Should Falls Church City Public School teachers get a pay increase this year?


  • Cindy Wackerbarth - 14 years ago

    We moved to Falls Church City 15 years ago for many reasons, one of which was a small school system. As a recently retired Fairfax County teacher and presently a volunteer and substitute, I observe that teachers are increasingly stressed with ever expanding responsibilities without the supports to make it all happen in a timely manner. Teachers being caring and responsible persons then use their own time to fulfill the requirements. There isn't much time for family or a "life". I can't say exactly how it is in Falls Church, but I do know that very few people outside appreciate just how hard teachers work, how much is expected/required. Teachers are the ones watching over our future as never before as more parents work intensely demanding jobs whether it be to meet the family budget or to fulfill professional responsibilities. Teacher deserve and need appreciation in word and deed.

  • Peggy Monahan - 14 years ago

    I am a Falls Church City homeowner, parent of a GMHS student, and a FCCPS employee at GMHS. Yes, give our professional, dedicated teachers a raise! And remember the plight of our paraprofessionals, who as a GROUP, had 4 (unpaid) furlough days imposed on them this year, thereby sustaining an actual PAYCUT. If the schools budget is flat-lined for next year, this PAYCUT won't be remedied. Please restore this PAYCUT for next year as you consider raises for our teachers.

  • mike nesemann - 14 years ago

    We recently moved to Falls Church - and we did so because of George Mason HS. Don't get me wrong, we love the rest of the package: it's a real town (rare in N. Va), location, metro, municipal services, farmers' market, etc. But when we moved back to the USA, my wife checked out 8 schools (private, public, tri-state area) and declared "The kids are going to George Mason." Note the period.

    Forget about the fairness of the situation, the need to affirm the paramountcy of education to our country's future, the tragedy of dismantling and dispiriting a superb cadre of teachers. Forget all that and consider it strictly on the basis 0f self-interest. If you want your property taxes to go down - no, not the marginal savings you will get if they get cut a bit or stay even now, - cut school funding. Man, you will save BIG when your house's value plummets in response to the degradation of the school's quality and reputation. Guaranteed. Because demand by people such as I will disappear.

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