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Which is a better Camera Phone according to you ?

Total Votes: 3,388

  • adeeb - 14 years ago

    i phone is the best in the world

  • Anonymous - 14 years ago

    the nokia N8's camera has been purposefully smudged(probably with butter or something greasy like that), because the creator of this poll is obviously a mac fanboy, which is the reason you get the smudged light-stains on the n8 pictures, that's the ONLY reason the iphone pictures look better on these pictures

    compare the pictures here to these:

  • sumit1993 mumbAi - 14 years ago

    nokia is very bad to compare as iPhone but nokia n8 is very fast run application is compare ti iPhone

  • Nogueira - 14 years ago

    The problem with iPhone 4 is that the color is artificial. The Nokia N8, the color is more real.

  • Bivas - 14 years ago

    Hi all of my friend.Think iphone 4 has only 5MP camera where Nokia N8 has 12MP camera. Simple answer.In this compitition The Winer is Apple iphone 4.Because the deferance of MP camera.Think if iphone 4 got 12MP camera than the picture quality was awasome.look the android icon which was perfect? iphone4.

  • patrick ejike mozie - 14 years ago

    i hate people making unnecessary argument on what is crystal clear. cant u see? apple iphone is the best

  • Zubair - 14 years ago

    Iphone 4 has a better quality picture, after the difference in mega pixels between them.
    Also the high defination picture option was turned off in the Iphone 4.

  • EldarIsFag - 14 years ago

    Rakesh ? another ignorant american with a iPhone, is it too difficult to give a non bias opinion ?

    N8 easily is best camera phone out there, my iPhone just has over saturated colors, basically pretty fake pics vs N8's real life photos

  • Prashant - 14 years ago

    As I have seen both images ,I Thought I Phone 4 is better because I Phone4 is 5 MP camera and N8 is 12MP camera , but it doesn't have lots of difference in images.....

  • Rakesh - 14 years ago

    Iphone rockzzzzzzzzz...
    N8 is nothing infront of iphone........
    N8 suckzzzzzzzzzzz,,,,,,,,

  • reenu roy - 14 years ago

    N8 is having much more real color pictures... IPhone4 is having more artificial looking photographs....

  • smith - 14 years ago

    who is this dumbo,
    "n8 has slight blur images"
    dude get your eyes tested....

  • Yadavendra - 14 years ago

    The quality of a picture depends on so many factors like camera settings, with how much perfection these are being taken etc. But I think N8 is better.

  • som - 14 years ago

    n8 has slight blur images

  • tootoo - 14 years ago

    images from iPhone 4 is not real

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