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What Should GOP Make Top Priority?

Total Votes: 90,953

  • Miseducator? - 14 years ago

    "STOP THE BS, OBAMA and Pelosi, Reid ,and the rest of the democratic party. We all know what you're up to and we're a lot smarter then you now"

  • Henress Cow - 14 years ago

    Go commie.

  • T. Fenimore - 14 years ago

    STOP THE BS, OBAMA and Pelosi, Reid ,and the rest of the democratic party. We all know what you're up to and we're a lot smarter then you now

  • Robert Daniel - 14 years ago

    How can you read this propaganda without seeing a class war going on? EVERY one of these goals are designed to bolster the wealthy while making sure the working class get the bill. Do you teapartiers and republes have no brains left?...or are you so wealthy that you don't care?
    "Mission Accomplished" in Iraq....It's FUBAR! We must vote in more republicans if we want God to approve another war for us. There are lots of Iranians, North Koreans, and even Mexicans we haven't killed yet.

    Letting Bush tax cuts expire will raise taxes for small businesses like GE, who just paid $0 federal income tax for 2009. (Walmart of China paid more U.S. federal taxes than Exxon.)

    Republican's will create more jobs...other countries have unemployment too, ya know.

    It costs money to out source American jobs...let corporations keep their tax breaks for it.

    Affordable health care should only be enjoyed by the very wealthy and elite lawmakers.

    Pharmaceutical companies need more pay for research that our taxes paid for, of course.

    Energy will cost less to produce if we let the corporations self-regulate themselves.

    Banks and investors would prosper with self-regulation too.

    Keep warrant less phonetaps legal so we can identify crooked Americans.

    Create more keeps the working class in line.

    Getting rid of lobbyists would raise unemployment.

    Make government smaller by keeping our cronies and firing the workers.

    Cut edjakashun Glenn Beck a bigger blackboard.

    What did Phineas Taylor Barnum say happened every minute?

  • John - 14 years ago

    We need to understand that it is not the Democrats or Republicans who are at fault. It is the government. Government does not create jobs. Make the White House and Congress accountable. Give them the same retirement program we have, the same medical coverage we pay for, the same penalty for lying to us that baseball players face for lying to them.

    Republican and Democratic leaders all find a reason to fly in private jets, have staffs that costs millions of dollars, and all members of Congress have full pension rights at age 62 after only 5 FULL YEARS OF SERVICE!

    Moral: They do what they want, make us pay for it and are not affected in their own lives. If Wall Street lied to us, they should go to jail, not be taken over by Washington.

  • PaulinNH - 14 years ago

    Jobs, dummy. Why wasn't that an option?

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