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Who gave the best performance of the night? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 4,844

  • Billy M - 17 years ago

    As a musician who works with singers, I can say that David Archuleta and
    Carly Smithson are the best in this competition. David A. will win American
    Idol 7. Ramiele Malubay is the least talented of the group. I hope they
    don't prolong her stay just because she's little and cute.

  • Anonymous - 17 years ago

    Obviously the better ones tonight are syesha mercado and david a... I really do hope more people will vote for syesha mercado... david has enough fans already..

  • sassy - 17 years ago

    Ronaldvs, you can't ignore David Archuleta's talent and fanbase. He's gonna win the whole thing and we'll hear his name a lot in the future. Sorry but that's the truth. How many contestants we know Simon called "master class" and clapped his performance? If Simon was Paula, it wouldn't mean anything but when it's Simon, you know he's fair in comments.

  • Ronaldvs - 17 years ago

    David Cook rocked this thing - Archuleta? Please....the Jr. Stars competition victory didn't pay off?

  • Marliuandi - 17 years ago

    go go go ramiele malubay!
    please do vote for her!

  • Louwie Ray - 17 years ago

    I thought most of them were surprisingly good.
    For me ramiele is absolutely amazing. She did really well, maybe she was practicing all week and her vocal range is tested in every direction and she just nailed the song to perfection. Go Ramiele!!!!!!

  • SignUp - 17 years ago

    Katherine M. Fesler, offer yourself to replace Simos as judge. Try to think objectively. Simon is very right from the start.

  • Carrie - 17 years ago

    I think Simon was right on. The only time people complain about what Simon says is when he says something negative about someone they like. I have to say that I think he is WAY less harsh than in previous seasons and I've never missed a show. I find his criticism to be much more productive this year. Sometimes he needs to be cruel so that people will know they sucked rather than get it sugar coated like Paula does. He serves his purpose on the judging panel and it wouldn't be right without him. Ever notice how the contestants aren't really happy unless Simon likes them? It's cause they trust his judgment more than anyone elses. I think that says alot about him. Oh, GO DAVID ARCHULETA!!

  • Katherine M. Fesler - 17 years ago

    Please, please, shut Simon up. I know he has a heart of gold, but pleasssssseee, Simon, stop the nasty stuff.

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