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Does India need the F-35? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 2,098

  • Sivabalan - 14 years ago

    If India chooses F-18 super hornet or Dassault Rafael, they will fulfill the role of carrier borne fighters also if our future carriers are fitted with catapult assisted launch and recovery system.

    As of me compare to any other aircraft in MMRCA contest, Dassault rafael is more stealthier and has the ability to carry nuclear warheads (officially stated). And France is trust worthy compare to United states based on India's past experiences.

    So, Instead of opting for F-35 in addition to MMRCA, better choose Dassault Rafael.
    (Even I like Euro fighter typhoon, but it dont have the cpapbility to operate aboard aircraft carrier)

  • kranthi - 14 years ago

    i don't know about F-35....but we definitely need an F-22 or much better fighter with so many enemies around

  • AD - 14 years ago

    Well.. I'd say YES if we take it as MMRCA... no other option like it

    would be awesome to have russian and american 5th gen... reverse engineer and we could make our 5.5 gen.

  • joydeep ghosh - 14 years ago


    we dont need the JSF 35 because this aircraft

    1. firstly is very costly compared to even the PAK-FA and AMCA.
    2. secondly the aircraft with its 3 variants is meant to the future 5 gen aircraft for atyleast 10 nations, which is something we need to avoid in the future (the same argument that goes against F-16 for MMRCA)
    3. 2 variants of the aircraft are primarily close ground attack versions, and India can tackle the ground attack problem with the MMRCA
    4. lastly 3 still cant trust the Americans because of the unwilligness in TOT

  • Siddharth - 14 years ago

    I think Indian Air Force has an option for 5th gen fighter but,as F-35 is better for air to ground role than any present aircraft available to IAF, IAF may consider buying some 50 or so examples.But IN has no other option for a 5th gen aircraft.

  • Ashwin - 14 years ago

    The Indian Air Force needs a dedicated stealth strike aircraft. Unfortunately, this need for a dedicated strike role is not addressed in any aircraft. Performance of IAF in Kargil War shows the lack and the IAF had to resort to make-shift arrangements which were less effective than desired. The procurement pattern since then continues to show the IAFs blinkered focus on air superiority only. If the IAF does not want to get into the strike business, it should stand aside for army aviation to enter the fixed wing arena and procure dedicated strike fighters so that the air force can concentrate on the top gun stuff.

  • Warlike - 14 years ago

    USA want us to scuttle AMCS and FGFA they had this experience that deniying anything India... is counter productive... IGMDP, Tejas, Arihant, etc... Best they understood do the British Raj did to India... enslave to thier products... and get the moola for enslaving... nothing new... Hope netas & uniformed personal won't fall for the green bucks on offer as in the case of sukna and adarsh...

  • Anurag - 14 years ago

    By 2020 IAF be operating Mirage 2000,,one of MMRCA,Jaguars,PAK-FA/FGFA,LCA. Don't you think IAF is operating a large number of different platforms already?So F-35 doesn't look to me getting fit in IAF's future arsenal.Plus by 2020 India would be like a $6 trillion economy,obviously we'll have better technology and will be enjoying a higher level of Indigenization in the armed forces than ever.However at the same time Indian navy would be operating at least 3 aircraft carriers,so India may choose F-35B(harrier style) for for INS Vikramaditya and IAC-1 rather than upgrading Mig-29.Indian Navy may even opt F-35 for IAC-2 and for future carriers.
    So i would say may be.

  • siva - 14 years ago

    India do not need the JSF for its airforce but it need its role in its naval air arm as a strike fighter....

  • Madhav Nekkanti - 14 years ago

    Yes, if we can get the software and can make mods to it like Israel does.

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