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Can science and religion peacefully coexist? (Poll Closed)


  • saghir - 13 years ago

    no.coz science & religion r different even opposit to each other

  • CR - 13 years ago

    The core tenet of science is objectivity. True objectivity. To be truly objective, you have to be able to acknowledge that God may or may not exist. If you can do that within your realms of faith, then you can certainly blend religion and science. If you cannot do that, then don't pretend that science can be an outlet of justifying your religion.

  • K Tylutki - 13 years ago

    I believe the answer lies in how open - minded individuals are and how much they are really invested in peace.
    Ebracing Truth will turn you from fear and bigotry. Finding and working on building a heart of gratitude will also see lions laying down with lambs.
    No one religion has all the Truth, so when a person decides to open up to clearity in seeing, The Truth can be found in more than one place, the false self and super ego will fall away and Divine Peace and Wisdom will rule the day.

  • Alexander Iwanow - 13 years ago

    Yes, they can. But "faith and spirituality" is too fuzzy and hetergeneous a category, encompassing a hairy morass of all manner of good and bad, to be useful here. Perhaps a more useful dichotomy would be Naturalism and Supernaturalism, and whether appeals to the latter in the form of specific religious doctrines and behavioral codes is good and/or bad in specific cultural contexts.

  • postfuturist - 14 years ago

    In such a predatory--we don't have to repeat "social-darwinist" all the time-- world, where are families going to go for succor?: to houses of worship, that is where; whether or not it is all opium for the masses (IMO it surely is) is evading the point.
    But no matter what I write you will disagree.

  • postfuturist - 14 years ago

    Please, in such a predatory--we don't have to repeat "social-darwinist" all the time-- world, where are families going to go for succor?: to houses of worship, that is where; whether or not it is all opium for the masses (IMO it surely is) is evading the point.
    But no matter what I write you will disagree.

  • postfuturist - 14 years ago

    Just leave it at necessary fiction:
    religion is Myths To Live By for the sick, dying, families, and so forth.

    Until de-animalization, religion will remain. Absolutely Guaranteed-- you want it in writing, tell me where to send a FAX.

  • hugh - 14 years ago

    Religion offers what a many humans need: unconditional truths. Questioning whether these truths are factual or logical or not is to miss the point. They are typically totally illogical and unbelievable - but believing in them is the point. That's what faith is - believing against reason.

    As to why humans need to believe may be scientifically or psychologically discoverable, and even pinpointed down to brain locations like the God Spot, but even with this achieved, this human desire cannot then be dispelled any more than reading Kant dispels beauty or reading Marx stops us from consuming. These are inherent human characteristics and to oppose religion altogether is deny an innate aspect of humanity.

  • Sean Henderson - 14 years ago

    A scientific examination of religious philosophy - has shown religion to be a lame attempt at dealing with the realities of life. Religion doesn't stop suffering, death, or social darwinism.

    All religions are opposed to a scientific solution to the problems of humanity.

    Why? Because religions are based upon lies meant to provide a temporary relief - and these lies have taken on lives of their own memetically. If you have a scientific solution then it is a threat to these lies.

  • postfuturist - 14 years ago

    "I’m not sure" has to be elaborated on: religion and science aren't mutually exclusive, they can intersect at some points.
    "Eternal life" can possibly be interpreted as immortalism; "Heaven" can be connected in some way to space exploration.

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