Do you travel with a gun in your RV?


  • denise - 10 years ago

    Three of my 4 closest neighbors in the campground are packing?!!!! I'm glad I didn't know this when my daughters were in elementary school, riding their bikes and Razors around the campground. I would have been scared spitless! This does NOT make me feel safe.

  • Bob - 12 years ago

    Like to go to very remote areas sometimes. One is completely on his own in such places. My last RV always had at least two firearms in it: a semi auto rifle and a handgun. Worked as a cop for a while after college. Don't take your personal safety for granted. Don't carry something you do not know how to use. If you carry one, you need to know the laws of self defense/lethal force. Better to be judged by 12 than carried by six.

  • Debbie - 13 years ago

    In 1996 my sister inlaw and sister were traveling from Palmer AK to Conover NC in a Motorhome. My brother could not join them at that time and would fly down later to meet up with his wife and that is why my sister flew up to AK to help her drive the motor home to the states.

    My brother insisted that they take a shot gun and both women knew how to load and shoot just hin case.

    On their tavel through Canada a car with two men raced in front of the New Motor home and slamed their brakes several times trying to get my sister to stop the motor home. After this continued on for seveal minutes and almost causing them to hit the car several times. My sister who was driving at the time asked my sister inlaw to get the unloaded rifel and bring it to the front window of the motor home so the men could get a veiw of the shot gun. They never had to load it but once the men saw the shot gun they took off not to be seen again.

    Thank God they never had to find out what the men were up to but Yes we now travel with a gun at all times!

    You never hear how just showing a gun has saved lives.

  • Dan Dee Lion - 14 years ago

    wow Chuck, on what page of the bible did you find that?

  • Mike - 14 years ago

    I am a retired Deputy Sheriff. When asked about carrying guns I reply by asking, "Are you willing to shoot some one DEAD!! AND then put up with the court trials, attorney costs, jail time, and other hassels that come with this action.
    IF they are not willing to shoot someone DEAD then I counsel them to buy a revolver and file the front site off the barrel. This way when someone takes the gun away from them and shoves it up their @ss. It won't hurt so much.

  • Jeanne - 14 years ago

    My husband and I have guns, (also concealed carry license's.) We had a blowout on our RV, and of course it happened in the absolute middle of no where. Also NO cell phone coverage. Someone came by and offered my hubby a ride to be able to get cell service to call for repairs. I stayed with the rig. I myself felt much more comfortable staying by myself having a firearm with me.

  • Mark - 14 years ago

    I am a retired Police Officer. I never leave home without it. It is just a mind easing thing for me. You just never know. I do not worry or even think about being a victim of a crime while camping. But if something does happen I would rather have a gun than not. Of course you should be trained and have a common sense approach.

  • Chuck - 14 years ago

    The right to bear arms is a God given right and as such I think everyone should exercise it!

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