Which BB12 HG are you voting for on CBS.com to take home the Fan Favorite $25,000?


  • wen - 14 years ago

    I was voting for Brendon, but now due to the fire Britney & her boyfriend Nick had in their home, I'm sure $25,000 would help...I'm not totally heartless.

  • Caryl - 14 years ago

    Thank you Bitchy P, Ann is totally off her rocker....Enzo is the worst player in all history, I think I even like Natalie better and that isn't saying much, because she was terrible. Really I stopped watching as soon as Ragan was voted out. I checked in on this web site to get an update, but I didn't waste my evenings on the Brigade.

  • BitchyP - 14 years ago

    Anna - Are you even remotely serious?? Enzo?? A Godfather?? Come on!! He clearly was the biggest "floater" of the season!

    No dearie he did NOT start the brigade - it was entirely Matt's idea - go back and watch the feeds!! Enzo was quick to hop on the idea - I'll agree with that one - but - he in no WAY started it!!!

    Enzo was without a doubt the worst player this season! He NOW states it was he idea to stay in the background - yeah - RIGHT! He did "try" to win each HOH & POV without success! The ONLY reason he won the ONE event he did was because he pushed Ragan all 120 pds of him out of the way in the one POV event both hurting himself as well as Ragan!

    Beyond all of that he is a GIANT LOSER!! His command of the English language is as poor as he is!! However I will agree he seems to love his family a lot. What I find a total turn off is his rude brash mouth! NEVER in BB history have they had to edit so much due to bad language while HG's knew they were on-air!

    No Anne, he certainly does NOT deserve ANY money!

  • Anna - 14 years ago

    Enzo is the godfather of big brother. He chose the brigade in a day, decided who would be leaving the house each week, kept the brigade together til the end. Kept the brigade a secret, sent his soldiers among the house guests to manipulate the votes in favor of the brigade. The trick was to eliminate anyone coming between a brigade member and the brigade too. He stayed faithful to the brigade as did Hayden. His downfall is not being expert in competitions. But he ran that house this season with the largest alliance ever. When nonbrigade house guests got suspicious of an alliance, Enzo was good at throwing them off track.. Its a shame he may not be in the final 2 and have a chance at some big money, for him and his family. I hope some good fortune comes to Enzo for a job well done and keeping us entertained for 3 months. Good luck Enzo.

  • Kristen - 14 years ago

    I can see how you would see that Brendon "needs" the money more than Britney, but this is not a "who needs it most" contest, its about who's your favorite. I personally see Brendon using it to party with Rachel, in which case I surely would not want him to get the $$. But Brit is my FAVE, whether or not she could use it the most and what she would use it on is irrelevant. Just my opinion.

  • Kristen - 14 years ago

    I can see how you would see that Brendon "needs" the money more than Britney, but this is not a "who needs it most" contest, its about who's your favorite. I personally see Brendon using it to party with Rachel, in which case I surely would not want him to get the $$. But Brit is my FAVE, whether or not she could use it the most and what she would use it on is irrelevant. Just my opinion.

  • melissa - 14 years ago

    Ladies, if you want to make a difference in the outcome, go to cbs.com and vote for brendon . You can vote as much as you want . This is just a poll, it is not the real vote:)

  • Joleen - 14 years ago

    I think we all need to help Brendon with the money, after all he is working on a cure for cancer...he could use the money for a good cause...Britney will go on a trip with it, now which would you like, someone who is going to school or someone who wants to travel and has already won $10,000.

  • Mia - 14 years ago

    This is the most rigged poll i've seen, all the others are legit. If you vote for brendon it goes to britney. COME ON AND BE FAIR. I'm trying to vote for brendon and it's not letting me. GEEZ!!!!

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