Is this the end for Yao Ming in the NBA?


  • Greg - 14 years ago

    It is his choice for the making. He can die trying to leave legacy behind of a legend, or die leaving a legacy of an injured prospect. He should take an entire season of perhaps two and see how he feels. Never give up, even when given up is winning because we only live once and our dreams will turn to dust just as we do.

  • BOBMAN - 14 years ago

    Yao will be back, you haters just wait

  • john - 14 years ago

    First joe don't spill shit out of your mouth.
    I used to root for T-mac and Yao and watch every Rockets game on TV, now when I watch them playing in an empty arena, it's just sad.

  • w@lde22 - 14 years ago

    i fell really bad for him but i think Yao is over i wiil miss him

  • Michael Gallegos - 14 years ago

    If he is given the time to actually let his body heal and complete the rehab process without no attempts to speed it up, then he can recover and come back. He does need to however realize a 82+ game season in the NBA and then go play for China is too much for one player. Why do you think most NBA players take a few years off from the Summer stuff after the year they compete. It takes a toll on the body. Hope he does it and makes a full recovery, he is a great player and enjoyable to watch.

  • jr - 14 years ago

    His national team is to blame. All those summers he spent running with that team instead of resting from the NBA season caught up to him. Houston gives up a first round pick in 2012 for a journey man guard, with a suspect history. They traded another guard. What are you thinking Morey? Maybe a center/forward? Rebuilding mode?

  • A WILL - 14 years ago

    Grant Hill had ankle issues but he went through years of rehab and came back strong to the NBA. I beleive Yao can come back if he work hard physically and mentallly.

  • tha tal - 14 years ago

    He's just entirely too big of a man to play an 82 game season plus playoffs, his body wont allow him to do so. Especially his lower body. In his career he's been sidelined with 3 to 4 leg injuries that has sidelined him for seasons at a time. As far as people saying he's a bust, you trippin because what center do you know can guard a 7'6 center who can play the post as well as shoot the ball from 17' without a problem. Plus he's the best free throw shooting center in the history of the NBA. In the time he's played healthy, he has dominated and carried the Rockets. If he doesnt get hurt in the Laker series, the Rockets knock the Lakers off and possibly win the championship. But yea he's pretty much done in the NBA, he said it himself one more major injury and he's threw.

  • Alex - 14 years ago

    Wow, Joe, at least have some respect for the man. If you were 7'6", lumering down the court however many times a game during an 82 game season, you'd have trouble with running and stamina as well. He's the best player over 7'3" in the history of the game IMO (MAYBE tied with Rick Smits or a young Sabonis, but I personally think he'd murder Rick).

    I just personally hope that he heals and will come back, but if he decides not to, noone can blame him. Not everyone can be unbreakable, there are more than a few Mr. Glass's out there.

  • joe - 14 years ago

    yoa is shit he cant run for nothing no stamina retire and go back to china and be a god and bang all yhe chines poom poom you can get

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