Will You Root For Josh Lueke?


  • Rick - 14 years ago


    I ate more hair off my wife's pussy last night than you got on your whole cock you faggot. I will rape you!

  • Jeff - 15 years ago

    Fuck you Dave, I'm going to get your site shut down and fuck your wife

  • Dave - 15 years ago

    And your banned from USSM. Thanks.

  • Dave - 15 years ago

    Oh, and your a faggot

  • Jeff - 15 years ago

    Thanks. Yes, I realized that was my first mistake to even acknowledge existence. Naive as I didn't think their first remarks were serious or to be repeated. Thanks for your hard work with USSMariner. I have never responded but finally have joined in after reading only. It is appreciated.

  • Dave - 15 years ago

    Noted Jeff. But you can do better than respond to trolls

  • Jeff - Actual Jeff - 15 years ago

    Dave, USS Mariner, please know that some less than kind and phoney comments under the name Jeff were done by others using that name. Internet is a great invention but like a good light, can also attract a lot of bugs. Thanks.

  • Dave - 15 years ago

    And people wonder why we moderate our comments

  • Jake Squid - 15 years ago


    I can save you some time. 432 Amherst Street. Sacremento, California!! Ha!

  • Jake Squid - 15 years ago

    HaHa! I will be waiting with my sniper. Before you bust in, please knock first so I know I can finish quick before I kill the slut's husband. Ha! Pussy!

  • Jeff - 15 years ago


  • Jake Squid - 15 years ago

    Bring it on pussy! I will tie your ass up after I beat you down so you can watch your wife have a real orgasm. Maybe you can pick up a move or two and see how a real man can fuck a slut

  • Jeff - 15 years ago

    Fuck you Jake! I'm going to put my fist in your mouth. Let's fucking do this! You don't talk about my wife like that you piece of shit. I'm going to find out where you live bitch

  • Jake Squid - 15 years ago


    Btw, I ate your wife's pussy out last night, railed her till she squirted on the walls. Wanted me to tell you she says hi and learn how to fuck

  • Jake Squid - 15 years ago

    Fuck you Jeff. Consider yourself dead you dumb fuck

  • Jeff - 15 years ago

    Jim, thanks. Just had to check back today. Nice to see that common sense has not totally died out. Different views are always great. But not when those idiots, as you rightly say, are critical of Lueke but their attitudes make him the more responsible human being. Hope to read more by you!

    Jake, so clever with words! Maybe Santa could bring you a Thesaurus? Honestly, get a life.

  • Jim - 15 years ago

    Jeff you are right, well said on every account. Man some of these other commentators are idiots.

  • Derek Lamarr - 15 years ago

    Treating Josh Lueke differently because of his previous crimes after his sentence is complete is inarguably absurd. It is this concept of permanent criminal labeling that leads to such high recidivism rates in the U.S. There is no benefit to the offender, victim, or society when a person is ostracized after completing his criminal sentence. One might make the argument Mr. Lueke should receive a lifetime prison sentence (most would find such a sentence excessive for his crime), but this sort of quasi-lifetime sentence, where offenders are released from prison but still treated like criminals, only leads to higher recidivism rates, higher crime rates, social decay, and many other problems.

  • Vladimir - 15 years ago

    Let him make the living any way he wants, just not in the Mariners uniform. It has been a clear mistake by the FO to get him in a trade, now they are surely trying to get rid off him beacuse of their well known policy about women´s rights and stuff. He is just not the right guy to put a Mariners uniform on.
    And for all of you - if you weren´t there or you didn´t read the complete police report or talk to him or her personally - you never knew what happened there for real so stop judging and throwing rocks at someone.

  • tyler - 15 years ago


  • The Ancient Mariner - 15 years ago

    Ladies and gentlemen, a moment of silence, for we are in the presence of a true paragon of virtue. Clearly, Jake Squid is truly the epitome of nonviolent wisdom, a man of ineffably divine grace and goodness; it's no wonder that he can presume to pass judgment and sentence on someone he's never met in the absence of any clear and compelling evidence, for his obvious and undeniable beneficence enable him to read the hearts and minds of others with impeccable judgment. Beyond doubt, we must all be silent and fall at his feet in reverence to receive his pronouncements as the very words of God, for he has shown himself to be the true master and arbiter of all that is good.


  • Jake Squid - 15 years ago

    Let's just put it this way, none of you have been raped in your asshole, so shut your mouths about he has served his crime. He has not. Rape him, and then he has. You can all burn in hell and don't fuck with me, because I will kill your children

  • Jake Squid - 15 years ago

    Fuck you Jeff

  • chris - 15 years ago

    also what I would like to add is just because someone lives within the law does not neccesarily make them a good person just as someone who breaks the law isnt always neccesarily a bad person. A car salesman who buries a young couple 15,0000 dollars into a car to me is the same thing as a person stealing food to eat. just my two cents

  • Jeff - 15 years ago

    Hey, there are rational people on here! USS Mariner had not sunk after all.

  • chris - 15 years ago

    Michael said it perfect a far as i'm concerned

  • Chris - 15 years ago

    I'll still root for him. He paid his debt to society and should be allowed to make a living.

  • Michael - 15 years ago

    He's paid his debt to society via the criminal justice system. It is not my job to judge him, and he should not be penalized his whole life for one mistake. Forgiveness is what the world needs more of, not hypocritical self-righteousness. While I don't minimize what he did, who among us is free of mistakes and can cast the first stone?

  • dignity - 15 years ago

    It's just my personality, but I always support players who have honor and pride to what they do in life. Not just for pro sports, even in movie and music industry. I only buy their CD if they are good singer plus good humanbeing and that goes the same for movie star.

  • Life - 15 years ago

    I think he should have gotten a worse punishment. But what's done is done. He has served his time, I don't want to burn him at the stake. At the same time, he can pitch for another team, and I can root for him to fail.

  • Jim - 15 years ago

    The way I see it, he served his time. That's what the government ruled and that's what's happened. He never pleaded guilt. We'll never know if he raped her. Neither case had a strong enough side for a case, that's why he pleaded no contest. As far as I'm concerned that's good enough for me for now. Everyone deserves a second chance.

  • gumbostu - 15 years ago

    Josh Lueke has apologized for the incident, and said he has made a mistake. He is not a repeat offender and there has been no indication that he will do this again. Why can't we as a society give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he is sincere? His actions are inexcusable but that does not mean he should be denied a chance at redeeming himself. He paid the price that our own justice system deemed necessary for his crime. Lets move on and wish him the best.

  • tyler - 15 years ago

    This is really funny. We've got some real Old Testament eye for an eye avengers here! I thought we were opposed to violence and savage behavior, not drooling to inflict it.

    Anyway it still is my opinion that it's no big deal and actually pretty funny. This type of girl always hounds athletes and that's pretty much what they deserve.


  • Jake Squid - 15 years ago


    He deserves either life, or to be raped himself. Your an idiot to think he has paid his time.

  • Adam - 15 years ago

    Generally speaking, if the guy was properly punished for whatever he was found guilty for, then people shouldn't hold that against him.

    So if he already did pay for the crime and did the time, or whatever is appropriate, then I'll root for him. Otherwise, no.

  • Jake Squid - 15 years ago

    Keep talking, I know where you live. Consider your wife and kids raped, just like that poor girl

  • Jeff - 15 years ago

    Thanks Jake...I am sure I will be losing sleep tonight worrying about you. Forget the Mariners players, they ought to be worried about their fans.

  • 78% really? - 15 years ago


    Coming from an idiot like you, your words do no harm. I am going to cut your dick off and shove it up your ass. I'm gonna make you my white bitch when I am through with you. You dick licking homo

  • Jake Squid - 15 years ago


    Yeah it shows why are law enforcment in the US now a days is so pathetic. Led by idiots like yourself. I wish I could rope you up and have Leuke rape you! Then you would know how it feels. You are a faggot and I am going to fucking kill you

  • Jeff - 15 years ago

    I love you guys who want to point fingers at Lueke! You ought to be prosecutors with such convincing language!

  • Jeff - 15 years ago

    LOL! Jake, you are great. Get rid of the guy and I won't root for any team.....Oh yes, let me show you what a classy guy I am! Don't call yourself a squid. They have much bigger brains. I am thrilled you don't like 'criminals' and won't root for them. The rest of us don't appreciate idiots and don't plan on conversing with one.

  • 78% really? - 15 years ago


    Your a dumbass. Is that supposed to be a threat!? If I ever saw you I would beat you through the ground and push your shit in. You pussy! Leuke is a rapist and deserved to get raped himself. Since that won't happen, I hope he tears his labrum or a tendon. Rape = Bad

  • Jake Squid - 15 years ago


    Shut your fucking mouth or I will find you and choke the shit out of you!

  • 22% really? - 15 years ago

    I can't believe so many clowns think he did something wrong. It is always the famous guy's fault!

  • Jeff - 15 years ago

    78%, that sure solves it. He might just see that cosmic line drive come right back at him and get his payback. What then? Do you wish for something to happen to everyone who makes a mistake and then wants to get their life together? If so, you might take a closer look around every corner that lies ahead.

  • 78% really? - 15 years ago

    I will cheer for him to get his karmic payback. Anally raping a passed out girl (there is little doubt about what happened) is beyond the bounds of a normal "mistake." Trade him. Trade him now.

  • John - 15 years ago


    You do not know what you are talking about. She is just a cleat chasing, jock sniffing mutt that was after some money and her 15 minutes. Why destroy the Mariners over somebody like that!? Please tell me!

  • Jeff - 15 years ago

    Jake, I have worked in law enforcement. I don't think that most serve as they should when the actual crimes are considered. Murder gets a slap on the wrist and short stay. It is impossible to say 'I don't think' that this person should or should not because of how I feel. It is our legal system and there has to be some objective standard whether we like its current state or not. People will forever argue about a Michael Vick. Too long? Too short? Should he be given another chance? Everyone will differ but the inconsistencies from one to the next give much away. I appreciate your great concern. Sadly, if you are honest with that evaluation, there are few, if any, professional team(s) you could honestly root for today. If the kid messes up, he was never contrite and then should be banned for life. But now????

  • Tiny Nick - 15 years ago

    . The charge yes is harsh and his actions during that time were very showing of a young and foolish. FrAt the same time this stuff happens to people. And yes it does, just we don't hear about it unless its violent or a public figure.And people move on with their lives. As with Leuke, I think Leuke should stay in Seattle. If he has truly changed as he has, Seattle is the best place in the world for redemption. For the main fact that if he messes up again he will have so much heat on him he will not know what hit him. Seattle can forgive and/or forget such actions if the person can show they are working on being a better person. That's why I love this city so much.

    On a side note Leuke has nothing to apologize to Seattle fans for what happen. He was not here when it happened & he should focus on his career and being a better person.

  • John - 15 years ago

    The Mariners would be stupid to let this turn into something big. It was in his past and we can't fire a top GM for some stupid he said, she said. She was just a cleat chaser anyways. Deserved it

  • Westside guy - 15 years ago

    Regarding "forbidding him from making a living" - that's demonstrably a strawman. No one is talking about not letting him make a living; the argument is whether he should be able to do so as a baseball player. There are plenty of instances where a past action is considered a valid reason to prohibit a particular type of employment - most felons aren't allowed to hold public office, Pete Rose isn't allowed to be employed in major league baseball in any capacity, a conviction for forgery or embezzling will prevent one from working in the financial sector, etc. It doesn't mean the person in question can't make a living doing something else.

    That's tangential to the question at hand; but it is important, when making decisions, to define them correctly.

  • The Ancient Mariner - 15 years ago

    Jake Squid, at this point it's not "opinion" that there's not sufficient evidence to declare him a rapist--the criminal justice system has proved that by a reasonable doubt, by its inability to establish a case that he *is*. He might well be; it seems safe to say that he did something he shouldn't; but if there were sufficient evidence to prove exactly what, he would have been convicted of *something*, and he wasn't. He didn't even plead guilty to anything.

    I'm not saying he's a good guy; but I am saying that conclusions have been drawn about how bad he is that go far beyond what the actual evidence will bear, into the realm of assumption and prejudice.

  • The Ancient Mariner - 15 years ago

    Actually, "inciteful" describes Tyler's comment perfectly--full of intent to incite/provoke. As for *insight*, yeah, there's no there there.

  • Jake Squid - 15 years ago

    None of this meant to say that opposing opinions aren't valid. I think that they're wrong for a variety of reasons, but they are in no way invalid. That said...

    He paid for it? I don't think that 42 days served is sufficient for his crime. Do you? 42 days for rape. All of which is irrelevant to the way I think about it.

    He's a rapist. I won't feel bad for him if he can't make millions of dollars as a professional athlete. If nobody will employ him as a pitcher, that isn't punishment for his crime. I have no obligation to treat a rapist as if he had atoned for his crime or hadn't committed it in the first place.

    Here's another reason. What about the victim? If she's a sports fan, she gets to open the sports section and see how well the guy who raped her is doing for the rest of his career. Why should Lueke have to continue to pay for his crime? Because his victim shouldn't have to pay for his crime.

    I want my team to win but I don't want it to employ rapists, murderers, child molesters or anybody who has committed a crime of extreme violence. Once that's who is on my team, it is no longer my team. I won't root for bad people. Not ever.

  • The Ancient Mariner - 15 years ago

    Actually, his plea isn't all that damning--he didn't plead guilty, and he didn't plead to the original charge. Usually, prosecutors will let you plead no contest or they'll let you plead down; the prosecutors in this case did both, and Lueke took it so he could get out of jail. The only things this tells us are a) that Lueke wanted to get out of jail and b) the prosecutors couldn't prove anything significant but weren't willing to just drop the case, so they took advantage of a) to get *something*. We can't call Lueke a rapist or say he was guilty of a crime, because the evidence just isn't there--we do not know what happened, or who did what. The M's ought to keep him on a *very* short leash, but they lack sufficient basis to pass judgment on him.

  • Ryan - 15 years ago

    Tyler, I realize your post is only meant to get a reaction out of us, but please leave your juvenial humor out of this discussion. You have nothing inciteful to add to the conversation, so please stay out. Show some respect.

  • tyler - 15 years ago

    Actually it's pretty hilarious what he did. When a guy passes out, you put shaving cream on his hand and tickle his face. When a hot girl flirts with pro ballers all night and you buy her shots and drinks all night at her request, when she passes out, sodomize her! Haha

  • tyler - 15 years ago

    I don't think what he did was a big deal. The girl wanted it, she just passed out.

  • David Sipe - 15 years ago

    I live here in Bakersfield, CA where the incident took place. While I heard about incident after the trade was consumated, and read about it in the local papers, I still don't feel as though I know enough about what happened to either condemn or to forgive Lueke. The fact that he plead no contest is pretty damning, and if he took advantage of a woman while she was either passed out or drunk, is a pretty big deal. I would not root for him.

  • Adam - 15 years ago

    It is very easy to make a mistake, but it is very difficult to forgive yourself. Josh Lueke is a guy, like anybody else, who made a mistake and is trying to put it behind him and get on with his life by doing what he is good at: throwing a baseball. Who hasn't done something they regret? Something awful, even? I have. I'm 25 years old, and I have done something awful in my lifetime. It has been a struggle for me to forgive myself, even though I have been graciously forgiven by those who know what I've done. Everybody deserves a second chance. EVERYBODY. Without question. What kind of world would we live in if our mistakes, big or small, went unforgiven?

  • Jeff - 15 years ago

    What he did was wrong. He was wrong to have ever been in that circumstance. There is no justifiying it for any of those guys and justice should prevail. But as others better said, it has been paid for. Look at where the guy is at now. If he is for real, don't just root for saves but for a life that has changed. If he continued that pattern, then baseball is irrelevant. Throw away the key. The key for me is that his attitude currently is that he has been a model citizen. I wish some would applaud that part in the least. If you don't want him, then please be consistent and throw protests for a huge amount of pro stars in every sport.

  • Omerta - 15 years ago

    I have not paid much attention to the details of Lueke's case, because they are irrelevant. Whether or not he can be a contributor to the Seattle Mariners going forward is what matters to me. I don't believe in never-ending punishment/penance for non-murder crimes...he did what he needed to do under our system of laws, and he moves forward with his God-given talent to hurl a baseball...and thus so should we all...

  • Ryan - 15 years ago

    Realistically, he might just end up being traded anyways. Just because he is on our team now, doesn't mean he will be with the M's forever. Yeah, it is a shame that he made one mistake while drinking, but that shouldn't be held over his head for the rest of his life. It isn't like he is a repeat offender like certain other celebrities/athletes that we all worship. On the other hand, I have a little girl myself and could not imagine how I might feel if it were my daughter that this happened to. I think the one positive is that he has shown he is remorseful and he isn't continuously getting into trouble.

  • Frank - 15 years ago

    I will not root for a rapist. Couch it in whatever legalese you want, play whatever semantics games you want. He's a rapist.

  • Westside guy - 15 years ago

    I honestly don't know - I wish that'd been an option. I ended up not voting.

    Generally I don't root for true jerks in sports, no matter how talented - and this is far, far past being a jerk.

  • Dennis - 15 years ago

    If someone commits a crime they should be punished for that crime; that punishment should NOT include forbidding that person from making a living. Obviously a convicted embezzeler should not be allowed to be an accountant; maybe Lueke shouldn't be allowed to work with females; but there is no reason he shouldn't be allowed to play baseball. If he's got talent, the Mariners should exploit that talent.

  • Steve - 15 years ago

    As a Mariner's fan, I really wanted to look past this incident. However, I am also the father of two girls and nothing is more important to me than their well-being and happiness. No matter how long the Mariners losing has gone on, no amount of success would permit me to forgive someone for a crime such as this.

  • Trent Mitchell - 15 years ago

    I "reluctant" yes.

  • Matthew - 15 years ago

    I think you have to factor in that the fans are tired of losing. If the Mariners were averaging 90 wins a year over the last few years, the poll results might be a little different...

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