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Would you take your RV to Mexico?


  • Bucky - 13 years ago

    you can accidentally be involved in a drive by shooting or become and innocent bystander is it really worth it ? NO there are gangs of bandits that would love to have that nice rv you rich Americans have & we are going to take it from you and what do you think will happen to you if you resist? stay the hell out Mexico

  • Dave L - 14 years ago

    The Mexicans are leaving in droves. If the Mexicans don't want to be there why would we want to be there?

  • Onekoolguy - 14 years ago

    A friend and his wife who has family in Mexico, drove there in Dec. with presents for the family. His car was bumped by another vehicle. He got out in the middle of a city and was met by armed men. They took everything, car, gifts, money and even their shoes. They walked, barefooted, a block to a police station and told their story hoping they would get the car back as the robbers had not gone far. The Police told them they were lucky they did not get killed and that the police would not go after the robbers because they would just get killed themselves!

    When the police are afraid of the bad guys, its time to stay away!!!

  • Dawn C - 14 years ago

    I would consider going with a group. There are many places in the US that I would not go stay at as well.

  • Pat - 14 years ago

    I would not go to Mexico in my RV much less in my P/U Truck or my wife's Van. I live close enough to the US border to see Mexico.
    It's bad enough when you go to the US Post Office or any Government office and all the signs are written Spanish. You go to a local well known bank to make a deposit and they ask you in Spanish if you want cash back, you don't need to go to Mexico, they are taking over the United states everyday. Sorry for the rant I do not need to go to Mexico in my RV, never have never will!

  • Joyce Space - 14 years ago

    We have RV'd in Mexico a lot and still hope to but are more cautious than in the past. We do go alone, but would feel safer in a group.There are many wonderful places and people.

  • Claude - 14 years ago

    Come on Janice! While I believe safe travel can be done in Mexico, I don't believe we should ruin Rving by tossing into the political arena. I'm sure there are those at both ends of the spectrum that refuse to RV in Mexico. Let sleeping dogs lie.


  • Nick - 14 years ago

    I can't goto Mexico w/ my RV. I am an armed citizen!

  • Betty Prather - 14 years ago

    We RV to Baja Mexico every year. We spend 6 months there near the Sea of Cortez. Have never had a problem. Just be smart and stay a way from the problem area's. Just like you would stay a way from different places in the USA. And don't drive at night and watch what is going on around you. And STAY A WAY FROM ANY THING THAT HAS TO DO WITH DRUGS! We Stay near the small Fishing village of San Felipe.The people are very friendly. Sand ,sea, big shrimp and good people what more could a person ask for.

  • Sherry C. - 14 years ago

    I totally agree with Sue and Janice, and partially with FullTimerNormie. There are many cities in the US and Canada that I would not go to, nor take my unit to, as well. Common sense and doing one's homework beforehand has to prevail. I grew up and worked in Zihuatanejo and Acapulco for 26 years, and travelled thoughout the country; the Mexicans are among the friendliest, helpful, and most welcoming people I have met. Yes, there are currently problems at the border, but as was mentioned, one travels in groups, and during the daytime, straight through the smallest border towns and southwards. This should not deter travellers - nor RVers - from experiencing a unique and wonderful culture. Do not let the fear mongers succeed... Adelante Caminante! Viva Mexico!

  • FullTimerNormie - 14 years ago

    We have always wanted to spend an extended amount of time in Mexico...and hope to someday, but right now other factors are keeping us from going there. The border towns are the areas that should be avoided right now, as they are violent...actually more violent to Mexicans than to Americans.!!

    We know several people that have lived full time in Cabo, Loreto, etc. We have spent a lot of time in Rosarito and Ensenada, but right now because they are so close to the border, they too are more violent than they used to be. What a shame...the Mexican people are a gracious and friendly bunch...and we love the food. I can only imagine being able to have fresh shrimp every day....yum....

    So hopefully someday we will be able to live our Mexican dream..andr our Canadian dream,and our Alaskan dream...and oooooooo Jaimie I'm all time dream is Australia. When I was 8 years old, growing up in rural Southwestern Pennsylvania, I saw a classified ad from Australia wanting families to move there, and they would pay $5,000 per family (mind you this was back in the late 40's) because they were trying to populate their country with workers. I begged and begged, but my Dad just couldn't see any sense in it....and he was a coal miner and they were really desperate for miners...Sigh....never lost that hope. You will have a great time there and have one for me when you are putting a Shrimp on the Barbie...either in Rocky Point or Australia!!!

  • Janice Sanford-Ashanti - 14 years ago

    I agree with Sue! All the stories about violence in Mexico are just that- STORIES. Part of the Tea Bagger's attempt to smear people of color. If you look at the FACTS, you will see that most cities in the united states are FAR more dangerous than those in Mexico. Republican dominated San Diego is more violent than Tiajuna, especially concerning hate crimes. Omaha has twice the murder rate as Juarez, Mexico. Don't believe the right-wing propaganda.


  • Sue Pace - 14 years ago

    OMG I can't believe how many people would NOT go to Mexico. They have not done their homework. Traveling in groups, going to "safe" places and seeing the lovely country is on our list. Puerto Punasco is a great trip, very easy driving, and relaxing when you get to the RV park right on the beach. Our sister country needs our support. There are many cities and places in the USA that I wouldn't take my RV, but I don't go there. same in MX. avoid the areas of trouble and doubt and search out the GOOD.

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