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How genuinely Asian was Alexander’s style of kingship?

Total Votes: 63

  • Rod - 14 years ago

    Alexander lost the plot and became obsessed with far eastern
    conquests; at the same time he indulged in indigenous cultural aspects which
    drew criticism from within.
    Considering his age his conquests were awe inspiring; but his
    untimely death allowed the disintegration of his empire
    more quickly than it was established.

  • Oxyatres - 14 years ago

    I voted for the first option, though I would have worded my answer differently. Personally, I think he did not "imitate", but wanted to enhance Cyrus the Great's empire as much as he could with his additional "Hellene" and cosmopolitan knowledge & experiences. But yes, he was evidently making the Persian empire his main power base for the future he envisaged, and had decided to act as successor to the Persian dynasty, so "imitating the Persian style" is -among your options- the one that comes nearest.

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