The State of New Jersey should use the funds generated to return the money the Republicans stole from workers pension funds. $46 Billion from Christie Whitman to Chris Christie who believed that as long as State workers contributed their fair share, it was OK for the State to skirt their responsibility and make their contributions. But Governor Christie continues to use smoke and mirrors and inflamatory rhetoric to blame the State workers for the budget problems. Perhaps if they didn't divert pension contributions into bogus bond purchases which tanked then maybe we wouldn't have underfunded pensions and Christie wouldn't be in office. One can only dream
The State of New Jersey should use the funds generated to return the money the Republicans stole from workers pension funds. $46 Billion from Christie Whitman to Chris Christie who believed that as long as State workers contributed their fair share, it was OK for the State to skirt their responsibility and make their contributions. But Governor Christie continues to use smoke and mirrors and inflamatory rhetoric to blame the State workers for the budget problems. Perhaps if they didn't divert pension contributions into bogus bond purchases which tanked then maybe we wouldn't have underfunded pensions and Christie wouldn't be in office. One can only dream