from him once again after Ulquiorra killed him, thus forcing Ichigo to allow his evil side, inner hollow, whatever you call it, to take over. I assume that his powers were "shunned" (Which doesnt have to mean that he COULDNT USE THEM after fighting Ulquiorra) because his control over the mask was decreased. And I assume his control over the mask decreased because the mask [or say, his hollow powers] had also evolved in power which would mean that he needed to train to overcome inner evil ichigo again. Which brings me to my second reason for all this.

    Ichigo had to perform Jinzen in order to face his zanpaktou in Bankai and truly acquire the final GT. Once inside his mind, he had to face the fusion of Tensa Zangetsu AND his dark side (Which was obviously stronger now than ever since Ichigo's last dark transformation) in order to be stronger. As we waited to see Ichigo's new form, I assumed that his new form would be based upon his Shinigami powers since his goal was to learn the final GT and not to gain control over his hollow powers. But with the appearance of his dark side that could only mean two things: Ichigo had to not only defeat Tensa Zangetsu to master the final GT, BUT he had to defeat his dark side to regain full control over the mask. With all that being said, his new form looks like it's centered around Zangetsu and not his dark side.

    So....what does this say about his hollow powers? Can he use them in this form? And if he can, will it be the same mask or....Will he have a new mask/hollow form all together?!?!?!?

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