From the Current BB12 HGs and Jury Members, Who gets your $25,000 BB12 Fan Favorite Vote?


  • Darren - 14 years ago

    It was definatly rigged Britny was a complete @#$%^ from day 1 in that house Brendon was a way better competetor and was not a complete jerk.

  • Tim - 14 years ago

    If Brendon beats Brit for 25k they need their phone and internet privledges taken away for good.

  • Tamara - 14 years ago

    VOTE FOR BRENDON!!!!!!!!!!

  • Nancy - 14 years ago

    What poll are you looking at? Brendon is leading the CBS POLL BY 1237 VOTES AND BRITNEY 505 VOTES. He is also leading the T.V GUIDE POLL. And jokersupdates as well for fan favorite. This poll here is rigged so it figures. Brendon deserves the vote for FAN FAVORITE! He was in a house full of hate, with Evil britney and ragan the troll bashing him 24/7. Not only did britney bash him and rachel but kathy , kristen, andrew and matt. But brendon and rachel got the worst of it. It was disgusting that things that came out her mouth. She is a horrible person str8 up. Brendon was a gentleman towards her but she kept up the hate. Even wishing him death. I guest alot people didn't watch the feeds. Brendon deserves this vote, britney was carried thru the game. Brendon was fighting since the first week. He was a good sport and a good person. I will promote brendon like crazy. BRENDON FOR FAN FAVORITE!!!!!!

  • Dani - 14 years ago

    I'm so glad Britney is leading in most of the polls I've seen. She's the only hgs that completely deserve the 25K not only that but the title as well. She was defintily my favorite. I hate that she's leaving this week but she has my vote & I'm going to promote her like hell. It also doesn't hurt she's a Lady GaGa & Britney Spear Fan. She'll get support from the other fans. Brit you rock & I hope you win the 25K

  • molly - 14 years ago

    Brendon has my vote...enough said!

  • angie - 14 years ago

    Brendon deserve's america's choice more than britney, because he was a target since the first week. And when rachel was voted out he had no one. Britney had lane and hayden so she didn't have to fight as hard as brendon did. Vote for the best player not the one with the best DR

  • MrSly - 14 years ago

    Are you all smoking crack! Anyone but the Princess Bitch and Simple Jack Ragan. they both played a nasty nasty game. i don't mind playing games, but the filth that spewed from their mouths was SICK. Why would anyone give that 24 year old brat anything. She needs to grow up and learn respect. As for Ragan, he is the fairy that lives in fantasy land. It is a shame that BB gave him $25,000 for doing NOTHING! Worst season since season 1. The casting was horrible this season. It may be the last too. Shame.

  • Tim - 14 years ago

    Yeah 57 or whatever minutes of holding a breif case then dropping it is really lazy your not suppose to hold it for 2 hours, Rachel wouldn't have lasted long in the endurance anyway, Brit would have lasted longer then her in those.

  • melissa - 14 years ago

    Tim,.......REALLY, .Brits first pov, she dropped the object because she was LAZY. The second was pure chance, same with the third. The only one that she really won was the HOH and furthermore Rachael was not allowed to play in the physical comps of the season because she was the previous HOH!!!!

  • Tim - 14 years ago

    Rachel's 1st HOH was a lucky guess on tie breaker, Rachel's 2nd HOH was a knockout game, Rachel never won a hard HOH comp, Brendon played a good game but he alligned himself with a bad partner, Had Brendon been himself he MAYBE would have lasted but Britney has won same as Brendon and stayed in the game longer before she alligned with a more trusting person.

  • Patricia - 14 years ago

    Reading the above comment i totally agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!There is nothing sweet or humble about Brittney however bb seems to have it set up for her to win for example yesterday during the luxury competition how is it that lane told her where the coin was at and she wins 10,000 that is call cheating bb...Her whole game is to talk about Brendon and Rachel wow great skills loll............Brendon and Rachel may had had their faults but they played the game unlike other house guests still in the house.

  • wendy - 14 years ago

    i totally agree...brendon!!!! I vote and nothing is happening.......why??????????????????

  • melissa - 14 years ago

    Viltgance....I can not agree more. Cbs totally edited every horrible thing that brit has said and done since day 1. If you all really knew what this girl was really like, she would have not one vote. I don't say this because I hate her...I really don't care at this point who wins, I am being honest with you all, her behavior is plain disgusting :(

  • Tim - 14 years ago

    Yeah let's not give 25g to the person that played the best game of the people NOT in final 2. Hopefully she makes it to final 2 then Enzo if he's eliminated can win it.

  • viltgance - 14 years ago

    Whoever thinks Britney should win this is a idoit, cbs u suck

  • Tim - 14 years ago

    Brendon? lol, Britney won just as much as Brendon and she's STILL in the house.

  • maya - 14 years ago

    I was also trying to vote for brendon and nothing happened, please fix the problem because it is not fair. I'm also kinda thinking it's a set up so the vote goes to britney. Come on start BEING FAIR WHAT A JOKE!

  • aries - 14 years ago

    What up? I have been voting for Brandon to win 25,000 all day long and all the votes are going to Britney. What up? Come on BB is this a set up or what.....Not even one vote did it changed on Brandon's poll and Britney's poll is jumping. No way, is this really, really AMERICA voting! Oh well it is what it is.

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