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How will you vote in November?

Total Votes: 863

  • John - 16 years ago

    Neither Democrazy candidate is qualified to be the President of the United States.

  • TomDem55 - 16 years ago

    I am a Hillary Supporter, I will campaign like a MAD DOG for WHOEVER is nominated, HILLARY and OBAMA are virtually the same person if you really look at their voting records. So all of you people out there take a deep breath, HILLARY nor OBAMA are KARL ROVE, NOR ARE THEY GEORGE BUSH

  • twanda - 16 years ago

    We are seeing now who is dishonest and lacks character and judgment and it is NOT Hillary. People in the church Obama attends and many black ministers are saying up front and on camera that if Obama did attend that church regularly he could not help but hear the things being reported that Minister Wright said. He is well known for speaking in that manner and on those subjects. O has gone on many TV programs now denying that he ever heard the man speak this way. Would you trust him as president?

  • camroc - 16 years ago

    1. Ralph will split off votes from any Dem candidate. Period.

    2. The question becomes, as the late Mr. Buckley was wont to say, does she win by tearing apart the party and driving away all those newbies, independents, and disenchanted GOPers that Obama has attracted? Scorched earth, in my view, will not be a winning strategy for this fall. she really going to be a bitter-ender and poison the well?

    Seems to be working here.

    "President McCain." All you angry folks say that three times real fast and see how you feel.

    Third time's a charm? 2000, 2004...2008?


  • Tim Cooper - 16 years ago


  • Delia - 16 years ago

    "I object to the racism and sexism that Obama and his henchmen injected into the campaign. "

    Well, it looks the other way round from where I stand. It's Clinton and her crew who are injecting racism into the campaign. And I resent being told that it's my duty as a woman to robotically vote for this woman of great wealth and power who misrepresented her positions on the war and NAFTA every step of the way. Being an intelligent woman means being able to think for myself, thank you very much. I don't like the increasingly dishonest and disingenuous campaign the Clintons are waging. And, yes, Bill is very much a part of the team. So while I initially committed to Obama thinking we had two very good candidates, I now think we have one good candidate and one intelligent but dishonest one. I will vote for her if she manages to make herself the nominee. But I live in Oregon, which was a swing state in 2004 and I phonebanked and precinct walked for Kerry and we swung for the Dems. And I will NOT do that for Clinton. If she becomes the candidate I will vote for her holding my nose and I will essentially give up on the two party system, at least on the national level. She has brought this on herself.

  • WLW - 16 years ago

    Sad poll results but all too believable, Democrats never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.
    Hail to President McCain, and Vice President- Huckabee- Romney- Thompson-fill-in-the-blank.

  • esl - 16 years ago

    I object to the racism and sexism that Obama and his henchmen injected into the campaign. Obama is not experienced enough to be president, and he hasn't been vetted by a compliant media. We don't know enough about him.

  • dbs52 - 16 years ago

    I am a Hillary supporter. Initially, I was willing to support either democratic candidate. But the farther this goes, the more I am see that a vote any man in this election, when the woman is obviously the most qualified candidate, is a vote for continuing patriarchal rule. I'm ready to move on, are you?

  • outlander - 16 years ago

    Just as I thought. The Clinton groupies are going to betray the party.


    Bunch of Republican Lite asshats.

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