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Should Dallas Mayor Pro Tem Dwaine Caraway have presented Michael Vick a key to the city?


  • Rick - 14 years ago

    I refer to this stupidity as the OJ Simpson mentality!

  • LeLe from Dallas - 14 years ago

    Vick will never be forgiven. People will never let the fact that he bank rolled and hosted dog fights go. This is absurd! First of all, the mayor of Dallas didn't give the key; that was the mayor pro tem. Second why do all the people NOT from the city have anything to say? This system that we have is not designed for rehabilitation because there are NO second chances. He will forever be "Vick the felon". No matter how many schools he visits to encourage kids to do the right thing (and not make his mistakes), no matter how many appearances he makes as an ambassador to the ASPCA, no matter how much money he donates (or has). Animal lovers won't forgive him and people who enjoy being hateful won't forgive him. I don't like animals as much as I like people. Sorry. To me, people who hurt other people will always be worse! He paid the debt that the justice system imposed and has gone beyond the penalties. People need to move on!

  • Bellinsky - 14 years ago

    Arnie, I agree Vick doesn't deserve a Key to the City of Dallas or any City in America. But I don't agree why America can't forgive and move on. Vick has done his time in jail, and is moving on with his life. Yes, he is a felon, as you continue to remind us every night on your show. Yes, Ray Lewis is a thug, another shot you continue to push on us every night. But I never here you talk about Charlie Sheen (crack addict) or Lindsay Lohan (drug addict), who continue to be in the headlines everyday. My bad, they don't play sports, ok, what about Bret Farve or Big Ben. I know what your going say, since you like to compare apples to oranges, they not convicted felons. And your correct, but they are White and Vick is Black. Wrong is wrong, no matter what color, but you really know how to get you point across.

  • Johnny in Mesquite - 14 years ago

    It was a positive gesture for our youth. One can make a mistake and rebound from it - Do we not all become better through our experiences ? Are we not Christians? --" It was never about the dogs !" ex. Martha Stewart (America embrasses this felon) Brett Farr, big ben (Steelers QB) ( humans/dogs). About twenty Black Men have been set free from this INjust system over the last year (DAllas)-WHY IS THAT?- How many whites have been freed lately through DNA or any other mishandled evidence? IN these "YET TO BE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA" ther are crimes of unspeakable proportion prosecuted on income basis only!
    Let us bbb real - It was never about the dogs!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!


  • Lori Green - 14 years ago

    What a message to send to young people: it's ok to kill dogs - you will be awarded for it.

  • Joseph - 14 years ago

    First of all I agree the mayor is a f'in idiot, but I also have to say F-U people
    who are taking shots @ Dallas. He may be a mayor of Dallas, but that doesn't
    mean he personifies Dallas Texans. F-FACES! Thank You.

  • Marco - 14 years ago

    What I can not believe is that how Vick is being made out as a hero. It is so amazing how one year in prison made him an expert on overcoming adversity. Then again it is easy when you have millions of dollars. It makes me sick to see Vick get the key to the city and to watch Obama even praise him. I am angry at these displays because I am a convicted felon who when was released and did not have anything but the clothes I was released in. I went from nothing, to a great job and a family of my own that I love very much. It has been 4 years since I was released and still today I am looked down upon. The point I am trying to make is that there are many convicts in this world who have done greater things than Vick could ever dream. I think that if Vick can be forgiven, why can't the rest of us convicts who actually had to work for it. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY, JUST ASK OBAMA.

  • Marco - 14 years ago

    What I can not believe is that how Vick is being made out as a hero. It is so amazing how one year in prison made him an expert on overcoming adversity. Then again it is easy when you have millions of dollars. It makes me sick to see Vick get the key to the city and to watch Obama even praise him. I am angry at these displays because I am a convicted felon who when was released and did not have anything but the clothes I was released in. I went from nothing, to a great job and a family of my own that I love very much. It has been 4 years since I was released and still today I am looked down upon. The point I am trying to make is that there are many convicts in this world who have done greater things than Vick could ever dream. I think that if Vick can be forgiven, why can't the rest of us convicts who actually had to work for it. IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY, JUST ASK OBAMA.

  • Felicity - 14 years ago

    Both the city council member and Vick are of the same ilk -dumb asses (although that is offensive to the lovely 4 legged variety of asses). Why is this city cursed with such idiot leadership? Many of the members of government have been imprisioned for fraud. Can one be imprisioned for stupidity?

  • Ralph - 14 years ago

    How stupid most you be to know you don't give the key to the city to a convicted felon. It never fails to amaze me how stupid dallas is.

  • M Cox - 14 years ago

    This indicates the slow mentality of the Dallas City Council.
    Look @ all the problems the city has

  • M Cox - 14 years ago

    I thought 'The Key to The City ' was for someone who has done something special for someone or the community. This guy has done time for animal abuse . Whats special about him???

  • Helen Hanna - 14 years ago

    This one is beyond me - out of all the well known people there, we give the keys to a convicted felon. This is a big slap in the face of the animals abused and the people that have tried to help these animals - SHAME ON YOU DALLAS

  • Helen Hanna - 14 years ago

    This one is beyond me - out of all the well known people there, we give the keys to a convicted felon. This is a big slap in the face of the animals abused and the people that have tried to help these animals - SHAME ON YOU DALLAS

  • boomer - 14 years ago

    There is no way they should give the key to the city to some who has done NOTHING FOR THIS CITY! Don't they have to get clearance from somebody to do this?

  • Jan - 14 years ago

    Not only "No" but "bleep NO."

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