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Hackers who use malicious kits to steal money and identities should be.. (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 121

  • Barb Dodson - 14 years ago

    sorry but I am sick and tired of scams and what they are doing, they do it with videos and i think either a short jail sentance to scare them or a hefty fine would be great

  • Paul Hunter-Rowe - 14 years ago

    Has to be jailed for me or bring back corporal punishment!!

  • Michael Chandler - 14 years ago

    Seriously, these people need to be punished worse because the Internet's a great place to hide.

  • Philip Reynolds - 14 years ago

    It should be treated the same as armed robbery.

  • Vanessa Roderick - 14 years ago

    When people steal money and identities in the real (non-cyber) world, they are jailed.

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