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Should Eliot Spitzer's wife stand by him?

Total Votes: 189

  • Mujo - 17 years ago

    SMarquez is absolutely correct. The Spitzers' marriage should not be a topic of debate for the public. The opinions of a bunch of self-righteous moralizers are immaterial. Eliot Spitzer had to resign, justifiably, because he is a hypocrite and broke the law while in public office. As a prosecutor, he vigorously pursued and prosecuted prostitution rings and dragged their customers names through the newspapers, primarily for his own political gain. Therefore, the end of his career is just rewards.

    As for the comment that Mrs. Spitzer is herself "a form of prostitute" because she's in it for the money. Mrs. Spitzer was a very successful, big firm attorney who made more money than her husband before quitting to support his political career. She hardly needs him for the money. A marriage comprises a lot of things, and sex is just one moderately important ingredient. No one writing in this blog has any standing to comment on their marriage.

  • Kelly - 17 years ago

    Mrs. Spitzer herself is a form of a prostitute. She has her eyes on her own prize.
    It is amazing what some women will put up with for the comforts that money can buy. They may gain 'nice things', but they lose all self respect.

  • Dorothy - 17 years ago

    I think public jobs should rely on their private lives. If they are not honest in their private lives how can we trust them in the public? I think it is high time the American people stand up and say we will not put up this this and not just let them go on as if nothing has happened.

  • JF - 17 years ago

    If it had been a one time thing I would try to work things out. BUT, I heard that he spent 10's of thousands of dollars on his cheating!! He messed around many, many times, I say kick him to the curb the kids will survive.

  • SMarquez - 17 years ago

    If she goes or stays is between them. It has nothing to do with his resigning or not resigning. THis should not be a topic of discussion in public. There are reasons, we as the public, don't know. No matter which way they go this is a cloud that will linger over their heads. This has nothing to do with the job he was doing. It must be very hard to have you life public. If you get a stomach ache everyone in the world knows it. Would we want our private life and decisions made that public? Would we want our private life to decide if we keep our jobs or not. Not me.

  • MARK CUELLAR - 17 years ago

    I say she should not try, but make it work out, like Charles said, with counselling. But I only voted this was because of their daughters. They are the ones who would suffer the most if mom bails out on the sleeze. But if they were not a factor, I'd say to she should dump him and get as much as she can out of him. To Gov. Spitzer: Hey moron! What's so hard about being faithful? Besides, your wife's a hottie!

  • Charles - 17 years ago

    If her husband is repentant and he is willing to seek council with her i think she should attempt to reconcile their marriage. They made a covenant with each other and the promises they made should be revisited by each.

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