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Do you eat your evening meal at the table?

Total Votes: 12,422

  • cmwarta - 13 years ago

    Before our daughter was born, my husband and I would eat in front of the tv on tray tables. Now we love the kitchen table and the conversations that we have there. The tv remains off until dinner is complete.

  • CGDoc - 13 years ago

    How very sad!

    Understand if your single but if there is a family involved and you are not taking the time to sit down together and break bread then what hope is there for the future of the institution at all? Well then look at the breakdown of our society today. Enough said.

    May everyone have a Very Blessed Christmas and good fortune in the Upcoming Year!

  • Elijah - 13 years ago

    For over a year I have had to work away from home. I only get to go home every other weekend. So while working away from home I don't eat dinner at all. When I am home we eat at the table, but with being away 2 wks at a time leaves much to do around the house that my wife can't keep up with so I normally miss out on eating at home because I am trying to get so much stuff done. Asside from the normal stuff, our home is in construction zone mode freeze because I don't have any time with a 30 hour weekend every 2 weeks to try and get things done. I hope things turn around in this country sooner than later. Peace all.

  • Vanessa - 13 years ago

    I can provide two answers. As a single individual, cooking and eating at my place alone, yes I do eat on the couch in front of my TV. But I see no point in sitting at the table and instead like the 'company' the TV provides me with in that instance. However, should there be a small dinner party with guests? Or should the meal take place at my parents residence - then most definitely the meal would take place at the table where we can all converse and enjoy our meal and company together. It's sad to think that the tradition of a 'family dinner' at the table is slowly being taken over by dinner and the TV - not even together as a family. :(

  • Deb Granger - 13 years ago

    As an educator, I feel Maya is completely correct in the importance of the Welcome Table -- it's over a meal that families connect, share their days/worries/celebrations, continue their family culture, etc. Also, eating meals together as a family has been shown to correlate directly with academic success -- very simple, fundamental activity to implement!! With busy schedules of families, it's not always feasible -- but, it should still be a priority and 'standard operating procedure'. It breaks my heart that some children get thrown a bagel/bag of chips/pop and that's dinner -- if they're lucky! Helping young families with simple strategies for sitting down together as a family and having it be enjoyable should be integrated into Michelle Obama's program, Clinton's Healthy Initiative, the School Nutrition Program, and more!

  • rl - 13 years ago

    the blatant lazy, disconnected, "American Dream" is exemplified right here, with the majority of people watching TV/sitting on the couch while eating dinner. Disgusting. I'm a teenager and I still see the value of family time and good old conversation even for only 20 minutes in our hectic schedule. Watch TV after you eat. Food is meant to be enjoyed with valuable conversation/ time spending, not shoveling it down waiting to see who won the Biggest Loser - oh the irony.

  • cj - 13 years ago

    My family eats a homemade meal every night and we all sit at the dinner table with the tv off.

  • dining at home - 13 years ago

    I'd have said yes but I can't bring myself to answer since you phrased it as "It is sacred to me". It's not "sacred", it's just how I was brought up. Why couldn't you offer a "yes" version that wasn't so extreme?

  • Dining At Home - 13 years ago

    The two of us sit at the dining room table with the TV on. But it gets muted when one of us wants to say something to the other - or we read while we sit and eat. It all depends on what needs or wants to be said in that moment.

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