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Who was at fault, Marcy or Howard?

Total Votes: 66
1 Comment

  • Tammy F. Meche - 14 years ago

    Having gone through this in recent past, we were blessed to have spiritual counsel from our Pastor to guide us and help us focus on the issue at hand. I had lost my job because of illness out of my control. At first they couldn't find anything wrong with me, but I was having so many symptoms, low blood pressure, to extremely high. severe chest pains, muscle spasms all over my body, low blood sugar even after I ate, passing out, and all tests they ran on me were negative. So they put me son so many drugs to help with the symptoms, and I couldn't teach with that. So I got fired. Lovely, let's just feel inadequate!! 6 months later my father n law passed away, then 3 weeks later, my husband was laid off! what a year. We couldn't blame each other and fight, and turn to drinking and damage things, but whats the choice, we'll still be jobless, but now we;ll have a big mess to clean up!!! Life is short, enjoy the good moments and even the bad,because the bad moments shine you of!!!

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