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Which 3 or 4 BB12 HGs would you invite back for Big Brother AllStars 2?

Total Votes: 13,276

  • Eller - 14 years ago

    Only Brendon. I would NEVER Put Britany on any of our future shows! Brendon should win the 25 k NOT Brit.
    Regardless he'll be on Ultimate BB.

  • DrSnark - 14 years ago

    To Tim:
    Per the above, which was ~7 comments above yours:
    "Evil Dick & Daniele were the last HGs to capture my interest, and even they were over-dramatized..." I certainly didn't love ED, I simply found the subtext of an estranged father and daughter stuck in a stressfully close situation after no contact for several years interesting (on a human level), in spite of the over-dramatization/exploitation by AGP. Same for the other ex-es that season. Hell, I was rooting for the poor HG who withstood an endurance challenge in the pouring rain toward the end (?F3) while ED screamed/cursed at him, and yelled hooray when that HG won it (sorry, can't remember the specs). For sure, THIS cast of lazy slackers/sleepers could have used a good pots-and-pans reveille from ED who, BTW, offered to share the 500K with Daniele (anorectic, conceited princess) if he won, despite her constant rebuffs of his attempts at reconciliation...At least people tuned in to see what he'd/they'd do next right up to the end, rather than bailing out of the feeds as folks have the past 2 weeks in S12 (Dingo@Hamsterwatch says that she can't in good conscience recommend the feeds for next year based on the BS they've pulled on us the past two days, blocking feeds during Final HOH, putting outdated crap on BBAD...) The Mean Girl was a victim of her own karma, and SUCH cluelessness re the Brigade - hello, ALLIANCES (even of dildos, er, DoDos) are a major strategy, how did she miss that one? I'll refer you all to the EXCELLENT evaluation, "Genie's Take on Season 12," to which I can only add, "Bravo!" Britney won comps, sure, but NOT when they counted, and I seriously doubt she'll leave with 'friends for life.' She's too into herself and narcissists aren't known for their caring for others. Genie said it all and said it better so, thanks Aly, for agreeing with me, and you're gonna applaud her wrap-up as I do. Finally, for the record, the famous Dr. Will had that elusive quality that keeps his name current @ BB websites everywhere -- CHARM! His DR monologues were hilarious and he understood in S2 - without the benefit of studying 11 PREVIOUS seasons - what BB is all about. He laughed at anyone who believed anything he said/promised, called them absurd and clueless, but didn't get malicious about it. BB is NOT summer camp (says Genie), HGs are not there to make "lifelong friends"'s a rare shot at winning half a million dollars, and Dr. Will proved it can be done with CHARM and laughs (even to your face), without vitriole, rage or psychotic hatred...No HG has ever made me laugh more than the S2 inventor of the Showmance (brilliant!), and with the yearly decline in quality of HGs I think it's time to retire BB as it dies a natural death of disinterest by fans. Or as Dingo said, "...A week of nothing ends this shambles of a sorry season...We should have skipped BB12 and had a summer..." "LOL"

  • Tim - 14 years ago

    People loved Dick umm ok what did he do differently for all the love that Britney hasn't done? Britney talked crap about people (which every season does), Britney won comps, She leaves the game with friends outside of the game (Monet, Ragan, Hay, Lane). So obviously Brit doing something right, People just are jealous of her dunno why people get jealous of reality game players lol.

  • xoxoGossipGirl - 14 years ago

    Britney, Enzo and Matt.

  • BitchyP - 14 years ago

    WTF!!! The only houseguest who even came close to not being a total ass was Kristen! She too got caught up in the moment of it all.. I think Hayden played her for his own weird desires. As for the last eight people left.. they all seemed to self destruct... First with Brandon - his desire to seek revenge for his "showmance" was his final undoing. Then Matt - he lost due to his own demise with playing both ends against the middle . Ragan made fatal flaws in the beginning by wearing his heart on his sleeve for everyone to see..Britney you are a rude and crewel little girl who has so much bitterness - life will teach you that the world does NOT revolve around you!! Enzo - if you really are for real - I truly pity you - you need to be evaluated for bipolar - your rage is too intense. Lane, you could never really grab your ass when it mattered... you miust live a charmed life.. and last but not least "Hollywood" Hayden - you did seem to honestly believe in yourself which I do admire - too bad you chose such "douche" bags to be associated with.. Good Luck - - but, trust and believe this season really lacked skills and enthusiasm - - too bad!

  • Aly - 14 years ago

    DrSnark - I couldn't agree with you more.

  • Sann - 14 years ago

    I truly can't understand what people see in Brittney, unless the voting is rigged?? How are so many fans of the show loving this evil girl? I'm sorry but check yourself, if you find that you love the person that was the most hateful in the house, the one that talked about people like dogs, they one that thought she was all that and had room to talk about everyone else's flaws, IF that is the person you like what does that say aobut you. I don't think that is what BB is all about. Winning the competition games and living the best way possible with a house of strangers and getting to know them and perhaps even making some lasting friendships is what I like to see when watching. I would be digusted with myself if I liked and supported the most hateful, fake, backstabbing person in the game. If you like her you must be like her and guess what mostly likely if you (you being a FAN of Brittney's) were in the house with her she would be hating you too. She is NOT a good person and personally I am ready to see good Americans on TV not the worse the country has in it.

  • Sann - 14 years ago

    I truly can't understand what people see in Brittney, unless the voting is rigged?? How are so many fans of the show loving this evil girl? I'm sorry but check yourself, if you find that you love the person that was the most hateful in the house, the one that talked about people like dogs, they one that thought she was all that and had room to talk about everyone else's flaws, IF that is the person you like what does that say aobut you. I don't think that is what BB is all about. Winning the competition games and living the best way possible with a house of strangers and getting to know them and perhaps even making some lasting friendships is what I like to see when watching. I would be digusted with myself if I liked and supported the most hateful, fake, backstabbing person in the game. If you like her you must be like her and guess what mostly likely if you (you being a FAN of Brittney's) were in the house with her she would be hating you too. She is NOT a good person and personally I am ready to see good Americans on TV not the worse the country has in it.

  • Tim - 14 years ago

    By sheer competitors Britney and Brendon for doing the most in the house, Hayden won 4 like other 2 but Hot Dog was given to him by Matt.

  • DrSnark - 14 years ago

    I can't choose any of them, particularly in light of the past several days' worth of delusional pontificating among the final three Brigadiers. Really, where are they (AGP) getting these people? Evil Dick & Daniele were the last HGs to capture my interest, and even they were over-dramatized. Season 12 was the WORST, most BORING ever...Many of the HGs floated (or literally slept through) the show until the final third - or their own eviction - and the so-called Brigade are the most annoying, downright obnoxious alliance since the Nerd Herd. Never have so many bragged so much about achieving so little (except "throwing competitions" - yeah, sure). I've had to turn Showtime off after 15 mins since Hayden won POV, it's soooo embarrassing to listen to Enzo's pathetically hilarious fantasies about his future as the star of a mob movie, much less the historical significance of his 'awesome Brigade'... nauseating... He and Hayden are cartoons, and Lane is an OCD-masturbator who nullified the only interesting thing about himself by betraying Britney. And the Mean Girl has fulfilled Rachel's prophecy that she'd be the Last Girl Standing among the dregs of male HGs if Rachel was evicted. So, if I never see any of these non-entities again it will be too soon..."All-Stars" implies that the HGs had been a "star" in their season...No one matching that description in Season 12, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

  • GaYToR - 14 years ago

    I can only chose one... Brendon. I want him to be able to play his game alone.

    The rest of Season 12 sucks and don't deserve to come back.

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