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Which TV show deserves to get made into a movie more?


  • NewFan - 14 years ago

    I just recently discovered this show (thanks to Netflix). Please, please, please, please make a movie out of it. There was too much left hanging. Logan and Veronica have to get back together (Piz is not right for her). And poor Keith needs to be redeemed! It would be a great movie to make. It was a mistake taking it off the air.

  • Judy Walsh - 14 years ago

    I would love to see a Veronica Mars movie!!!!!!I thiink everyone would like to see the Veronica and Logan storyline continue. The chemistry these two had was fantastic A wedding perhaps?

  • Kevan - 14 years ago

    Please make the Veronica Mars movie......its great that Netflix is streaming all three seasons....get caught up before the movie!!! I just started rewatching it on my iPad while I work out!

  • Putto - 14 years ago

    The finale of "Arrested Development" was a perfect ending. I am quite satisfied with how all the storylines were wrapped up.

    "Veronica Mars", on the other hand-- I can see a rich, multifaceted plot taking Veronica into early adulthood. My only requirement would be to keep Keith Mars as a major character. The Keith-Veronica father-daughter relationship is one of my absolute favorites of all time.

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