How do you rate President Obama's State of the Union speech?


  • Art - 14 years ago

    Incredibly dispiriting! After the self-described “shellacking” that he conceded to just months ago, he stated that because “they had been so busy trying to get things done” he felt responsible for not communicating with Americans, as if this were the reason that Americans voted a republican majority into the house! Since the congressional elections, I have been anxiously waiting for this quote “state of the union address,” hoping for an explanation as to exactly what all this “so busy trying to get things done” work, that was ostensibly happening behind the scenes was… you know… All that stuff that he “failed to communicate”…. Instead what we got was more of the same promises that we heard during the presidential campaign… More of the same rhetoric heard during last year’s “state of the union”… I say “state of the union” in quotes because he has discussed practically nothing about the state of the union, and instead keeps pointing at the future, which was fine when he was running for office, but now he’s been president for 2 years!! He keeps talking about the future as subterfuge, so as not to address the "present state” of our union!! Nothing about what he has attempted to actually DO to address unemployment was spoken of! It’s truly insulting that he can talk about one million private sector jobs created last year, but clearly if that is the truth, then we have either lost just as many jobs, or the job market has not grown enough to keep pace with the growth in population! Moreover, instead of taking ownership of his failure as the chief executive of this country, he now seems to blame the unemployed in this country, by suggesting that they haven’t done enough to “reinvent” themselves! His excuse now is; “Hey guys the rules have changed”… Then he points 20 years into the future as a visionary! Some of us won’t survive half that time if we don’t get jobs (15 million of us, that is!!!). People are struggling to put food on their tables, and he expects us to pull turbine engines out of our behinds to keep that proverbial “airplane” (analogy that he used) from plummeting! We desperately need a real administrator to take a hands-on approach to actually oversee the greatest amount of capital ventures to produce enough profits that the process can be repeated until full employment is restored! We now know that Obama is not going to do this! He expects the unemployed proletariat to magically build a “sputnik” project with zero financing or spin gold like rumplestiltskin! Scary!! Very scary!

  • Myra L. Corker - 14 years ago

    He gave a very good speech. The people have to give him time things don,t happen over night. He have to fixes up what the last guy did. May God Bless You.

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