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Should Legal Noncitizens Have the Right to Vote?

Total Votes: 127,545

  • catzherder - 14 years ago

    Never! The idea of alien immigrants, legal or illegal, voting in U.S. elections at any level of Govt. is absurd! Voting is for U.S. Citizens. Put me down for ..... Hell No!

  • Ken - 14 years ago

    NO, NO, NO! Unless we want to destroy our country. Which is just what the goal of some seem to be. -Ken

  • Walter - 14 years ago

    Absolutely not. Why in the world should they have the same rights as legal US Citizens. This isn't just a casual freedom, like going to Walmart and buying a loaf of bread. This is being able to cast a vote and influence the policies of our country and I'm sure they will vote for bleeding heart liberal candidates who don't care about their status. They want the votes and will make sure they give them every social program free and paid for by legal citizens just to buy their votes. Try to vote as a non-citizen and you shouldn't get an I voted sticker but rather a one way bus ticket to the border with a I'm illegal sticker on their back.

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