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Did Mayor Willis Do the Right Thing in Shutting Down the City (Poll Closed)


  • HELENA CITIZEN 2 - 14 years ago

    I think Helena Citizen is a gay man from Lakeview, Arkansas with too much time on his hands.

  • Helena Citizen - 14 years ago

    I think Mayor Willis is doing alot better job then the old mayor. Valley was nothing but a damn lieing thief!!!!! He murdered a lady by chasing her down a road and got away with it. I am proud to have a new Mayor!!!!

  • Helena Citizen - 14 years ago

    I think Mayor Willis is doing alot better job then the old mayor. Valley was nothing but a damn lieing thief!!!!! He murdered a lady by chasing her down a road and got away with it. I am proud to have a new Mayor!!!!

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