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Who or what do you blame for the Jets loss to the Ravens? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 4,704

  • Michael Mulderig - 14 years ago

    three points: the Pennington Playbook - Schottenheimer developed a playbook for a QB who thought a deep pass was 15 yards and then tried to force in on Brett Favre (before the shoulder went out) and used it to cover for a rookie QB. It has outlived it's usefulness and now looks like the Jets are cowards.-curse of Weeb

    Schottenheimer should be dismissed! For years, we have suffered with his dink and dunk west coast trash. the only time we see excitement from his tired same old, same old, is after an abysmal loss such as last night. Ryan will read him the riot act, he will read the extreme magnitude of hate mail he will receive, get scared and open it up in the next game or two. As soon as he feels the heat's off he'll revert back to the west coast BS. Jet fans deserve more than this bum, who has destroyed QB after QB. Favre ran as fast as he could from this system. Enough with the excuses. DUMP THIS BUM!
    Ryan must learn that there are two sides of the football, get his QB some respectable receivers, and trust his players.
    The Jets wouldn't have to buy there own PSL seats to avoid blackouts, if they weren't so boring on offense. I find myself aggravated enough in my armchair, let alone sitting in freezing temperatures watching second rate play. besides I wouldn't have anything to throw stuff at. With no big screen TV to take my frustrations, I wouldn't know what to do.
    I was born a Jet fan in 1964 and have been so through good and bad,in sickness and in health, but last nights show really had me thinking of getting divorced.

  • Rob - 14 years ago

    I meant third and long. My bad.

  • Rob - 14 years ago

    Hey Curse,
    No safety, it was placed at the forward progress point. That was a good call. The biggest problem I saw with penalties is something Ryan has dealt with for years. It's forth and long, he blitzes, allows man coverage on the opposing teams WR's and draws a pass interference call. It's his MO.

  • Curse of the Weeb - 14 years ago

    three points:

    the Pennington Playbook - Schottenheimer developed a playbook for a QB who thought a deep pass was 15 yards and then tried to force in on Brett Favre (before the shoulder went out) and used it to cover for a rookie QB. It has outlived it's usefulness and now looks like the Jets are cowards.

    the Curse of the Weeb - when Rex was a boy in the Jets locker-room, the Jets rewarded Coach Weeb for his Super Bowl win by also giving him the GM job. GM Weeb cut half of the Super Bowl team and Coach Weeb was never able to get to the championship game again. This curse has remained with the Jets for 42 years - SO FAR

    that safety - what was the story with that safety the Jets scored but the ball was spotted on the one yard line instead of two points on the scoreboard - the safety was not even challenged - whassupwidat ????????
    the Jets had arms wrapped around the ankles but the Raven fell down in the end zone - safety right ???????

    I need help with that one - - - - - - -

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