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What grade would you give Giants defensive backs? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 3,811
1 Comment

  • dennis garrity - 14 years ago

    Paul, I agree with you on most of your grades, but the one unit that i have a problem with is the secondary. Before i give you my reasons why, i am going give them all the benafit of the lack of coaching on the defensive side of the ball, plus Tom. This unit at the end of the season looked like one of the worst in the leage, Terrel Thomas is the number one problem on this unit, you state that he had five interceptions, thats true' but he also was the main target of the other teams offense , game an game agian. You talk about his interceptions but how many crital thrid downs did he give up because of his courerage being to soft, how many easy touchdowns did he give up, because he plays of his receiver to far. Rember the easy touchdown he give up at the end of the Phil game, I am 65 years old an 250 lbs an I could have done a better job than that' If he is the starting corner on that side of the field to start 2011, this defensive unit is in trouble. Thats enough on Terrell, Kenny Phillips looks an plays like a sevevth round pick, than a 1st round pick in his thrid year, he seams lost at times during the game, his tackling has been terrible. Tht other thing that I notice during games is that there seems to be way to many break downs in this unit for a veteran secondary. They give up to many big plays, at least one in every game. COACHING" I will start off an say I am one of older set of fans, that is not happy that tom was retaited, there ar many reasons that I feel this way, but it would take two pages to give all of them, here are a few,Special teams' at the botton of the leage since he has been there, 7 years. Second his inablitly of him to make in game ajustments, an not holding his assitiants coaching more responble to make changes during the game when things are not going well. To jar your menory, watch the Colts game again, one of worst games or coaching by any staff in the last ten years " if you can find a worat one let me know what it is. Kevin Gilbride coaches like they did in the stone ages, when is the last he came with a big play call when they they needed a big first down Sorry about some of my spelling, thanks Dennis

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