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How many pets do you travel with?


  • Dorie - 12 years ago

    I am so grateful for Peg Yoder's comment on traveling with four dogs. We actually have TWO -
    chi & poodle. BUT, we are responsible dog owners. I ALWAYS pick up AND they have bark collars. It may sound cruel but we bought them for when guests come to our house. They do stop the barking after a couple shocks so I would recommend it those who travel with yappers. The part I'm most grateful for is that we also have two CATS and I'm afraid we'll get kicked out of a campground if we all travel together. The cats are indoor only. We are responsible with litter disposal (closed plastic bag). Someone on another board suggested we get rid of a cat, which we couldn't do. I guess I could check into longterm boarding of one.... but that would use up a lot of our gas budget. We recently spent $40 to board our two dogs ONE night & left the cats home alone with food, water, and six cat boxes. Not only did we miss them but that's why we want an bring them along for company & cost effectiveness. We don't mind staying in a sections for people with pets. As long as we can stay in a sections with no screaming kids! ha ha I read a board where one lady travelled with two Mastiffs. So if she successfully did that, it seems like four small ones are good to go.

  • Bruce - 13 years ago

    To set the record straight, I do love pets, dogs, cats, whatever. And have had many over the years. Most pet owners are very considerate when it comes to cleaning up after their pets, but as a camp host, I've also been subjected to having to clean up after those few that don't do it themselves. This isn't even my original beef. My biggest issue is noise. For whatever reason, the smaller breeds of dogs that are very prevalent (as the poll shows) in most rvs will not and do not shut up their incessant yapping even when the owner occasionally commands them to do. I listen to them yap every time they go outside, every time they see or smell another dog in the vicinity, I even hear them yapping away inside the MH. Frankly, I can't understand how the owners can put up with it. I have had several large dogs of the Lab variety, all well trained and mannered. If they bark, they stop upon command. Why is it that the furballs can't or won't be trained to do the same? Noise pollution is just as irritating or even more so than poop pollution. I want to be able to enjoy the space I have payed for and not have to endure my neighbor's constantly yapping dogs. It's my choice to travel without pets just as it's your choice to travel with them. I would only ask you to be as considerate of my space as I am of yours.

    I think Janis is the one that has it figured out. Travel with cats. Thanks Linda and Sharon for your support and understanding. I do resent the Hate Groups of America comment however, as I'm only expressing an opinion borne out of the inconsiderate acts of others, not a life philosophy.

  • Ray - 13 years ago


    It appears to me, that you are the "manner challenged person" in this case. Grow up and learn how to care for your pets. If you do not know how, or want to learn, don't have a pet. You don't deserve one!

  • sharon - 13 years ago

    Trust me when i say that I too cant stand a barking dog, stepping in poop left from an irresponsible pet owner. That makes anyone have a bad taste for pets and their owners. However, I do travel with my well manered furry friends. I do not allow them to jump or sniff you, bark at you when you walk around where we are all trying to enjoy the great outdoors, and trust me when I say I have picked up plenty of poop so that you do not step in it. I am sorry that some of you dont enjoy the finner things in life like little furry puppies or kittens. I am sorry that some irresponsible pet owners have left you with such a bad taste in your mouth, but I hope you will not put us all in the same group as some. If you can do that, then I promise not to lump you in with the HATE GROUPS of AMERICA. Happy travels to you all

  • Linda - 13 years ago

    Bruce, I so agree with you. Not just in parks, but in everyday living, I get so tired of people who think everyone else likes dogs just because they do. I do not want to have to watch every step I make unsure if I'm going to be stepping in dog doo. The barking drives me up the wall. I hate it when people allow their dogs to come sniffing at you and wanting to be petted and even trying to jump up on you. Please, people, if you must take your dogs with you when you leave your property, don't assume that eveyone else likes dogs.

  • Janis - 13 years ago

    My husband and I travel with two cats. They ride well (most cats can become accustomed to this), they don't disturb other guests, and they can be left in the RV for long periods of time with food, water and a littler box. They do not need to be walked, and do not "pollute the campground" as the gentleman put it.

  • Bruce - 13 years ago

    I travel with no dogs, for several different reasons. The first and foremost is that I have better things to do than constantly take them in and out for walks and pollute the campground I'm staying in. Another reason is I value my personal quiet space and would not inflict upon others a yapping dog that refuses to mind and quiet down when told to do so as most of the small brainless furballs are that travel in rvs these days. Bitter? Perhaps, but it's because of all those manner-challenged "companions" you people seem intent to travel with.

  • peg yoder - 13 years ago

    We carry two really little and really old miniature dachshunds (14 and 15 years old) and our two young MinPins. All four don't weigh a but a cocker spaniel! We are careful about noise and picking up after them all.
    Spent 6 weeks with them on the road and only had one comment the whole time. And that was one too many.

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