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Which Republican Is Presidential Material?

Total Votes: 59,629

  • Amy - 13 years ago

    I will be voting for Herman Cain. He seems like the most honest candidate and the most down-to-earth candidate that will generate results for this country's growth.

  • PJ - 13 years ago

    Where's Ron Paul? You got Palin on there, but she isn't even running. How could you be any more biassed? How about reporting the news without bias? Or you could just keep feeding us the answer, your answer and not let us think for ourselves. It's a terrible shame to see how far Fox has fallen from such noble a beginning.

  • BOSMAN - 14 years ago

    Is this how it is FOX?

    I'm waiting for you to announce the winner of the REAL POLL:

    Isn't that what, "Fair and Balanced" means?
    You wouldn't be sore losers now would you?

    One of your TEAM doesn't seem to be winning the REAL POLL, so you create a second.

    Here is the link to another poll you might be interested in. It seems, that some people are not happy with you:

    Check this post and results of an on-going poll:

  • rover - 14 years ago

    Tell Palin to quit voting for herself.

  • hardrain77 - 14 years ago

    None of these phonies can hold a candle to what makes Ron Paul way more qualified and knowledgeable than any of these elitist no-nothings would ever dream of knowing.

  • Dan - 14 years ago

    Mitt Romney surged to the lead in the original poll and then this one was put up instead? That's ok. Mitt will just win this one too. We know who is best suited to tackle the problems facing our country. Americans aren't stupid. Mitt Romney will be our next president.

  • Anti-Obama - 14 years ago

    Well, almost anyone. I don't think I could bring myself to vote for Sarah Palin, no matter what. She strikes me as being as big an idiot as Obama is.

  • Anti-Obama - 14 years ago

    I picked Newt because he's the only one I recognize, but the truth is I would vote for anyone just to vote against Obama.

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