Have you ever...pulled out your Kindle just to show it off?


  • tuxgirl - 14 years ago

    I admit... I like to take it out near the nook desk at B&N. Although, if people ask about it, I do make a point of being pretty fair and mentioning the few things that the nook has that the kindle doesn't. And, I point out that both the nook and kindle are good devices for reading. Just that the kindle is better :P

  • lmaze - 14 years ago

    Yep, pulled my K3 out at a Windows store in the mall tonight to show a customer who was considering buying a Kindle. He had a bunch of questions and I probably spent about 15 minutes answering them, partly from stuff I learned on the Amazon Kindle boards and *a lot* from stuff I have learned on this blog (thanks Bufo!). Oh, did I mention I don't work there? ;)

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