Who's In The Wrong


  • Ben - 13 years ago

    the reason KG has to trash talk is to simply make him seem like a better player than he actually is. He himself said he likes to stir up drama and drag it on just so he can seem like the tough guy. yet anytime theres a fight on the court hes the first to duck for cover and run away. I would bet he didn't think twice about throwing a cancer patient comment out there because he knew it would get him some attention. There are players who are focused on playing the game (Rondo, Rose, Dirk, Durant). Then theres players who are actors (KG, Lebron, Rasheed). Certain players find a character or attitude to portray on the court or else they would just considered a average player in the nba.

  • ohwow - 13 years ago

    What's said on the court, and locker rooms stays there, I'm sure there's been far worse that's been said. All the players, and former players have been saying that. KG doesn't care what's said about him so why would he deny this. Doc is no push over so he's not going to lie for KG, he's a grown man which is what Charlie V. needs to learn how to be.

  • OGBaller - 13 years ago

    So KG says he knows someone dealing with cancer and he is sensitive to that issue...then why use that term when trash talking? Kind of naive if you ask me, I disapprove of that term being associated with sports. Charlie V visibly has a condition, so that's pretty low of "The Big Ticket". Of course Doc is going to back up his all-star, but I don't believe Garnett's official statement regarding the matter. KG's passion for the game is undeniable, and most times admirable, but not in this case. He's had star treatment since day one, with his goaltending of shots after the whistle to his notorious trash talking, but I for one applaud Charlie for tweeting this despite all the hate he's getting for it. So what, he'd be cheered if he took a swing at Kevin? Instead he took the non-violent non-confrontational approach and for that he's being highly criticized by people who follow twitter themselves. Having a ring doesn't make this excusable. Just because he's a household name makes people turn the other cheek, and that's wrong. Okay so maybe there's no limits to trashtalking, but it's clear that Charlie has a condition, and bottom line KG took a cheap shot.

  • edward s - 13 years ago

    trash talking is part of any game. athletes are using it to intimidate their opponents.. even fans do trash talking to opponents team. So whats the point of complaining if KG said that your a cancer patient? If any fans shout at you in the court like what KG said? are you going to tweet that fans? or your going to tell your mama that some fans called you a cancer patient? Grow old Charlie V.

  • nat - 13 years ago

    i think trash-talking is part of the game and that Charlie V shouldn't have gone crying to the world about KG said. if KG said that, Charlie V should have taken it like a man and just insulted him back, keeping the conflict between the 2 of them and just settling on the field like the shaun powell said.

    i'm not saying that KG was right for saying it, but Charlie V should have fought fire with fire and not with tweets. it's like a sucker punch.

  • THE LAW - 14 years ago

    I am a KG supporter since his T'Wolves day KG fans knows how he talks trash but he is still a sensitive man and would not talk like that about the matter,

    CHARLIE VILLANUEVA is such a bitter loser for creating story like that, the reason for the urge of destroying KG's image was because they can't win a game, they were blown out by the C's and he doesn't want to talk about it that's why he created something to talk about,

    no hard feelings about this comment, this is just like what you did to KG.

  • Sacrem - 14 years ago


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