Was Jim Brown justified in declining to attend the Browns Ring of Honor ceremony?


  • Rob Cowman - 14 years ago

    Jim Brown is an arrogant old fool who lives for racial confrontation, even when race is not within a mile of an issue. He was offered a good paying job with an organization who has always paid nothing but honor and respect to him. Additionally, they extended a sincere request of his participation in the Brown’s ring of honor, where he would without question be the most highly respected and received member. Just because the offer came from the new president of the organization and not the owner, who anyone with a brain knows approved of the position, Jim Brown takes it upon himself to attribute racial remarks never made by Holmgren or any other Brown executive. Simply put, Jim Brown is a bigoted, old race monger looking for a race fight anywhere he can find one and in this case he chose to disrespect an organization that has done nothing but cherish him and offer him a nice living when he has very little to offer them. Jim Brown was one of the all time greats to ever play the game, but he is also one of the biggest jackasses of all time. He makes me sick and his exploits on the field are diminished by his disrespect to those who with great humility have honored him only to be spat upon by an ungrateful racist.

  • Mike Bogucci - 14 years ago

    Well, it's a bummer that since he won't be there, there won't be any "Buck Dancing".

    "One monkey don't stop the show" Jim Brown - Racist and Former NFL Player

  • Claudia - 14 years ago

    As a life long Cleveland Browns football fan and a fan of Jim Browns' I feel that this whole mess is a shame. The man is a proud man and his feelings have been tromped on, will I miss seeing him on Sept. 19th, heck yes, there is only one Jim Brown and he will always be my favorite running back.

  • bob - 14 years ago

    He was given a job he where he did not do anything except show up and get a check. Now someone comes in offers him a job doing less for less pay and he's pissed??? What a baby! I'd like ot see him go get job - and see how he likes it and what he gets paid. He's another spoiled athlete who only cares about himself and his ego.

  • Jerry - 14 years ago

    I don't understand why you guys give him all the publicity about this, I think it just adds fuel to his biggoted feelings.

    Like someone else said, "He was great", Keyword is "WAS".....

  • Dan - 14 years ago

    he has the right to no attend, but with everything there is a consequence. If he can survive without the income and notority, then so be it. But that's his choice.

  • EastSideHunky - 14 years ago

    Jim Brown is an arrogant, proud old man who has nothing left to hang onto, so like our juvenile marxist president, he has to engage in a narcissistic exercise to draw attention to his feeble self-centered personality. He WAS a great RB for the Browns. That is done.

    Today he is a selfish bitter racist old man...that's all he can show nearly 45 yrs after he voluntarily retired to chase a skirt, something he evidently continued for many years. So be it. On with the show!

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