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What religion is President Obama?

Total Votes: 1,802

  • Jesus - 14 years ago

    You are all incredibally stupid.

  • ronald weber - 14 years ago

    Let's see. He was born to a muslim and an atheist, raised in a muslim country, and bows and scrapes to every muslim leader he meets. He holds celebrations for Ramadan in the White House, while blocking the Christian Day of Prayer.
    He attended a church whose pastor preaches liberation theology, and himself believes something called collective salvation. Neither of these ideas are biblical, or Christian. Is there any other reason why people may be confused about his belief system?
    And despite all this, it is the American people who are at fault for not believing what he SAYS. The possible list of discrepancies between what he says and what he does is too long to enumerate here.
    He says he is a christian. I'll wait and see.

  • kevin oconnor - 14 years ago

    Apparently, religion makes people stupid.

  • Ben Clarkson - 14 years ago

    He is neither a Muslim nor a Christian. The teachings of his (self proclaimed) Pastor are as far from New Testament Christianity as the teachings of Osama Bin Laden are from true Islam.

    It was my hope that once he was elected we could put to bed the "Race" issue in this country. However I believe race has become more of an issue now than ever. Any criticism of his policies are immediately portrayed as an attack on his race. The teachings of the so called "Reverends", Wright, Sharpton, Jackson etc. he has surrounded himself with have no foundation at all in Christianity. These men spend their time running from one incident to another crying racism to keep themselves relevant.

    Funny how they all shut up when it was discovered that the so called "Flint Slasher" wasn't a white guy. All of a sudden this isn't about race simply because a white person wasn't involved....

  • James Norton - 14 years ago

    The guy is clearly a muslim and I think that is okay. I just wish he would be honest with the American people is all. Just Sayin

  • Tom Backus - 14 years ago

    It never ceases to amaze me the ignorance of the public in general. A majority think he is Muslim (not that it matters), and just two years ago many of these same haters were up in arms about his Christian Pastor the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Go figure. People believe what they want to believe despite the truth. I find it interesting too that these so-called Christians practice so much hatred when Jesus Christ brought a message of peace and reconciliation.

  • Leonard Marks - 14 years ago

    If there is no question as to these questions why wouldn't he prove place of birth and act like a christion.

  • Lisa - 14 years ago

    I find the above comments very comical. You are supporting the President's claim of being a Christian and demonizing those that do not believe him - mainly the Christians. Is that not hypocritical?
    I am a hard-working, Christian, American. I do not appreciate it when my money is being used unwisely and for things that are totally against God's teachings, such as abortion, stealing money from people, etc.
    I am instructed by God to love all people. The issues with the current President have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with his race or name; it's his policies and frivolous spending. Could it be that you are just looking for unimportant differences in this president to take the focus off the real issues?
    Open your eyes!! Talk about educating yourself - look at the facts! Don't just believe what MSNBC and CNN are telling you. Is America in a better condition now than it was 2 years ago? I don't think so!!!

  • Marianne Griggs - 14 years ago

    History will tell in about 25 years what kind of President Obama has been. But for now we need to shut up and let the man do his job. His religion is his own business but if the public must know he has stated that he is Christian and I have no reason to doubt him. Mr President I support you until you give me a reason not to.

  • louise kozentis - 14 years ago

    The ignorance of the public is far beyond astonishing... it is downright horrific! This is a nation of sheep, who are simply unwilling to educate and think for themselves. Be very afraid.

  • Suzanne Michael - 14 years ago

    The so called "Christain Party" will do and say anything to stir up the nutcases in this country. By doing so it draws attention away from the fact that they do'nt have any real ideas. All they care about is their money and if they have to tear this country apart to keep it , so be it! Lucky for them most of their follower's are a few fries short of a Happy Meal!

  • mike gillespie - 14 years ago

    people are so one side and brain washed about tea party republicans they can't deal with truths!

  • Steve - 14 years ago

    To people who don't like our President, it doesn't matter what the truth is. They'll never believe it. "He has a different-sounding name, he's black, he's Arab, he's not like us." It really is disappointing to realize there are so many angry, ignorant, fearful people in this country.

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