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Do you think asking to take your shoes off at a party is unreasonable?

Total Votes: 1,306
1 Comment

  • Barefoot - 14 years ago

    Although I am biased on the subject, (I go barefoot everywhere) I also have some intelligent insight for this! One: I'm going to YOUR house for a party, you're not coming to mine! Therefore for comparison, if you went to a person's house in Japan you WOULD be asked to remove footwear at the door, as to NOT do so would be akin to bringing death inside! So the properness of their request although for reasons that may not be known to me, as a guest, I should comply with and NOT ask why! (To do so would be rude). See it doesn't matter what the property owner's reason(s) are! (It could be religious to just trying to keep the carpets clean!) If they came to my house, they would have to abide by my rules. (As in 'NO smoking and no drinking alcoholic beverages, and NO swearing'!) In my case you would remove your shoes and stockings for religious reasons. No I would NOT be forcing my religion on you, I would merely be asking for respect for mine! Respect for one another! How 'bout THAT for a concept?

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