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Of the Final 4 BB12 HGs, who has played the best Social game?

Total Votes: 4,140

  • MrSly - 14 years ago

    Now I know these polls are full of crap. It is now confirmed that the only ones doing these polls are Hogs! Yes, I said it HOGS! For there is no way Brit played a social game. If anyone played a great social game out of this bunch it would be Lane. He didn't get in any fights. Kept he views to himself and just played the nice Texan. Enzo, though, in my opinion played a great social game. He was loved by everyone. Even Rachael and the troll Matt. He got everyone to like him. Hayden was the nice dumb surfer dude that everyone wants to hang with. The girls think he is cute and the guys think he a cool dude. Now to vote Brit is just DUMB. So this site must be overrun by Arkansas redneck hogs. I would bet my house that Brendon, Lane, or Enzo wins the $25,000 after the great edit that BB has given them on the CBS show. And that's that. Period.....

  • Kim - 14 years ago

    You guys talking abour brit is so right. Even though she is not as mean since her bestie left, she still is very spoiled, and catty. She never played a social game. she relied on Lane. And he is the one who tries to always bring her back.

  • Patricia - 14 years ago

    Wow i guess Brittney is on top during recents game my *** this talk chick talks sooooooooooooo much crap that it is disgusting at certain points.................. great role model bb.

  • Tim - 14 years ago

    Rachel hates any other girl period. and Brendon will vote how Rachel wants anyway so it doesn't really matter.

  • Mike - 14 years ago

    I know everyone on here seems to love Britney (she's likeable ever since Monet left), but c'mon and be serious with the poll answers! Britney has not played the best social game. She automatically doesn't have Brendon and Rachel's votes barring something weird happening. Enzo on the other hand hasn't made a single enemy in the Big Brother house and made it to the final four. That's a perfect social game.

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