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Do you think Charlie Baker tried to keep a lid on the Big Dig costs when he issued a memo in 1998?


  • patrick - 14 years ago

    Baker is a Yes man and a Weld Republican. We
    should deep six him the way Jesse Helms disposed of
    Willie Weld.

    Baker is an incompetant hack with no leadership ability,
    or political skills. He is also anti family and says he is
    to the left of Obama.

    As a conservative I am holding my nose and voting for
    Patrick. Baker like Weld seeks to destroy the Republican

  • Mark - 14 years ago

    Baker was definitely hiding the info and hoping to push it on to the next administration. Little did he realize he would be back trying to get a little more money at the public troff.

  • Rich - 14 years ago

    This smellls very much like a last minute usual hypocrat smear campaign by their enablers in the liberal press (see wbz radio & boston globe/democrat). Even the way your people framed the question on the radio is biased. You'd like to think that your listeners are dumb enough to think you are unbiased and fair. Wake up folks, this is 2010. WBZ = democratic party mouthpiece. The democrats in this state are the most corrupt bunch. 1 party state = corruption. The truth will set you free.

  • Reply - 14 years ago

    Brady still needs a hair cut...

  • Carol - 14 years ago

    I believe this is a last ditch effort on the part of the Patrick campaign to discredit Baker. Patrick likes to believe that he is above the fray, but he isn't.

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