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Is Amanda Knox guilty of murdering Meredith Kercher?

Total Votes: 75
1 Comment

  • Frederic Schultz, Esq. - 13 years ago

    The facts of this case obviously, obviously prove Meredith was murdered by Rudy Guede, and Amanda and Raffaele are totally innocent. For details of the case, instead of reading some old tabloids, read the website, or watch the CNN special 1-hour report ('Murder Abroad: The Amanda Knox Story' – CNN's Drew Griffin). Prosecutor Mignini looks like the guilty one here, as an Italian court has already decided. I pray the jury does the right thing and frees her, as any of them could have just have easily been the victim like Amanda, whose only "crime" was not exhibiting "proper" grief after her roomate and friend's horrible rape and murder. Let's all not let Amanda and Raffaele's lives be taken by Rudy, like poor Meredith's was. She is looking out for us in heaven, and furious at the prosecution and persecution of Amanda and Raffaele. To donate to help pay for Amanda's defense (her parents have not only been bankrupted, but are not allowed to visit their daughter in jail b/c Mignini charged them criminally for slander for telling the press how their daughter was abused by him and police during interrogation, go to Peace.

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