Why not both? I like canned, with the indents. But I also like fresh. I hate to choose, but did (fresh).
Alana D. - 14 years ago
When I was in high school and still effectively banned from the kitchen for blowing up the microwave, my after school snack was a can of cranberries and a can of tuna. I loved canned cranberries until about two years ago. At Thanksgiving every year, my auntie would make metric tons extra of her cranberry sauce because she knew I loved it so much. Little did I know her secret was actually fresh cranberries. I have never eaten a canned cranberry since and have outlawed them from my Thanksgiving and Christmas tables.
Brett Glass - 14 years ago
Those who have tasted my wife's killer fresh cranberry sauce do not miss the ripples from the can.
SimonGodOfHairdos - 14 years ago
It's not cranberry sauce if it doesn't have those indents from the can.
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Why not both? I like canned, with the indents. But I also like fresh. I hate to choose, but did (fresh).
When I was in high school and still effectively banned from the kitchen for blowing up the microwave, my after school snack was a can of cranberries and a can of tuna. I loved canned cranberries until about two years ago. At Thanksgiving every year, my auntie would make metric tons extra of her cranberry sauce because she knew I loved it so much. Little did I know her secret was actually fresh cranberries. I have never eaten a canned cranberry since and have outlawed them from my Thanksgiving and Christmas tables.
Those who have tasted my wife's killer fresh cranberry sauce do not miss the ripples from the can.
It's not cranberry sauce if it doesn't have those indents from the can.