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How do you feel about the twist last night?

Total Votes: 1,760

  • Niki - 17 years ago

    Well put!

  • Miquel - 17 years ago

    I'm really just tired of all these twists BB comes up with every year. Whatever happened to good ole' fashioned Big Brother with 13 complete strangers playing the game and finding a way to stay in the house Dr. Will style, knowing once you're out, you're out. That's the BB I love (also, why no America's Choice yet? the stupid voting for someone wasn't really an America's Choice).

    At least if they try to mix things up with the houseguests, they can do like season 6 and make it an even playing field. I slowly lose interest every season that some houseguests have an immediate disadvantage (S4: some exes, S5: adria/natalie but there wasn't much bad about that, S8: three people with connections, S9: justin/jen). Some of those are pointless efforts to me and I didn't include Cowboy/Nakomis b/c they never knew each other so it didn't matter.

    Every three years they allow someone back in the house too. I don't like it b/c you're just rewarding someone that had a bad strategy from the start. The HGs voted for Amy, America voted for Kaysar and this time they combined the two. You can't argue with that logic but if you HAVE to allow someone back in the house it should either be America's vote or a competition; they also shouldn't be allowed to compete in HoH that day. They weren't on a slop diet, didn't deal with nerves that week or anything so they should earn it by finding a way to stay in the house that week.

    Just my rant. Please Please Please return to the classic Big Brother format! Or return to the Doubles Format of S6. Not the partner format this year because what's the point really? That's not fair to anyone that comes in the game thinking it's one thing and then finding out they have to double-up. That's not Big Brother I signed up for, I would say.

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