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Do you think groping in a club should be a sexual offence?

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  • Zachary - 9 years ago

    At first glance the answer should be obvious, but the realities of a club make it quite a bit more complicated. Lewd contact is almost expected at a raunchy club. Both sexes go there to flirt and find hook-ups. Dancing often involves grinding against another and just as often one or both members are tipsy. Girls faking "interest" in each-other to attract men is not uncommon and skimpy clothing is the norm. The bar-scene isn't much less reserved, either. If a woman sits alone then a large number of men take this as a sign that she is making herself openly available to be flirted with and she will be approached by every sort of person the world has to offer - a very crappy position for a woman just looking for a drink to deal with.

    Beyond this there is a layer which is less grey. I don't know of any woman, my own girlfriend included, who has not been the victim of some pervert suddenly grinding their junk on them; men and even other women. She is terrified of someone drugging her drink and taking advantage of her and from a young age we are all taught to never leave our drinks unattended or accept one from anyone that we don't see open a new bottle and pour it in-front of us alongside of their own glass.

    It's difficult to put down criminal laws that don't already exist when the culture at such places are so sexualized to begin with. I can see an infinite number of things happening in the imminent wake of such laws, everything from misunderstandings to wrongful accusations. And yet something needs to change. No one should ever be groped or fear for their safety. I'm just at a loss about how to solve it.

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